30 Posh Words for Snobs (And How To Use Them)

You can use certain posh words to say “snob” more sophisticatedly or refinedly. You may be looking to criticize someone’s pompous attitude but maintain a respectful tone without sounding as harsh or derogatory.

Snob describes someone that ignores those regarded as inferior. But these posh words for snobs will come in handy when you need a more diplomatic or subtle expression.

30 Posh Words For Snobs

Some of the best posh words to use instead of “snob” are “elitist,” “highbrow,” “aristocrat,” “connoisseur,” and “patrician.” These words convey a sense of refinement and exclusivity, capturing the essence of someone who looks down on others.

But other numerous vocabularies add sophistication to your language while describing individuals who exhibit snobbish attitudes.

Let’s get right into it:



(Noun): A person who believes in the superiority of a select group and looks down upon others. A person who displays a sense of entitlement and exclusivity.

Example: He is an elitist. So, forming genuine connections with those he deemed beneath him was challenging.



(Noun): Someone who has or pretends to have more learning or culture than others. Hence, engages in high-level intellectual activities.

Example: The literary salon attracted a highbrow audience, where lively debates on philosophy and literature took center stage such that someone with little knowledge couldn’t stand the environment.

Upper crust


(Noun): Individuals at the pinnacle of society, characterized by wealth and privilege.

Example: The exclusive yacht club was reserved for the upper crust, where millionaires and socialites mingled against a backdrop of luxury.


Posh Words for Snobs


(Noun): An individual who displays excessive self-righteousness and a condescending attitude towards others, often emphasizing their moral or intellectual superiority.

Example: He acted like an insufferable prig, lecturing everyone on proper etiquette and manners.



(Noun): Someone who displays an arrogant and snobbish attitude, often accompanied by a sense of superiority and condescension towards others.

Example: She turned her nose up at anything less than luxury, living a hoity-toity lifestyle filled with exclusive events and extravagant tastes.



(Noun): Characterized by an exclusive or selective approach, often excluding others. It is best used when referring to someone who promotes exclusivity and restricts access to certain privileges or groups.

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Example: The club manager is an exclusivist. So he made policies that prevented many from joining, fostering an atmosphere of elitism.



Someone with an aristocratic demeanor and distinguished manners perceives those without sophistication as inferior

Example: His patrician bearing and impeccable taste made him a sought-after guest at exclusive gatherings.

Haut monde


(Noun): The highest social stratum, associated with sophistication and cultural refinement. You can use it when referring to individuals of the highest social standing.

Example: As a haut monde, he attended the extravagant gala, showcasing his opulent lifestyle.



(Adjective): Displaying an arrogant or superior attitude. It describes someone who acts disdainfully toward others perceived as inferior.

Example: Her haughty demeanor made it clear that she believed above the common crowd.



(Noun): Someone who displays an attitude of superiority or aloofness. It is best used when describing someone who looks down upon others and acts condescendingly.

Example: The receptionist was a snoot. She greeted guests with a dismissive tone, making them feel unwelcome.



(Noun) A person belonging to the upper social class with inherited wealth and high status.

Example: The soirée was filled with aristocrats, their refined manners and elegant attire captivating the attention of all.



(Noun): A person who behaves in a pretentious, pompous, or snobbish manner, often with exaggerated self-importance.

Example: He dismissed everyone else’s opinions beneath him, showcasing his highfalutin attitude and disregard for differing perspectives.



(Noun): Someone preoccupied with social status and possessions who, as a result, looks down on others.

Example: Her bourgeois tastes were evident in her preference for luxury brands and ostentatious displays of wealth.



(Noun): An expert in matters of taste, often about art, wine, or other refined areas, who looks down on others who have no deep knowledge and appreciation for a particular subject.

Example: As a wine connoisseur, he could discern every sip’s subtlest notes and complexities and corrects our erroneous presumptions.



(Noun): Individuals of noble birth or respected lineage who flaunt their status.

Example: The gentry frequented the elegant manor, where politics and art discussions filled the grand halls.

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(adjective): Having special advantages or opportunities not available to others, often due to wealth or social status. Best used when describing individuals who enjoy certain benefits or preferential treatment.

Example: The privileged few had access to private clubs and lavish lifestyles inaccessible to the common people.



(Adjective): Showing or having good taste, elegance, or sophistication. Used to describe someone with polished manners and refined sensibilities.

Example: Her refined palate could discern the subtlest flavors, allowing her to appreciate the artistry of the gourmet cuisine and critical ones below par.



(Noun): A person with refined tastes and knowledge of culture, arts, and fashion. You can use it to describe a snob who embodies urbanity and elegance.

Example: She was a true sophisticate, effortlessly navigating the world of art, fashion, and high society.



(Adjective): To describe someone with a noble or aristocratic lineage, often associated with inherited wealth and status. You can use it to refer to someone from a long-established upper-class family who snobs others perceived as inferior.

Example: She came from a blue-blooded family with generations of ancestors who held positions of power and influence.



(Adjective): Showing excellence, distinction, or a high level of achievement. You can use it to describe someone’s pride due to their accomplishments or qualities.

Example: His distinguished career in academia earned him numerous awards and accolades.



(Noun): Exercising careful judgment or choice, often implying a discerning taste. A person who chooses or appreciates only the best or most desirable things.

Example: The exclusive boutique catered to a selective clientele, offering handcrafted items of exceptional quality.



(Adjective): Exhibiting an arrogant or snobbish behavior, often with a sense of self-importance. It describes a person who behaves condescendingly towards others.

Example: She became uppity after her promotion, treating her former colleagues with disdain.



(Noun): The character of a person that is excessively showy or pretentious. Someone characterized by impressive or ambitious features, often with an exaggerated sense of importance.

Example: His grandiose gestures and ostentatious displays of wealth drew attention wherever he went.

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(Noun): An individual who displays excessive pride and condescension towards others due to their perceived social status or taste superiority.

Example: She acted like a complete savant, dismissing anyone who didn’t meet her exclusive standards of fashion and refinement.



(Noun): Someone who is overly concerned with matters of art, beauty, and refined taste, often displaying condescension towards those who do not share their preferences.

Example: He regarded himself as a superior esthete, looking down on anyone who couldn’t appreciate classical music.


Posh Words for Snobs


(Noun): A person who has recently gained wealth or social status and behaves ostentatiously and snobbishly, often lacking refinement.

Example: Despite his newfound wealth, he remained a parvenu, flaunting his possessions to impress others.



(Noun): Someone considered an aristocrat or high-ranking member of society and behaved with an air of superiority and exclusivity.

Example: She acted like a true grandee, looking down upon anyone she deemed beneath her social standing.



(Noun): A person, typically a man, who is overly concerned with fashion, personal appearance, and maintaining a refined lifestyle, often displaying snobbish behavior.

Example: He prided himself on being a dandy, always dressed impeccably and sneering at those with lesser style.



(Noun): A person who is excessively particular or fussy, especially regarding matters of taste or quality.

Example: She was known for her finicky nature, turning up her nose at anything that didn’t meet her impeccable standards.



(Noun): Someone who displays an exaggerated sense of self-importance, often accompanied by an arrogant and inflated manner of speaking or behaving.

Example: His pompous demeanor made it clear that he considered himself superior to everyone else in the room.

Snob is a common word to describe someone with an exaggerated respect for a high social position or wealth. But in certain social circles or formal settings, posh language may be considered more appropriate and in line with the expected norms.

You’re showcasing your vocabulary and linguistic proficiency when you use the posh words above to call someone a snob.

These words will convey a sense of intellectual prowess or sophistication.

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