15 Best Replies to “You Think So”

Right in the middle of a live soccer match, while you watch your favorite team take it against their opponent, someone by your side predicts the match outcome and you exclaim “you think so”?

You’re in doubt about a certain course of action, then someone offers a suggestion that sounds plausible, then you remark: “you think so”?

So what’s so special about this statement?

The phrase “I don’t think so” is often used as a response to express disagreement or uncertainty.

It is a way of expressing “doubt” without being too direct or when you are unsure. It also leaves the conversation open-ended and often requires backup questions or clarifications.

15 Best Responses to “You Think So”

Responding to “you think so” can be tricky, but you can reply by saying factual statements like “why not”, “oh yes”, or further express doubts by saying “I see your point, but what if…?”, “your may be right.”

You can also help further by replying with statements like, “let me explain further”, and/or, “here’s how I did it.”

Here are my top 15 responses to “you think so?”

Why not?

Save it for the right time. “Why not” as a reply to, “you think so”does well to elaborate and at the same time support a notion already stated.

Asking “Why not?” is a non-threatening and respectful way to seek clarification while keeping the conversation going.

For example, replying with a “why not” to someone who asks you if you think going to the gym is worth the try, gives you ample reason to explain why you think it would be a good idea.

Let me explain

Here, the response given requires that you explain clearly what you had said that prompted the statement “you think so”.

Elaborating on your statement shows that you are interested in their perspective and would be willing to support them.

It also provides an opportunity for you to give more details and possibly change your mind.

Use this reply when you know that the person in question banks on your advice and will follow through with the suggestion given.

What makes you say that?

When you notice that there is a trace of disbelief from your speaker over an early statement you have said and they ask if “you think so”, get to the root of the disbelief by asking them “what makes you say that”?

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This open-ended question allows you to explain your point of view. It also gives them a greater understanding of your thinking and enables them to gain insights into your objection.

I understand your concern but…

Best utilized when there is a conflict of ideas but you are willing to succumb to their opinion.

Say a couple who are at logger heard over a mortgage plan with one wanting to acquire the plan and the other refusing, by responding to “you think so” with an ” I understand what you are concerned about, however…”  show that one of them is flexible with his/her reply.

Use this response to acknowledge the other person’s point of view but also to provide a counter-argument. It’s a more diplomatic way to disagree while keeping the conversation going.

Here’s how I did it

Approaching the statement “you think so”  with a “here’s how I did it” becomes pertinent if the statement entails you giving a thorough description of a process you have projected.

This approach acknowledges the other person’s opinion and invites them to explain and understand your thinking process. It can be an excellent opportunity to have a more enriching conversation.

Moreso, it also shows a particular way a thing is done without necessarily being direct about it, this response is suitable for an audience that values privacy.

I see your point, but what if…

This response acknowledges the other person’s perspective but offers an alternative viewpoint. It’s a good way to find a middle ground or propose a compromise.

The reply given connotes an acceptance and will to work with another person’s ideology but the fact at hand may demand that only the best option is given credence.

Please note that why this response is worth giving to an “is that so  “statement, it does not cover the outcome of such a decision.

Let me explain that further

Replies to You Think So

By offering to clarify your statement it helps others understand what you mean. It can help identify the specific issue that needs addressing to continue the conversation constructively.

In a class where some students find your story incredible and then exclaim with a “you think so”, it is in your best interest to respond with a let me explain further to obtain their clarification.

“Let me explain that further” as an answer to, “you think so” highlights salient points not mentioned in the main details which sort of make a bone of contention in the general points.

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Do you want to know why?

Ever noticed the reaction on the face of your listeners when you give out a response and go all out to elaborate?

The warmness and satisfaction they receive after you elucidate on a point they find confusing. Thanks for the reply given above.

This response tells you of the genuine interest your audience has in your perspective and demonstrates a willingness to listen.

It’s an invitation to them to explain your position further and leads to a more enriching conversation.

It takes into account the nature of the statement and provides answers to a reason why an action is being carried out.

Can I help you understand my reasoning behind that statement?

Telling your audience to allow you to help them understand your perspective can help them see things from your point of view. You can share your reasoning and explanation, and they can continue the conversation from there.

To avoid a misinterpretation of your point and you can connect with their reasoning, then the response above should be used whenever a “you think so” statement is said.

When it comes to making one understand a concept, it may be difficult but worse is helping one understand your concept, this response requires finesse and an apt knowledge of the emotions of the audience.

Have you considered another perspective?

Like the previous point, replying in this light opens room for the consideration of others’ suggestions, it avoids a one-sided approach and creates diversity.

Using this response acknowledges a person’s opinion while highlighting the possibility of another viewpoint. It opens up the dialogue and offers a chance for a more diverse perspective.

It is important to know that when using this response, taking it slow with your audience when it comes to convincing them to change perspectives is advised.

You may be right

This response acknowledges the other person’s opinion but may or may not offer a counter-argument.

It’s a way of continuing the conversation while introducing other viewpoints for consideration as the response stated above.

Synonymous with considering your listener’s opinion however with critical analysis to assess before going in for the idea or letting it slide.

“You may be right” is also used when the odds of the other person’s opinion contain a fact that is undeniable, in this case, it may be executed.

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We look at it from a different angle.

This reply acknowledges the other person’s view but introduces another perspective. It demonstrates that you’ve listened to their opinion but that you have other thoughts as well or the other.

A fresh perspective is the context of this reply, it could be to take on a new way of doing something, an aspect of your business needing rejig, whichever this reply works best when the statement “you think so” comes up.

Often used as a mild way to avoid confrontation and a brewing disagreement especially if the statement “you think so” comes in a harsh tone.

Tell me more about your concerns.

This response lets the speaker know they are being heard and their concerns are taken seriously. It provides an opportunity to explore the specifics of the issue they’re raising.

These specifics could be anything from seeking a court redress to convincing someone influential to buy into a project idea.

It’s interesting

Could you explain how you came to that conclusion, it sounds interesting.

When one says “you think so in a way that suggests feedback, then it is best to respond with a “that’s interesting”.

This reply shows that you’re interested in what they have to say and that you’re curious about their reasoning process. It’s an invitation to deepen the conversation and discover new insights.

Let’s explore that further

When the “you think so” statement sounds like an invitation for more ideas/contributions then answering with a let’s explore that further would be an appropriate answer. Here’s why:

This reply is an invitation to continue the conversation, delve further into the topic, and discover new insights. It demonstrates a willingness to keep the discussion going and an openness to new ideas.

Parting Words

In conclusion, responses to “you think so” should be respectful, diplomatic, constructive, and curious.

By using the right language and tone, you can continue the conversation in a way that’s productive, respectful, and enriching.

It’s essential to reiterate that these responses should be genuine and not manipulative or condescending.

In trying to keep an open mind and an open dialogue, one can arrive at a consensus or at least work towards understanding each other’s perspectives better.

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