15 Other Ways to Say “Please Let Me Know Your Thoughts”

It is said that iron sharpens iron and that no man is an island. This means that as you share ideas or your thoughts with people, it’s normal to want to hear what they think about these ideas.

Most people refer to it as constructive criticism – where people would evaluate your choice and let you know what mistakes you are making or what you can change to make your plans more productive.

Asking to hear what other people think is also a quality that makes a great leader. No one knows it all and you never know the fresh ideas you will get from hearing people’s thoughts.

That said, are there other ways you can ask a person to share their thoughts with you without necessarily saying Please let me know your thoughts.

In this article, we will be listing fifteen (15) other ways you can tell a person to share their thoughts with you.

15 Other Ways to Say, “Please Let Me Know Your Thoughts”

What do you think?

A great alternative to the statement Please let me know your thoughts is What do you think? The question is not actually specific and can refer to a number of things or a present topic.

If the person wants to ask what you think concerning something specific, he/she can put it this way, “What do you think about the role of SEO in growing a website?

Asking a person what they think about something is a great way to encourage involvement and to grow a community of like-minded people.

What’s on your mind?

For fear of being accused of giving unsolicited advice, most people refrain from making suggestions even when it may appear necessary unless they are being asked to.

Sometimes, a person’s facial expression can give away the very fact that they have something to say but are scared about how you may react. Hence, the best way to assuage that fear and know their thoughts is to ask What’s on your mind?

You have to be observant to notice when people’s expressions tell a tale that they are yet to put in words for you to ask them what’s on their minds.

What’s your opinion about this?

Another way to tell a person Please let me know your thoughts is to say What’s your opinion about this? When you ask a person for their opinion, you wish to know what they feel or think about a certain topic or issue.

The question is quite particular and shows that there was an issue being discussed before now. It must be noted that the person who is being asked is not necessarily stating facts but merely what he thinks about the issue.

What would you suggest?

The question What would you suggest? is a good replacement for the phrase Please let me know your thoughts. Asking for a person’s opinion or thoughts is somehow different from asking for their suggestions.

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When you ask someone to make a suggestion, it means that you want them to put forward a plan that everyone can think about and possibly execute. It is more practical than merely asking for the person’s thoughts.

As you are a business person or an entrepreneur working in the creative space, you should always be open to people’s suggestions.

Penny for your thoughts.

One of the most commonly used idioms is this statement Penny for your thoughts. It is usually said when someone wants to know what another person is thinking.

It may be that the other person is so deep in thoughts that for a moment he/she is not at par with reality. When they’re been spoken to, they suddenly jolt out of their thoughts.

You may want to know what the person thinks which is why you can ask Penny for your thoughts? It’s a way to let the other person know that you are really interested in what is going on in their minds.

What would you advise?

Asking a person What would you advise? is an alternative to Please let me know your thoughts. When you ask a person for a piece of advice, you are asking for their opinion or suggestion on a particular matter.

For you to ask someone for advice, it would mean that you have already shared your plans with them, and you believe that they have the right knowledge from experience which when shared with you will be really helpful.

Advice can be gotten from industry experts, family, friends, professionals and even a neutral person. The purpose of receiving advice is not to dump the idea you already have but to make it better.

Your comment would be really helpful

Another great alternative to the statement Please let me know your thoughts is Your comment would be really helpful. The term comment is mostly associated with social media platforms and blog sites.

That means, that once you’ve posted a write-up or a video, people are expected to say or write what they think about the post or perhaps drop an explanation for those who do not understand.

A comment can also guide a person on what to do and how to do it. It’s a platform for people to share their thoughts regardless of their backgrounds or who they are.

I would appreciate your feedback

The statement I would appreciate your feedback is a good alternative for the phrase Please let me know your thoughts. When you ask for feedback, you want the people using your products or services to give criticisms or information concerning their experience while using your products.

It must be noted that for one to grow in any industry, one must be open to criticism. That way, they would know what they are doing wrong, what they are doing correctly and what they can improve to offer better services and/or products.

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Most apps and sites would always ask for feedback from their users and visitors. So, if you wish to grow your brand you may need to implement asking your customers for their feedback.

Your suggestions would be highly valued

If you are searching for another creative way to say Please let me know your thoughts you can use the phrase Your suggestions would be highly valued. Saying that to a person will encourage them to share their thoughts with you.

This is because people like to be assured that the opinion they give or the help they render will be appreciated or valued by the people who receive it hence the statement Your suggestions would be highly valued.

It is not enough to just request a person’s suggestion, you must also show through your actions that you value it. This means that you can adopt the ideas they give you while executing the plans.

I would love to hear your insights

Other Ways to Say Please let me know your thoughts

The statement I would love to hear your insights is an awesome replacement for the phrase Please let me know your thoughts. When you request to hear a person’s insight, you are saying that you wish to know what their understanding of a certain topic is like.

Sometimes while actively working, we need to take a step back and listen to what other people think or understand from the project, it may give us a new idea or proffer some hidden solution.

There are some people who need some sort of encouragement before they would feel comfortable sharing their insights. With this statement, you could actually encourage them to do just that.

Please get back to me

This is also another way to know a person’s thoughts or to get feedback from them. Using the statement Please get back to me as an alternative to Please let me know your thoughts is also accurate.

It means that you have told the person something and given the person some instructions on what to do about it, and you expect some sort of reply or feedback hence you use the statement Please get back to me.

Other ways of using the phrase include – Please get back to me as soon as possible. While the original phrase does not have a timeline attached to it, this latter phrase does.

Inform me of your decision

When in the company of people whose opinion or judgment matter to you, you would want to hear it all the time. This is when the statement Inform me of your decision becomes a suitable replacement for Please let me know your thoughts.

For a person to use this phrase Inform me of your decision, it means that he/she has shared his/her ideas and plans with people whose judgment or choice he/she trusts and then waits for it patiently.

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It could also be that your next step is dependent on the person whose decision you are waiting for. The statement also has a tone of urgency depending on what the situation is.

Share your view on this matter

Other Ways to Say Please let me know your thoughts

Another way to tell a person to share their thoughts with you is to tell them Share your view on this matter. When you ask for a person’s view on a particular subject, you want to know what their opinion is concerning that subject.

It could also be that you want to know their attitude towards some recent happenings. The phrase could also be seen as a subtle request given in the presence of a group of people to a particular person.

The person is expected to share what they think with the others who are present at the meeting. The question may not be directed at just one person but at everyone present in the meeting.

Would it please you to kindly give your contribution on this topic?

The statement May I kindly ask for your contribution on this topic is a great alternative for Please let me know your thoughts

It could be that the person whose contribution is been requested is an expert on the topic that is being discussed and thus can issue some valuable advice.

It can also be used by video hosts for guest speakers whom they have invited to their show. The person may not be an expert on a subject matter but could give their penny on what they think concerning the issue.

Your wisdom and guidance are needed on this crucial issue.

While there are certain matters that are trivial and of no importance, there are other crucial issues that will require advice from a sage person for them to be settled.

When that is the case, you can use this statement Your wisdom and guidance are needed on this crucial issue as an alternative for Please let me know your thoughts.

The issue should also be a sensitive one for wise counsel to be required. In this case, a sage person should not necessarily be an old person but just a person wise enough to handle such a decision.

In Conclusion,

Now that you know other inventive and creative ways that you can tell a person to share their thoughts with you, what are you waiting for? The best place to harvest great ideas is in the minds of others.

We hope that you find what you are looking for and that the criticisms you receive will help to build and grow you. If you are searching for other helpful articles like this, ensure to explore our website.

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