25 Best Responses to “You Are My Everything”

We have all heard compliments and we know how we respond to them. There are also endearing statements that should flatter a person but we respond differently for certainly understandable reasons.

There is a huge difference between complimenting a person’s characteristics and saying how you feel about a person.

When we hear endearing statements, our responses depend on how we feel toward the speaker.

There are several possible responses you can give when a person says ‘You are my everything’. A typical response to “You are my everything” is “Hahaha, this is funny”, which is more like suggesting that you do not believe the statement.

We have compiled 25 different responses to ‘You are my everything’ from several minds in the list below.

25 Best Responses to You Are My Everything.

  1. Thanks.
  2. That means so much to me.
  3. Am I? Really?
  4. How many people do you say that too?
  5. Only me? Flattering.
  6. Ha-ha. Funny you.
  7. Do you mean that?
  8. I don’t believe you.
  9. We just met. Ha-ha.
  10. Are you playing with me?
  11. Try again.
  12. Can you not say that?
  13. What an honor! What are you then?
  14. You don’t even know me.
  15. Do you even believe what you say?
  16. What else could I be?
  17. You probably say that to everyone.
  18. Swear on your pee thing.
  19. Of course, I am.
  20. You expect me to believe that?
  21. Pretty sure you have others in line.
  22. Tell me more.
  23. Obviously, I am
  24. Do I know you?
  25. You can no longer reply to this conversation.

Aww. Thanks.

One way to respond when someone says ‘You are my everything’ is ‘Aww. Thanks’. The reason it’s easier to respond to a compliment than to an endearing statement like ‘You are my everything’ is that endearing statements have to do with the two people in the conversation.

When you are responding to this, you have to consider who is saying it to you and if you really believe what he or she is saying.

You also have to consider whether or not you want to be his or her everything. Of course, whoever is saying this to you is asking for more than friendship. It can possibly come from a parent, however.

This response suggests that you like the statement but it may break the heart of the speaker that you are not saying an endearing statement back or reacting more.

That means so much to me

How to respond to You Are My Everything

This response agrees with the statement that has been made to you. You are not claiming that you are truly some person’s everything. Rather, you are believing it and reacting.

You should only say this if it is coming from a parent or a person you are romantically interested in.

Saying ‘You are my everything’ is similar to saying ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you’.

While you can easily turn ‘I love you’ into a joke, there are certain endearment terms that directly refer to a romantic relationship. You should make a decision and make it clear.

Am I? Really?

This response obviously doesn’t agree with the statement for whatever reasons there may be. However, it also doesn’t make the statement seem like an impossibility.

Asking ‘Am I?’ and ‘Really?’ is a way of showing that you doubt what someone has said about you.

You can even say this to your lover as a joke. You may also say it if you think he or she has other people in the relationship. This simply suggests doubt so you can say it for whatever reason.

Also, it may not be your lover speaking. It could be someone you are not interested in. You don’t want to break his or her heart with an abrupt answer. You also don’t want to encourage that idea in his or her mind.

How many people do you say that to?

You can also say this to show your doubt about what the person has said. However, this is slightly different from the option mentioned earlier.

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While the other one expresses doubt and can easily mean ‘No’, this expresses doubt but implies ‘Jealousy’.

It sounds as though you are only showing doubts because you think the speaker is promiscuous and doesn’t actually mean what he or she has said to you.

You can use this as a response to your lover and he or she would try to convince you that you are the only one.

However, saying this to someone you are not interested in may seem like an encouragement. He or she will also keep trying to convince you. Make it clear that you don’t need or want to be convinced.

Only me? Flattering

This is another one that expresses doubt, just like the one stated earlier. You can also use this as a joke when talking to your lover.

He or she probably wants you to say something endearing back and this statement is not it. Your lover will try to convince you that the statement was not a joke. You should only use this as a tease for a short while.

If you are talking to someone you are not interested in, don’t just say this and end the conversation unless you already rejected a relationship with the person.

You should also add that a relationship between the both of you cannot happen.

Ha-ha. Funny you

Just like the response suggested earlier, this expresses doubt and can be used to speak to your lover who you think may be cheating on you.

While this may be used as a joke, it will sound sarcastic and may seem like you are actually hurt.

Use this when talking to someone you are not interested in. This will show that you doubt the statement or you don’t share the sentiment.

Just to make yourself clear, you can verbally state that you are not interested in a relationship with the person.

Do you mean that?

Here is a question of confirmation that is often needless. If the speaker was lying, asking this question may not get him or her to say the truth.

However, you may be able to tell when a person actually means what he or she is saying.

This response doesn’t show that you believe what the person has said but it shows that you are willing to believe it.

You are only being reluctant for the fear of getting lied to and heartbroken. Say this only to someone you are interested in.

If you are not interested in the person talking, just make that clear instead of giving him or her false hope.

I don’t believe you

How to respond to You Are My Everything

This is a direct way to express doubt but it doesn’t push the idea away. You can say this to your lover if you suspect that he or she may be cheating on you.

This response does not express anger so it may not mean you are sure of your stance. After saying this, your lover will try to prove himself or herself to you.

If you will say this to anyone else, It has to be someone you are interested in. If you are not interested in the person you are saying this to, you are only encouraging the person to try to convince you. Rather, make your lack of interest clear to him or her.

Say this to someone you are interested in just so you can be sure if he or she is truly interested in you or just playing a joke with you.

We just met. Ha-ha.

Great. You can also express the reasons for your doubt. How easy or fast can falling in love be? Does it happen so quickly?

Whoever tells you that you are his or her everything, the person is trying to express love to you. However, it may simply be infatuation and you have to take it slowly so it doesn’t end quickly.

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You may be equally interested in the person when you say this. This response does not reject the person, and neither does it entirely reject the idea.

However, you are stating a reason for anyone to doubt that statement. You can show your interest in the person and give time for actual love to grow.

Are you playing with me?

Saying this to your lover means you are not sure of how much he or she values you anymore. He or she may have been showing signs that make you suspect cheating or dislike towards you.

When you say this, you can say why you think you are being played by him or her.

You can also say this to a friend you don’t want to have a romantic relationship with. Make it clear that you don’t want a deeper relationship with him or her.

Try again

This is a way of saying the method of wooing is not working for you. It is something girls can say to someone who is just trying to start a relationship.

You should only say this if you are not interested in the guy talking to you.

It is possible to simply hang out with a guy for the sake of just having fun while he is developing feelings for you.

When you say this, you are not directly stating that it cannot work out. If you think it won’t work out, you can say that directly. This response may just make him keep trying to win you over.

Can you not say that?

This is something you can say when you are hurt. You can say this to your lover who is not treating you like a lover anymore.

At times, relationships can feel like a game being played with the mind. When there are obvious signs that point to the opposite, your partner’s words may only keep breaking your heart because they sound like lies.

You can also say this to someone you are interested in but cannot be with. Every mention of love between you two will prevent you from discarding the idea of staying together.

What an honor! What are you then?

You can say this to a person who is interested in you. This response does not show your interest in the person talking but it also doesn’t rule out the idea of liking the person.

You can give this response to the person talking and express your aversion towards the idea later.

You can also say this and express your interest after. You may also just say this while giving yourself a chance to fall in love with him or her.

You don’t even know me

Yes. You know who you can say this to. Does it sound weird that a stranger can say ‘You are my everything’ to you?

Strangers can say anything. At times, it could be a joke. Sometimes, it could just be a method of wooing you.

You can point out the fact that neither of you knows the other, then you can hear what he or she has to say next. If you are interested in the person, just play along till you learn whether it is a joke or you are actually being wooed.

Do you even believe what you say?

Say this to your lover whom you think may be having an affair with someone else. It may also not be an affair.

He or she may just not treat you like a lover. When you say this, point out the things that show how untrue his or her words are.

What else could I be?

Here is a way to respond with a joke. With this response, you are embracing your lover’s statement.

You are directly claiming that you are his or her everything. What else could you be if not ‘My everything’?

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Don’t say this to a friend you are not interested in unless you are given the chance of getting interested later.

While this statement will not be taken to mean equal interest, it shows you are not totally averse to the idea.

LOL. You probably say that to everyone.

This shows that you don’t believe what the person has said. Say this if your lover is obviously promiscuous. You are directly accusing him or her of having affairs with other people.

You can also say this to a friend of yours who shows interest in you but also has other girls. With this, you are showing strong doubt and it may take a while to convince you otherwise

Swe^r on your pee thing

Here is a joke you can say to your lover when he or she says ‘You are my everything’. You are telling your lover to swe^r on his or her genit^ls to show that you don’t believe the statement.

You can also say this to the person wooing you. You shouldn’t make a joke if you don’t like the person talking to you.

This joke will show that you don’t feel the same but it may appear as though you are giving a chance to the idea.

Of course, I am

Embrace your lover’s statement with this. You can wrap your arms around him or her and give a sweet hug.

This may also be a sarcastic way of responding to someone you are not interested in while letting your eyes and your body language say the truth for you.

You expect me to believe that?

Say this to your lover when he or she doesn’t show love to you anymore. This statement may mean that he or she is coming to the realization and you just may get an apology for everything you have endured.

You can also say this to a promiscuous person who appears to be interested in you.

Pretty sure you have others in line

If a person calls you his or her everything, you may be able to tell when it’s a joke and when it’s not. You may also be able to tell when you are being tricked.

If he or she is a promiscuous person, you can respond with this. This doesn’t mean you will be giving the person a chance or not. However, since it doesn’t say ‘No’ to the idea, the person will take a chance to convince you.

Tell me more

Here is another way of saying ‘I know you are lying’. You will be saying this as though you are being told a story that you enjoy.

You can directly say ‘No’ if you don’t think a relationship will work out.

Obviously, I am

This is another way of embracing the idea of you being his or her everything. However, this is a joke.

No one responds to the expression like this. Say this to your lover and give him or her a hug.

Do I know you?

As mentioned earlier, the statement can come from a stranger. No stranger starts a conversation with just ‘You are my everything’ so you can tell that he or she is just joking or trying to prank you.

You can choose to play along or end the joke there.

You can no longer reply to this conversation

Text this back if you are chatting on social media. You can text this to your lover as a joke and laugh about it later. You can also text this to someone you are not interested in and refuse to respond to later text messages.

This is similar to the message the person should get when you block him or her on some social media platforms.

This doesn’t mean anyone will actually believe they have been blocked. The difference will be clear.

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