18 Best Replies to “I’m Glad You’re Okay”

When someone expresses concern for our well-being, it is important to acknowledge the sentiment and demonstrate appreciation for the person’s kindness.

There are many ways to respond to someone expressing that they are glad you are okay.

Depending on the context and the relationship you share with them, a response could range from a simple thank you to more elaborate expressions of gratitude.

Common responses might include: smiling and nodding in appreciation, expressing how much their concern means to you, offering kind words in reciprocation (e.g., I’m so glad that you care about me)

Also, sharing an anecdote about what happened (e.g., I was just able to get out of there safely), thanking them for being understanding or supportive during a difficult time, sending a text or note conveying your appreciation for them being there for you, giving them a hug/handshake/fist bump – or whatever else would be appropriate given the situation – to show your gratitude.

18 appropriate responses to “I am glad you are okay”

Replies to "I'm Glad You're Okay"

  1. Thank you for checking up on me
  2. That means so much to me
  3. You are sweet
  4. It’s nice that you care
  5. It is great to have friends like you
  6. Your support means a lot
  7. I am grateful for your kind words
  8. I feel fortunate to have you around
  9. I appreciate your kindness
  10. You always know what to say when I need it most.
  11. Thank you for being here for me.
  12. Your words mean so much
  13. This gesture makes my day better
  14. What would I do without you?
  15. Your friendship uplifts me in times like these.
  16. Are you worried about me?
  17. It’s good to know I’m not alone.
  18. I have been lucky, I guess.

Thank you for checking up on me

When a person claims to be happy to know you are okay, it is most likely after something big has happened or almost happened.

The person may also say this because he or she thinks something might have happened to you.

You can say Thanks to the person since he or she thought of checking up on you.

That means so much to me

It probably doesn’t mean so much to you but it should. Many people want to have friends that check up on them. If you do, then you should cherish them like your dear life.

It would mean a lot when you give this response. You will be telling him or her that you value his or her presence.

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You are sweet

Of course, the comment is sweet. If something had happened to you, the person may not have known if he or she didn’t think of checking up on you.

When a person says he or she is glad that you are in perfect health, you can appreciate the comment and respond with a compliment.

It’s nice that you care.

You should point out that he or she cares about you. Some people care about you and may not want to say it.

Acknowledging a show of charity or love can be as beautiful as showing appreciation for the act.

By saying this, you are implying that the person is caring and that you like the person for it. The person will be happy that you acknowledge that.

It is great to have friends like you.

This is a nice compliment for the person. You will get him or her flattered when you respond with this comment.

You are not only appreciating that the person cares about you. You are calling the person a great friend and you are showing your happiness to have him or her around.

Your support means a lot

This may sound weird if you have not been offered any support. If you have been offered support or any form of help, you should tell him or her that it means a lot to you.

It is important to show appreciation for every gesture. The support could be in form of advice, attention, money, or anything else that has helped you in one way or the other.

I am grateful for your kind words.

You may want to show appreciation for the kind words too. Kind words have been used here. This may not be a cool option for some people. It may sound embarrassing for you to say this if you are an assertive person.

However, the kind words deserve some appreciation too. Very few people would waste their time saying nice things to you when they don’t really care about you.

I feel fortunate to have you around

Replies to "I'm Glad You're Okay"

This is a beautiful comment. It sounds like a compliment while you are expressing how you feel about the person.

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The person has shown that he or she cares about you. This comment will also show that you care about the person’s presence.

It is not only talking about how you feel but also indirectly putting the person on a pedestal.

I appreciate your kindness

The person has shown kindness by simply asking after your health and showing happiness towards your good state of being. You should appreciate the gesture which seems to be good wishes for you.

Saying this may seem quite awkward but it’s okay if you are being honest.

You always know what to say when I need it most

You don’t have to say this if it is not how you feel about the comment. Being honest and appearing sincere is quite important.

It would mean a lot to the person to see your facial reaction than to hear your words if they seem forced or faked.

The comment may just be what you needed to wear a smile on your face. You should appreciate the person’s caring gestures.

That way, it would be much easier for you to appear sincere while responding to the comment.

By saying this, you are implying that the person is saying the right words that you want to hear.

You are saying that you appreciate the person’s comments like always and you enjoy the person’s presence. The person will be flattered to hear you say that.

Thank you for being here for me

This may not always be correct. It is not right for you to copy responses to certain gestures or words. In cases like this, it is advisable to react naturally.

Circumstances surrounding a situation can make some responses incorrect.

By saying this, you are implying that the person has been around you and has been helping. You are telling the person that you are grateful for his or her availability.

If it is not the truth, it is better to choose a better response rather than making an untrue comment and sounding sarcastic to the person.

Your words mean so much

The person may have been reluctant to comment on his or her happiness about your well-being.

By saying this, you are ensuring that the person feels no regrets about expressing himself or herself to you.

With this, you are implying that you like what the person has said to you and you appreciate it so much.

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The person will be happy to hear you say that about his or her little gesture.

This gesture makes my day better

This response shows that you appreciate everything the person is doing for you. You are appreciating what the person has said to you.

You are appreciating the care that is being shown to you. You are also appreciating the person’s presence around you.

This may seem awkward for the person when you say this but it will make him or her happy to know that you feel better around him or her.

What would I do without you?

A funny piece of advice is you should not say this to someone whom you regularly do without. There would be a total contrast between your comment and reality.

It could even seem sarcastic since you literally do everything without the person you are talking to.

By asking this question, you are implying that you cherish the person so much and also exaggerating by saying you may be unable to do anything without him or her.

Your friendship uplifts me in times like this

You can give this comment if you are actually in a difficult situation. You may have had an accident or some sort of disaster.

Saying this implies that your friendship with the person makes you feel okay at the moment.

You are not only saying a compliment to the person but also to the bond that you both share.

Are you worried about me?

You may be dying to ask this question so it’s okay to ask. The person may be reluctant to say Yes but you have to know that the person truly cares about you, irrespective of the answer that he or she gives.

After asking this question, you should smile and show appreciation for the person’s kind gestures.

It’s good to know I’m not alone

You are not alone when you have people that love you around. You should say this to simply keep the conversation going.

I have been lucky, I guess

You can simply acknowledge the luck you have in being okay. This is a response you can only give if you have been in a life-threatening situation.

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