15 Phrases Like “Fax No Printer”

This is more of slang rather than an idiom. You probably already know that. If you are here to learn the meaning of ‘Fax no printer’ or get similar phrases, idioms, and slang, you have come to the right place.

This is modern slang so it may be hard to guess its meaning, considering how meaningless modern slangs usually are. One of them is ‘No cap’. If you’ve never heard this slang before, you can’t tell what it means by just thinking about it.

Real Meaning of ‘Fax No Printer’

You may have heard a person say ‘Fax no printer’ or ‘Fax’. The two mean the same thing. We can call this a play on homonymous words. ‘Fax’ here doesn’t refer to actual fax but to another word that sounds very similar; ‘Facts’.

When a person says ‘Fax no printer’, he or she is saying that what has been said is a fact and there is no addition or need for explanations.

There are phrases similar to this one and equally hard to guess. One of them is ‘Manchester United sucks’.

It is a modern slang coined from the massive aversion for the Manchester United Football club.

Therefore, when a person says Manchester United sucks, people agree with the idea. Now, it has become an adjectival statement for confirming that something else that has been mentioned earlier is true.

15 Phrases like Fax No Printer

  1. No cap
  2. No translate
  3. Face the facts
  4. Hard facts
  5. Do not let the facts obtrude a good story
  6. Fact is stranger than fiction
  7. Get down to the facts
  8. Honest Iago
  9. Know for a fact
  10. As a matter of fact (A- A- M- O- F)
  11. Factoid
  12. Woofing
  13. Judas kiss
  14. Dirty as eggs
  15. Monkey business

No cap

“No Cap” means the same thing as ‘Fax no printer’. When a person says ‘No cap’ as a comment to something that has been mentioned earlier, he or she is saying ‘none of it is a lie’.

The person is implying that what himself or another person has mentioned is a fact with no additions. It may also not refer to facts. It may simply mean that he or she agrees with something that another person has said.

Phrases Like Fax No Printer

No translate

This is pretty similar to ‘Fax no printer’ but it may have an additional meaning which can be easily guessed. If you think about this slang, you can probably tell what it means without being told.

When a person says ‘No translate’, he or she may mean that what has been said is an obvious fact and everyone should see it without being told.

It may also be a response to a set of instructions or a short explanation. In this case, it implies that the instructions or explanations are very clear.

There is no need for anyone to explain further or break it down since everyone should understand already.

Face the facts

This is simply another phrase that has to do with facts. It may also be quite similar to ‘Fax n printer’ depending on how it is used.

When you hear ‘Face the facts’, it means you should face the truth instead of guesses and lies. This is something you can hear from someone who is about to state his or her belief. It doesn’t have to be actual facts.

The person is simply saying what he or she believes and telling you to reason with him or her.

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‘Face the facts’ may also be an instantaneous response to a claim made by someone else. When you hear this, the person is simply agreeing with what another person has said.

Hard facts

This is a phrase similar to ‘Bitter truth’. The two simply mean the same thing. When you hear this from someone, the person is saying that a particular thing is true and it may be hard to accept.

When something is a hard fact, it is something hard to believe, only because it is not accepted. It is not something a person wants to believe because it sounds negative.

People often say ‘hard facts’ in arguments or when criticizing others.

Do not let the facts obtrude a good story

You may have heard a person say ‘don’t let the facts get in the way’, usually of a good story.

This is the exact opposite of ‘Face the facts’ and ‘Hard facts’ so you can probably guess what this means now.

‘Face the facts’ and ‘hard facts’ are sayings that imply that a person should focus on facts and accept them, even if they are bitter.

When you say ‘don’t let facts get in the way’, you are saying that the focus should not entirely be on facts. We have to change some parts of a true story to keep ourselves happy.

It means you can use the facts but you should not hesitate to dispose of the facts if it’s affecting the good story you want to tell.

Fact is stranger than fiction

Phrases Like Fax No Printer

This seems literal and very clear. We may all agree that this is true. Aren’t some facts even stranger than fiction?

You can interpret this idiom in two ways. One of its meanings is quite clear while the second one is much deeper.

Firstly, don’t you think people are more scared of actual guns and robbers than they are of vampires and demons?

That is because the latter only looks scarier and we know it’s never getting closer while the former can be as real as possible and just anything can happen.

The second meaning of this implies that the truth can be more shocking than fiction. This is because fiction is often inclined to possibilities.

Asides from being inclined to possibilities, fiction is often known to be fiction so many people enjoy the story instead of finding it strange. However, it would be stranger if it were a fact.

This idiom’s meaning also extends to how new facts often surface and show how limitless possibility is.

Get down to the facts

This idiom or phrase is often used to shut a person up it is not necessarily dismissive. When you say ‘get down to facts’, you are saying that a person should focus on what is known or what he or she is sure of.

It also means a person should go straight to the point. This is where it sounds dismissive. A person may be giving you explanations about something but you only need to get a straightforward answer.

By telling the person to get down to the facts, you are telling the person to quit the story and just focus on the most important part of the matter.

You will be indirectly dismissing the person’s explanations and that will be found disrespectful.

You may say ‘Let us get down to the facts’. This is the same thing as saying ‘Let us go straight to the point’ or ‘Let us talk about what we are sure of’.

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Honest Iago

If you know who ‘Iago’ is, you may be able to guess what this phrase means. It is a noun phrase so you use this to refer to a person. Before we get down to the meaning, let us talk about the origin of this phrase.

This phrase was coined from a Shakespearean play, titled ‘Othello’. In this book, there is a character named ‘Iago’. ‘Iago’ has an extremely deceptive personality.

Throughout the book, Iago kept deceiving the people around him. His character was ironic because he was trusted to give the best advice by someone whose downfall he desperately sought.

‘Honest Iago’ refers to something or someone who appears innocent but is only a façade for evil plans.

You can use this to refer to something that appears true and trustable but has evil plans hidden, just like ‘Monkey business’. If you don’t know what monkey business is, it is explained at the bottom of this list.

Know for a fact

This doesn’t necessarily refer to fact but it usually shows the speaker’s confidence. You may have heard a person say something like; ‘I know for a fact that he didn’t do as told’.

This saying implies that you totally believe in what you are saying. It doesn’t mean what you are saying is a fact that you actually know but you are saying you are very sure of it.

This may be because you are actually sure of it. It could also be because you have so many hints that prove to you that your instincts are right.

As a matter of fact (A- A- M- O- F)

Have you ever heard a person say ‘A- A- M-O-F’? If you haven’t, then you have now and you know its full meaning too.

‘As a matter of fact’ is something a person says before stating an actual fact or merely what he or she believes in.

When a person says this, he or she is not asking you to believe but simply pointing out the truth to support another truth that has been mentioned earlier. It usually comes in between arguments.

For example, a person may be trying to convince you that Messi is a better player than Ronaldo, then he or she can add that ‘As a matter of fact, the all-time stats of Messi are greater than Ronaldo’s’.

This is how the phrase is used. You are simply implying that the points you’ve stated earlier are true by giving more points that are also true.


Here is a word that is similar to the definitions of Fact-fiction and Myth. This refers to an inaccurate story that is often believed due to wide circulation and consistent retells.

It can refer to two different things. Like Fact-fiction, it may refer to an actual true story that is mixed with lies to sound better or exaggerated.

It refers to one that is consistently retold to a point where its trueness starts to spark debates.

Like Myth, this word also refers to a story that is actually not true but has minor ideas or reality and may believed by people due to its popularity.


‘Woofing’ is a word that most of us are familiar with but, in this case, we probably have never heard this word. We may have heard people say ‘Woof’ or ‘woofing’ but you may not have heard it in this context.

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Here is another slang that refers to the act of lying. When you say a person is woofing, you are implying that he or she is telling lies.

This is the opposite of ‘Fax no printer’ and you can leave this as a comment when you don’t believe what another person is saying.

Judas kiss

Virtually everyone knows who Judas is. If you know who Judas is, then you must know the story of Judas and Jesus. As long as you know that story, you should have no problem interpreting this noun phrase.

Judas’ kiss was used to expose Jesus to the enemies. To anyone, the kids would appear as a sign of love.

However, it has devious intentions. That is the meaning of this idiom.

When you say an action is a Judas kiss, you are implying that the doer has evil intentions. It may also not refer to evil intentions but something that appears good to a person but does harm to him or her.

Dirty as eggs

When you say someone is dirty as eggs, you are implying that he or she is not trustworthy.

This refers to dishonesty or vagueness in the personality of a person. You can’t tell how deceptive he or she can be so one has to be careful.

We don’t know how this idiom was coined but we know its meaning now.

Monkey business

When you say something is monkey business, you are implying that the business or setup is dishonest. The short meaning of this phrase is ‘deceitful or mischievous behavior’ but the definition is much longer.

It refers to something that appears good for just a while till it deceived people massively. The phrase was coined from a short story.

A foreigner announced to residents of a village his desire to buy monkeys at the rate of $10k. There were several monkeys in the forest so people were able to get monkeys and get paid. Soon, the man offered $20k for each monkey and the search continued. More people joined in the search and monkeys were brought.

Soon, the forest started to seem scanty of monkeys. Again, the foreigner offered $25k for monkeys and people returned to the forest in search of monkeys. By this time, every villager was searching. They brought more monkeys and the foreigner paid them.

Soon, there weren’t any more monkeys to bring. The foreigner then increased the price for each monkey to $50k. No one wanted to miss this offer so they went in search again and none could find a monkey.

The foreigner announced his travel and promised to return to continue the business. The people kept searching till they found a large cage with several monkeys for sale.

The man offered each monkey for $35k. This was less than the foreigner offered to pay for each monkey so everyone kept buying more monkeys in hope that the foreigner would return and they can make back their money with $15k profit on each monkey. Soon, they bought all the monkeys in the cage and the seller disappeared.

The foreigner never came back. Neither did the seller of the monkeys. The two were partners.

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