10 Other Ways to Say “Live in the Moment”

Have you been wondering what the expression, “live in the moment” means? Have you said it to someone or has someone said it to you? Do you know there are other ways to tell someone to “live in the moment?”

“Live in the moment” is a common phrase people use to encourage people to live out life to its fullness every day.

Also, it’s a good way of reminding someone to be more conscious of their life. However, you can always encourage someone to live out their life fully without using this phrase.

And, if you’re wondering how you can go about that, then this article is for you.

In this article, I’ll be discussing 10 other ways you can say, “live in the moment.”

10 Other Ways to Say “Live in the Moment”

There are countless other ways you can tell someone to live in the moment. The options I’m going to discuss below will interpret what you want.

Whether it’s to stop someone from being lazy or to encourage someone from giving up, you can try any of these options and see what suits you.

‘You only live once, so make good use of this opportunity’, ‘do not sleep the day away’, and ‘enjoy every moment’ are some of the wonderful expressions you can use instead of “live in the moment.”

Below, I’ll be explaining them further.

  1. You only live once, so make good use of opportunities
  2. Do not sleep the day away
  3. Enjoy the moment
  4. Make every moment count
  5. Take every day like it’s your last
  6. Seize the day
  7. Life is worth Living
  8. Live in the present
  9. Don’t worry too much, live for today
  10. Today is for you, so live it to the full

You Only Live Once, So Make Good use of Opportunities

Other Ways to Say Live in the Moment

Everyone knows they only live once. I doubt you’ll find someone who believes there’s an afterlife where they can live as they’re on Earth now. However, some people constantly need this reminder.

In the world today, where the youths especially, are constantly carried away by trends on the internet and off the internet, this is a good way to remind them to be better and more conscious of their time.

We have many of them who are not making good use of the technology they’ve around them, and if you’ve got one around you, this is something golden you have for them.

“You only live once” is sometimes shortened as YOLO, which is an informal way of passing this message. It’s mostly used online or when sending text messages.

So, when you tell someone they only live once, it’s a trigger that should set them to action. Let them know that if they miss it now, they won’t get another opportunity after death, or when they’re older.

Do Not Sleep the Day Away

Do you have someone around who lazies about daily? Whether they keep sleeping, watching TV, or always on their phone, this is a good way to tell them to live in the moment.

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“Do not sleep the day away” tells them they should make use of the day and not let it pass without them achieving anything.

It’s a good way to encourage someone to keep trying things even when they keep failing. Also, it’s a good expression that tells someone that every day brings opportunities they shouldn’t let slip off their hands.

Below are some of the ways to use this expression:

  • Do not sleep the day away again, John, go out there and make some money
  • Do not sleep the day away, you won’t always get these opportunities

Enjoy the Moment

This is another way you can tell someone to live in the moment. If you pay attention very closely, you’d see this is another angle I’m coming from.

Here, this advice is for someone who’s always working their ass off and doesn’t take time to relax or make time to have some fun.

Oftentimes, people are caught up in their work, trying to make out something for themselves. And while it’s good to be hardworking, it’s bad to work all day without thinking of resting.

So, you should tell someone to learn to enjoy the moment and not always think about work, work work.

This is good advice that should bring to their mind the need to spend time on themselves and with their families too.

Here are a few ways you can use this expression:

  • Enjoy the moment, Karl. Tomorrow you work again
  • Learn to come out of your shell and enjoy the moment. It isn’t until you’re gone, by then it’d be too late

Make Every Moment Count

This is another good way to tell someone to live in the moment. It’s good advice that tells someone that every moment is important and they shouldn’t allow it to pass them by.

When you tell someone to make every moment count, you’re telling them to get up and make good use of their time to do what they want now.

Whether it’s to chase their passion, to go for that vacation they want, to try out new clothes, or to do all they’ve always wanted, this is a good expression that’d hit well and pass the message.

In addition, it’s an expression that should remind them that they won’t always get the chance they want if they don’t seize the moments.

Other Ways to Say Live in the Moment

Below are ways you can use this expression:

  • Debby, you’ve to make every moment count. We can’t be so sure of what will happen next
  • Make every moment count my dear. You are never sure if you’ll be here tomorrow

Take Every Day Like It’s Your Last

This is another wonderful way to tell someone to live in the moment.

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If you have someone who’s always working and saving for the future without caring to rest or spend on themselves, this is good advice to give them.

Also, if you have someone who lives life carelessly without worrying about whether they’re leaving a positive impact or worrying about being productive, this is advice for them.

When you tell someone to take every day like it’s their last, you’re bringing to their notice the importance of living life fully every day.

Whether it’s to spend time with their loved ones or do what they’ve always wanted, these words can bring to life the importance of living in the moment.

Here are ways you can use this expression:

  • Don’t always be too serious, Sam. Take every day like it’s your last and have some fun
  • Come on, Mary, you’ve to take every day like it’s your last and go for what you want now.

Seize the Day

“Seize the day” is another wonderful way to tell someone to live in the moment. It’s an expression that works like the above, letting someone know the need to make every day count.

Every day brings new opportunities to our doorsteps. And there’s a popular saying that says, “once there’s life, there is hope.”

So, this is an appropriate expression that very much reminds us to make the most of every day now that we are alive.

It’s a good reminder for that friend who keeps lazing about daily or someone who has given up on trying. When you tell them to seize the day, you’re reminding them that they may not get a chance tomorrow.

Here are good examples of this phrase:

  • Seize the day and do some good for yourself, you might not get this kind of opportunity again
  • Seize the day my dear, you’ve got all it takes now

Life is Worth Living

Another good way to tell someone to live in the moment is to let them know that life is worth living.

Yes, it isn’t everyone who wishes to hear that life is worth living, especially if they believe they’ve been treated unfairly by life.

When you meet someone who has been suffering ill health or has been struggling to make ends meet, some of them may be difficult to convince that life is worth living.

However, you shouldn’t hesitate to let them know that since they’re still alive, it’s still worth it that they make the most of their life.

When you tell them that life is worth living, it’s a reminder to them that being alive is a miracle they should be thankful for.

Here are good examples of this expression in a sentence:

  • Don’t give up easily, life is worth living
  • Life is worth living my dear, so live it out

Other Ways to Say Live in the Moment

Live in the Present

This is another wonderful expression that can replace, “live in the moment.” Living in the moment encompasses several things including being mindful of the present and making the most of it.

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So, if you know someone who keeps worrying about the past or the future, this is a wonderful expression that should remind them that the present they’ve now is priceless.

When you tell someone to live in the present, you’re letting them know that the “moment” is the “present,” and they should be conscious of it also and grab what it has.

In addition, it’s good advice that’d prevent someone from saying, “had I known, I would’ve done this…” if they key into the present and make the right decisions.

Don’t Worry too Much, Live for Today

Another good way of telling someone to live in the moment is to tell them to live for today.

Here, you’re replacing “moment” with “today,” and reminding them that “today” is more important than the day that has passed or the day they’re yet to see.

If you’ve got someone who’s always worried about their past or their future, you can bring it to their consciousness that they need to quit worrying and live for today.

With this expression, you’re reminding them that “today” is worth fighting and living for. It’s suitable advice for someone who isn’t keen on a new day and what it brings.

Here are examples of how to use this expression:

  • Don’t worry too much, live for today. You have tomorrow to worry
  • Don’t worry too much, live for today. You’ll be happy you did

Today Is for You, So Live it to the Full

Other Ways to Say Live in the Moment

Another good way to tell someone to live in the moment is with this expression. It’s just like the above expression, reminding them that “today” is worth living and so they should enjoy the day.

It’s a good expression that’d help someone quit worrying about what the future holds or about what they didn’t achieve in the past.

You should tell your friend who’s always working and working without finding time to rest, that they should learn to live the day to the fullest, including having some time to themselves.

Here are a few examples with the expression:

  • Today is for you, so live it to the full and stop being sorry for yourself
  • You’ve got to learn to stop worrying. Today is for you, so live it to the full

Final Verdict

When people don’t make time for themselves, or when you feel they’re careless with life or with their choices, a piece of good advice for them is to tell them to live in the moment.

This article has dealt with 10 other ways you can tell someone to live in the moment and get a hold on their life.

So, you should try any of these expressions and get your friends, colleagues, and loved ones to make the right choices in life.

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