20 Phrases Similar to “Out With the Old in With the New”

‘Out with the old in with the new’ is an idiomatic expression that explains that it is good to replace old things with new ones.

Do you have that one friend who refuses to replace his old worn-out item with a new one? Even when it shows signs that it has worn out and needs to be replaced, he will still refuse to replace it. 

If you have such a friend you need to know this idiomatic expression and say it to the person frequently. It could just help the person replace that broken item. 

20 Phrases Similar to Out With the Old in With the New

Try to replace bad things with new things

Phrases Similar to Out With the Old in With the New

Instead of saying ‘Out with the old, in with the new’ it is better to say ‘Try to replace bad things with new things.’ 

Even though material things were built to last, they were not built to last for a lifetime, at least not everything. You should know the right time to change things when needed. 

Once you notice that you are using something and it has gone bad, it should be changed and not wait till it has gone so bad to the extent that it cannot be recognized before you replace it. 


  • Don’t you think you have used that shoe for too long? Try to replace bad things with new things. 

For new things to come, old things have to go

Phrases Similar to Out With the Old in With the New

‘For new things to come, old things have to go’ sounds like a better way to say ‘Out with the old, in with the new.’ 

Usually, new things won’t come if the old one is still present. This phrase is a reminder that oftentimes, old things have to go to give place for the new things to come in. 

There are times when you lost a valuable item or something that meant so much to you, and you would get a new one, but looking back, the new one won’t have come if you did not misplace the old one. 


  • Hey, I know you’re pained you lost your watch, but remember that for new things to come old things have to go.

The new thing is usually better than the old

‘The new thing is usually better than the old’ is a better way to say ‘Out with the old, in with the new.’ 

In this context, something you may not be aware that the new thing you replace with your old one is usually better.

 If you once had a smartphone that got bad and you had to replace it, chances are that you will replace it with a new one that is better than the previous one. 

This clearly explains that the new thing is usually better than the old, which is more reason why you need to replace an old thing with a new one once the old one gets bad. 


  • Since I got a new smartphone, I realized that the new thing is usually better than the old one.

Sometimes, it is better to replace the old with a new

You can say ‘Sometimes, it is better to replace the one with a new one’ instead of ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

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People often do not see the need to replace an old thing with a new one unless the new one is no longer a good shape and cannot be used anymore. 

People like these need to see reasons to replace an old thing with a new one. Perhaps if you tell this to them they may listen. If not, they will have to wait till that particular item has gone so bad that it can no longer be used. 


  • Now I understand better that it is better to replace the old with the new. 

You do not have to wait until something gets so bad before you replace it

‘You do not have to wait until something gets bad before you replace it’ is one of the best ways to respond to ‘out with the old in with the new.’ 

The idea that you need to wait till something gets so bad before you replace it is not a good one, people often do this because they do not want to spend on something that will end up benefiting them, which is not a good thought pattern.


  • Why don’t you fix your car now? You do not have to wait until something gets bad before you replace 

It would do you better to replace old things with new things

People like to use old things probably because they think it is vintage. Over time, you will see how new things have become better than the old probably because of how advanced things have been. 

With time you will see that the new things are more advanced and it will be better to replace those old things with new ones because not only will you get a new one, but you get a better and more advanced one. 


  • This vintage car seems nice, you may need to try new advanced cars, and then you’d know it’s better to replace the old things with new things. 

To replace the worn out with a better one

‘To replace the worn out with a better one’ is a nice way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

Worn-out things will do you no good, a better one will always be the option. An example is a worn-out cloth, it doesn’t look good when you wear it, that is why it is a better option to replace the worn out with a better one. 

Example :

  • Can’t you see those clothes are worn out? It’s time to replace the worn out with a better one. 

Let the new one take over from the old one

‘Let the new one take over from the old one’ is one of the best similar ways to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

Usually, the newer things are there to take over from the old ones. This explains how important it is to always replace old things with new ones. 

Let the old things rest and the new ones should do their job. That is the reason the new ones were created in the first place – to take over from the old ones. 

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  • You should let your old times be, let the new ones take over the old ones.

You need to bring in a new one to swap places

‘You need to bring in a new one to swap places’ sounds cool as an alternative way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’

When a new thing comes, it usually displaces the old one. That is what it means when you bring in a new one to swap places with the old one. 


  • Your old books are torn, you need to bring in a new one to swap places.

A better one needs to be substituted for the other

A better way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new’ is ‘A better one needs to be substituted for the other.’

Better things are usually substituted for the old ones, the same thing is applicable here. When you have an old thing that needs replacement, you should not hesitate to substitute it with a new one. 


  • Your mattress is old enough, don’t you think a better one needs to be substituted for the other? 

Don’t you think a better one has to fill in for this one?

‘Don’t you think a better one has to fill in for this one?’ is a better way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’

Once in a while, it is good to check your material possessions to see which one needs replacement.

You may even be surprised how old they have become, once you discover how old they are it will be best to fill it in with a better one. Once you realize that older things may not serve you well, next time you will not hesitate to replace them. 


Something more presentable should supersede this one

Another good way to say “Out with the old in with the new’ is ‘Something more presentable should supersede this one.’

When things age, they tend to become less presentable. That instant is when you notice an item of yours is no longer presentable because it is old, that is when you need to change it. 


  • No one will listen to you if you put on those clothes, something more presentable should supersede this one.

You should take out this one and bring in a new one

You can say ‘You should take out this one and bring in a new one’ as a better way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’

Sometimes, old things are not always good to look at. That moment when you look at an old item of yours and you see that it is not good looking, you need to change it. 


  • That old vehicle does not look good there, you should take out this one and bring in a new one. 

Move this away and bring in something new

‘Move this away and bring in something new is a better phrase to use than ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

Once you have something old in your possession that is no longer functional, the best thing to do in such a situation is to move that one and bring in something new. 

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  • Move this way and bring in something new, don’t you think so too?

Remove one and put back another

‘Remove one and put back another’ is a better way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new. 

When you remove something and put back another, it shows you to replace it because the previous one is not presentable or is old. 


  • You have one bad tire in your car, so why not remove one and put back another? 

That old thing should be returned to its place

‘That old thing should be returned to its place’ sounds like a direct way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

Use this when you are fed up with an old item of yours that seems to be frustrating. This phrase expresses how important it is that it should be returned to its place and should be changed to a new one.


  • Yeah, I am fed up, that old things should be returned to their place! 

A better one can be displaced with this

‘Out with the old in with the new’ can be replaced with ‘A better one can be displaced with this.’

Once you have something old that no longer serves you, it makes sense to displace it with a new one. This phrase explains it better. 


  • This vehicle has served me for many years, but I think a better one can be displaced with this.

Mend this with a new one

‘Mend this with a new one’ is a unique way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

This means to repair something broken with a new one. A new one will always be the best because you are getting something new that will serve you better! 


This one needs a replacement

‘This one needs a replacement’ is one of the best ways to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

It is obvious that something needs a replacement once you notice it is old or it starts to wear out, this phrase will come in handy. 


  • Your battery is bad, it needs a replacement! 

Consider switching this with another one

‘Consider switching this with another one’ sounds like a better way to say ‘Out with the old in with the new.’ 

Switching something with another one shows how important it is to change an item once it gets old, that is what this phrase is expressing. 


  • This looks broken, consider switching this with another one

To End With

Ideally, it is proper to change an old thing once you notice it is getting worn out. If you do not intend to change it immediately you should stop using the old item permanently. 

Once you notice someone who barely changes his old items any of these idiomatic expressions will help, let the person understand the need to replace that old item with a new one. 


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