20 Best “Risk It for the Biscuit” Responses

Some people don’t know how best to reply when someone gives them words of encouragement. Worse is when these words are idiomatic expressions they haven’t come across before.

An example is “risk it for the biscuit. This is an encouraging idiomatic phrase that you might not come across as it’s used very often.

This expression is used to motivate someone to take action to get a reward at the end. Here, the biscuit stands for the reward.

So, when you need to encourage someone to do something you think is beneficial, this is an appropriate idiom to use.

Therefore, if you’re looking for the best response to this expression, this article will take care of that. I’ll discuss the best responses to “risk it for the biscuit.”

20 of the Best Replies to “Risk It for the Biscuit”

Since this is an encouraging phrase, there are countless replies that you can give in response.

Your answers should acknowledge and appreciate the speaker. Also, you can tell the speaker that you intend to heed their advice or you don’t.

Some good answers to give include: “Sure, thank you,” thanks for your advice,” and “I’ll try my best.”

Here, are the 20 best replies:

  1. Sure. Thank you
  2. I’ll give it a shot
  3. I’ll give it a try
  4. I’ll try my best
  5. I appreciate all your encouraging words
  6. Thanks for your advice
  7. Thanks a lot. I’ll think about it
  8. I’ll consider it. Thanks for your concern
  9. This sounds great. Thank you for your time.
  10. This sounds like a good idea
  11. Well, it isn’t a bad idea. I’ll take my time
  12. Okay, I’ll do as you say
  13. Alright. There’s nothing more to lose
  14. I guess you’re right
  15. I’m scared. It’s too risky
  16. I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thanks anyways
  17. No. I don’t think so. It’s too risky
  18. I’m not sure about this
  19. I understand your point, but I don’t think I want to
  20. It isn’t as simple as you think

Sure. Thank You

As I earlier established, when someone gives you some encouraging words, you should acknowledge them and also appreciate them.

Usually, someone encouraging you does so because they’re concerned about you. So, you should thank them by saying, “sure, thank you.”

Also, “Sure” assures them that you acknowledge their opinion. It doesn’t mean you must do as they say.

Additionally, you can use this reply with anyone.

I’ll Give It a Shot

To give a shot means to try out something. It’s an idiomatic expression that means attempting to do something, probably one you haven’t done before.

So, when someone tells you to risk it for the biscuit, this is a good reply to give them.

It’s a suitable response when someone advises you to do something in particular. That’s if your friend advises you to start a particular business you’ve been afraid to start, you can tell them you’ll give it a shot.

Here’s a good example:

  • A- how’s it going with your plans?
  • B- I don’t know where to start. I guess I’m just scared.
  • A- you shouldn’t be scared. Risk it for the biscuit, the benefits are more
  • B: I’ll give it a shot, then

I’ll Give It a Try

This is another way of replying to someone who tells you to risk it for the biscuit. It means exactly like the reply above when you promise to attempt something.

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It’s a good response to give to someone if they’ve managed to convince you to try out something you weren’t sure of before.

In addition, this reply is suitable when someone advises you to try out something specific.

I’ll Try My Best

When you’re about to try out something important to you, you must give it your best.

So, if someone advises you about your work, business, or any project that concerns you, you should put in your best if you’ll heed the advice.

Therefore, a good response to someone who asks you to risk it for the biscuit is to tell them you’ll try your best if you’ll do as they say. It’s a cool response that’d work in any environment; at work or a casual gathering.

I Appreciate All Your Encouraging Words

Having someone who’s always there to encourage you in any situation is a good thing. Therefore, you should acknowledge their help when necessary.

When someone asks you to take a risk for something that’d be beneficial in the end, a good way of responding is to appreciate the encouragement they give.

This is a proper response to give to someone who has been there for you, encouraging and supporting you. In addition, this response is appropriate in a professional and also casual environment.

Furthermore, you can use this response even when you don’t intend to heed their advice. You can only appreciate their support and concern if you wish.

Risk It for the Biscuit Responses

Thanks for Your Advice

Another proper way of replying to someone who advises you is by saying, “thank you for your advice.”

This is a cool response you can use in a formal and casual setting; whether it’s your boss who suggests tips on how you should go about something or a friend who advises you.

In addition, thanking someone for their advice doesn’t mean you’ll follow it. It’s just a polite way of responding to anyone who offers their opinion on your business.

So, when someone tells you to risk it forgot the biscuit, you can thank them, whether you intend to risk it or not.

Thanks a Lot. I’ll Think About It

Here’s another statement that’d work as a response when someone offers their opinion about something.

In this case, you’re not guaranteeing them that you’d do as they say. But, this statement is a polite way you can thank anyone, irrespective of who they’re, and probably end the discussion.

Therefore, when someone tells you to risk it for the biscuit in any business of yours, this is a polite way of replying to them.

In addition, when you say you’ll think about it, it gives you enough time to ponder on what they’ve said rather than responding under pressure.

I’ll Consider It. Thanks for Your concern

When you intend to ponder on what someone has told you, you’ll have enough time to weigh all your options.

So, when someone tells you to take a risk, a good reply is to tell them you’ll consider it. This response works like the above, in that you’re also thanking them for looking out for you.

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Therefore, this is a good response you can use with anyone and in any environment. It can work in a workplace, in the home, or in any casual place.

This Sounds Great. Thank You for Your Time.

When you think their suggestions make sense, you shouldn’t hesitate to let them know.

So, when someone advises you to go for something you’re reluctant about, and you think they give good reasons why you should,  this reply is appropriate.

It doesn’t only acknowledge their sound idea, but it also appreciates them for having time for you.

This Sounds Like a Good Idea

“This sounds like a good idea” is another great reply to give when someone offers their opinion about something that concerns you.

Here, you think their advice is wonderful and you’re letting them know. However, it doesn’t mean that you must follow it. If you go back, you can still think about it and do what’s best for you.

So, when someone tells you to take a risk about something and you think they’ve got a point that you might heed, you can respond with this statement.

In addition, you can reply to anyone with this statement.

Risk It for the Biscuit Responses

Well, It Isn’t a Bad Idea. I’ll Take My Time

Another way you can agree with the advice someone gives to you is with this response.

This reply is just like the above, letting them know that they made a good point.

However, using this reply lets them know you’re not in a hurry to make a final decision. So, when someone asks you to risk it for the biscuit, you can use this response if you still want to think about it.

Okay, I’ll Do as You Say

Another good response that’d work is “okay, I’ll do as you say.” This is a positive statement that tells the person that you’ll do as they say.

So, when someone tells you to take a risk about something and you’re sure about doing it, you can use this response.

With this statement, you’re letting them know you agree with what they’ve told you.

Alright. There’s Nothing More to Lose

Here’s another way of replying to someone who advises you about something.

“Alright” acknowledges their advice and will also let them know that you agree with what they tell you.

In addition, when you say there’s nothing more to lose, it shows you believe their opinion is the best out of all the options.

I Guess You’re Right

This is another way of replying to someone who gives a suggestion on a deliberation that concerns you.

“I guess you’re right” is a cool response that shows you see a point in the opinion they offer.

So, when someone tells you to take a risk for the biscuit and you concede to their point, this statement will let them know.

In addition, this is an informal expression you can use with your colleagues or friends.

Risk It for the Biscuit Responses

I’m Scared. It’s too Risky

People will always give their opinion on your matter, whether you ask for it or not. Friends, colleagues, and even strangers will always advise you.

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However, it isn’t all of the advice that they give you that you should heed. You must make your decisions yourself.

Consequently, when someone asks you to take a risk on any subject matter of yours and you feel it’s too much for you, you can let them know.

In addition, this response will let them know that though there’s a reward at the end, you’re unwilling to risk it.

I Don’t Think It’s a Good Idea. Thanks Anyways

This is another statement you can use to reject the advice someone gives you.

If someone tells you to take a risk for the biscuit and you think it isn’t a good idea, you should let them know with this reply.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea” is a polite way of rejecting their opinion without making them feel offended.

Then, thanking them will let them know you value their support.

No. I Don’t Think So. It’s too Risky

This is another reply you can use when you want to reject the advice that someone offers.

This reply is a straightforward way of telling them your mind without sounding rude. So, when someone tells you to take a risk even if the rewards sound enticing, you can reject their advice with this response.

In addition, “it’s too risky” tells them the reason for rejecting their advice. Also, it’s a statement you can use in a professional or casual setting with anyone who advises you.

I’m Not Sure About This

When you’re not sure of what to think about their opinion, you can give this reply. This response lets them know you’re likely not to follow their advice.

So, when someone tells you to risk it for the biscuit, you can give this reply when you still want to ponder on what they tell you.

I understand Your Point, but I Don’t Think I Want to

This is another reply to use when you don’t want to heed the advice of someone.

When you say, “I understand your point,” you let them know that they made a point, but it isn’t okay with you.

So, this is a polite response you can give to anyone who tells you to risk it for the biscuit.

It Isn’t as Simple as You Think

This is another reply you can give when someone tells you to risk it for the biscuit. It’s a reply to use when you’re not sure of doing what they asked you to.

Also, this statement will tell them you see a point in what they’re saying to you but you’re still yet to make a decision.

So, you can use this response when someone tries to convince you about something you aren’t sure about.

Final Words

When someone tells you to risk it for the biscuit, they’re advising you to try out something you’re reluctant about because of the risk.

This is a way of encouraging you and advising you to make a move to get something beneficial in the end.

Therefore, you should appreciate their support and advice for you. Also, you can let them know when you don’t support their advice.

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