25 Other Ways to Say ‘Thank You for Your Concern’

When someone shows you their concern, no matter how much or little it is, it is just cultured to show your appreciation. And one way to do that is by verbally confessing how grateful you are to the person.

One of the best ways to do so is by saying ‘thank you for your concern’. But, haven’t you heard enough of those? Why not try something different and unique yet still on point?

In this article, you’ll be stumbling on 25 other ways to say ‘thank you for your concern’. I’ll detail the circumstances where each of these alternative lines fits best. To know more, keep reading on!

Best 25 Other Ways to Say ‘Thank You for Your Concern’

Some of the best other ways to say ‘thank you for your concern’ include ‘Thanks for reaching out to me’, ‘Thanks for being troubled by my issue’, ‘Thanks for taking interest in my welfare’, and ‘Thank you for showing care’.

From the abovementioned lines, you’ll notice that these other ways to say ‘thank you for your concern’ actually just add more detail in the description of what the person in question did.

Using any of these lines and others I will introduce to you, means that you are getting more pictorial and more detailed than before.

However, there is more to what is available already as below is a highlight of 25 other ways to say ‘thank you for your concern’.

1. I Appreciate Your Show of Empathy

‘I appreciate your show of empathy’ is the foremost of the other ways to say ‘thank you for your concern’. It is a fine line of statement that has you appreciating the person for being empathic with/towards you.

Empathy is one of the pure virtues of the heart and it involves putting oneself in the shoes or conditions of others and by so doing, extending hands of assistance to the person.

Here, you’re positing that the person’s show of concern to you is from a place of empathy. So, you’re appreciating them in that regard.

2. You Are So Kind, Thank You

‘You are so kind, thank you’ is another intelligent way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. It is intelligent because you can assert that the person’s show of concern for you is kind, which in my analogy is not mostly thought about by some people.

However, you’re saying thank you to the person for not just showing concern for you but also for being kind and gentle while doing so.

3. Thanks for Reaching Out to Me

‘Thanks for reaching out to me’ is a smart way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. With this, you’re telling the person “thanks” for reaching out to you. Which, perhaps, reaching out to you is the person’s way of showing concern for your well-being and welfare.

4. I’m Grateful You came through for Me

‘I’m grateful you came through for me’ has to make this list as another way to say ‘thank you for your concern’. This is because it imbibes a style and vibe that is in vogue and resonates well with the trends.

With this, you’re appreciating the person for coming through for you which means they care and are concerned about your wellbeing.

5. Thank You for Showing Care

‘Thank you for showing care’ is another impressive but simple way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. Here, you’re simply saying thanks to the person for caring for you which is a show of concern.

6. Thank You for Believing in Me

‘Thank you for believing in me’ is a sensible way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. But with this, you’re appreciating the person for believing in you.

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If the event where the person shows you concern is by standing with you during a hard time, it also counts.

7.  I Appreciate You Extending Hands of Assistance

‘I appreciate you extending hands of assistance’ can be your preferred way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’.

Here, you’re simply citing what the person in question did for you as a show of concern in your bid to appreciate them. They will love the fact that you took out time to reference their kind act while applauding them.

8. Your Show of Genuine Interest Doesn’t Go Unnoticed

‘Your show of genuine interest doesn’t go unnoticed’ may seem like a lengthy alternative for ‘thank you for your concern’ but the detailing in it validates it.

With this, you’re saying that you acknowledge all the person’s show of genuine interest towards you i.e. show of concern.

9. I Appreciate You Lending a Voice

‘I appreciate you lending a voice’ is a different way to say ‘thank you for your concern’. But here, you’re appreciating the person for lending a voice to a cause you’re pursuing which is like their way of showing concern to you.

If they help promote a project, they’ve shown concern through their voice which is what this line is about.

10. I commend Your Selflessness

‘I commend your selflessness’ is an interesting way to say ‘thank you for your concern’. By this, you’re insinuating that the person who showed concern did so out of selflessness and you’re commending or thanking them for that.

11. Appreciate Your Concern Big Time

‘Appreciate your concern big time’ is that informal way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. It is not only informal, it sounds a tad masculine which makes it a perfect pick for a guy who wants to appreciate his fellow guy for showing concern in time of need.

Saying you appreciate the person’s concern big time is as clear as you read it literally. You are merely using the phrase ‘big time’ to quantify the amount of gratitude you have in you, courtesy of the person’s kind actions towards you.

12.  I’m Indebted to You for Being Too Kind

‘I’m indebted to you for being too kind’ is what you can say if you want to say too much to the person you should’ve just said ‘Thank you for your concern’. Here, you’re going the extra mile by telling the person that you’re indebted to them for showing their concern to you which is a kind act.

Perhaps, the person is someone you didn’t expect to be that caring to you so you’re moved to pledge retribution to them for their kind gesture to you.

13.  Big Thanks for Checking up on me

‘Big thanks for checking up on me’ is a profound synonym for saying ‘thank you for your concern’ which imbibes an enormous feeling of gratefulness.

With this, you show the person you’re referring to that you are greatly happy and appreciative of their contribution to your life and equally their show of concern to you.

14. Thank You for Being Troubled by My Issues

‘Thank you for being troubled by my issues’ may sound mundane but it is a good line of statement for you to say in place of saying ‘Thank you for your concern’.

Here, you’re telling the person that you’re grateful they let your troubles become theirs, more like making your business theirs which I will get to as we go on in this post.

15.  I Can’t Appreciate You Enough for Looking Out for Me

Other Ways to Say Thank You for Your Concern

‘I can’t appreciate you enough for looking out for me’ is an emotionally-laced alternative to saying ‘thank you for your concern’. With this, you’re telling the person that you can’t contain your mass of gratitude in one statement. 

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This means you’re deeply moved by the person’s show of care and concern. This may be the case if the circumstance in which the person came into the picture was a very crucial one.

16.  Thanks for Making Sure I Was Okay

‘Thanks for making sure I was okay’ comes in handy as another way to say ‘thank you for your concern’. This is so because, here, you’re telling the person ‘thanks’ for making sure you are okay and fine.

It only takes someone genuinely concerned about you to do that, so give them their flowers.

17.  Thanks for Making My Business Yours       

‘Thanks for making my business yours’ is one of those uncommon phrases people throw around. It is a good pick if you’re looking for something different to say instead of saying ‘thanks for your concern’. Here, you’re appreciating the person for taking the time to make your business theirs.

That is to say that, this person in question finds your health, education, career, or love life as something they can be concerned about. None of the aforementioned areas of a person’s life is theirs because it is your business.

But availing themselves to get bothered by it is a massive show of concern and is worth appreciating.

18.  I Appreciate You Asking About Me

‘I appreciate you asking about me’ is another way to say ‘thank you for your concern’ which you shouldn’t neglect in this article. This is because when someone shows concern for you, it often comes in the form of them just asking how you’re doing and faring.

This way, the person’s concern may not necessarily involve extending an arm of assistance. Rather, it just means them having the will and push to ask you how you’re doing.

19.  Thanks for Taking an Interest in My Welfare

‘Thanks for taking interest in my welfare’ is synonymous with telling someone ‘thank you for your concern’.

This is quite an outstanding alternative for saying ‘thank you for your concern’ and this is due to its way of picturing and adding further detail into your appreciation remark to the person.

Here, you’re not just restricting your appreciation to the person’s show of concern, you’re also saying that they did not only show concern they equally took interest in your welfare which is sweet and nice.

20. Thank You, You’re Humane

‘Thank you, you’re humane’ is a savvy line you can employ instead of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. With this line, you’re positing that the person you’re directing this line to is humane.

Being humane, here, is in the sense that he or she is kind enough to show concern for your plight as a person. Being humane comes with being empathic and loving even to people you are not personally attached to or related to.

Perhaps, the person you want to appreciate showed you concern by giving out alms or other form of help to you. On that note, they showed you love and concern without minding that they don’t know you.

21.  I’m Grateful Forever for Your Love and Affection

‘I’m grateful forever for your love and affection’ can serve as a plausible another way to say ‘thanks for your concern’.

Since saying “thank you” is a show of gratitude, you can use this line which implies that you’re grateful to the person in question for showing love and affection to you.

Here, love and affection stand in for what concern would’ve meant. That is because when someone is concerned about your well-being, they can go to any length to show it, and more often than not, it manifests through an act of love or affection of that you should or will feel obligated to appreciate.

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22. Thanks for Turning up for me

Other Ways to Say Thank You for Your Concern

‘Thanks for turning up for me’ is a unique way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. It is unique because you’re not going the same route as the original statement of appreciation.

Rather, here, you’re appreciating the person for turning up for you despite the circumstances and offering to be of help in the littlest of ways.

In recent times, phrases like ‘turn up for me’ have been used often by the younger generation. So, if you fall in that age bracket (Gen-Z and late millennials) or you want to sound young and current, then you can use this line to get that done.

23.  Many Thanks for Being a Reliable Audience and a Shoulder to Lean On

‘Many thanks for being a reliable audience and a shoulder to lean on’ is another fine way to say ‘thank you for your concern’.

This response right here is a blend of a show of concern in two aspects – one being in the case where the person becomes a good listening ear to you and the other being that they also act as a formidable shoulder to lean on when you need them.

If someone shows you concern by acting in the capacity of either of these ways, then you can make use of this line of response to fill them in with your gratitude and appreciation. I bet they’ll love this coming from you.

24.  Here Are Your Flowers for Being Just Lovely and Caring

‘Here are your flowers for being just lovely and caring’ is a tad comic way of saying ‘thank you for your concern’. Here, you’re funnily giving someone their “flowers” which translates to showing them respect or acknowledgment for showing their concern to you.

However, you’re telling the person here that you are giving them their flowers for being just lovely and caring. They may have shown you their concern by exhibiting attributes of love and care to you which is affectionate.

25. You’ve always been Supportive, I Appreciate and Respect That

‘You’ve always been supportive, I appreciate and respect that’ may be the last line of statement in this article, but it is not the only one you can count on to have other ways to say ‘thank you for your concern’.

This line of statement is a conscious show of appreciation, from you to the person who showed you concern.

Here, you’re making the person understand that you know they have been supportive and you appreciate them for that. Likewise, you’re saying you respect their decision to be supportive of you.

Perhaps, that is how they tend to show their concern to people or just you in particular. So, you are saying thanks for their support and all.

Final Words

You can say ‘Thank you for your concern’ but isn’t that turning into a cliché already? Because of that, it is crucial you have other alternatives at your disposal and that is what I’ve achieved with this post.

This article provides a clear understanding of different ways to say ‘thank you for your concern’.

While some talked about the selflessness in showing concern, others pointed out how much gratitude you feel towards the person who exhibited concern to you.

It is now left for you to pick the one that resonates with you the most and use it appropriately. As you do so, do well to check out other articles on this page.


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