How to Respond to “Nos Vemos” | 12 Correct Responses

Nos Vemos is a Spanish saying you may have heard from a friend. If you haven’t, it shouldn’t hurt to know what it means and how to respond appropriately.

Meaning of Nos Vemos

How to Respond to Nos Vemos

Nos Vemos translates to two clauses in English:

  • We see.
  • We meet.

Nos Vemos as [We see]

When you translate the clause, Nos Vemos, to English, you can get [We See]. That does not make much sense.

However, just like in every other language, the literal translation of words do not matter as much as the message does.

When you hear Nos Vemos in a Spanish sentence, it probably means See you later. It could mean See you soon but it is mostly used for a later time.

Soon refers to a closer time to the moment of speaking while Later refers to a time that may be considered distant or indefinite.

The structure of the sentence may also allow you to state a definite but distant time. In other words, Nos Vemos may mean (See you tomorrow) or (See you next week).

Nos Vemos as [We meet]

The clause, Nos Vemos, can also be translated to mean [We meet]. In correct English, the message the clause is passing is [We should meet] or [We will meet].

There isn’t much difference between this translation and the one stated earlier. However, the clause may be a request for you to show up at a place.

You will know if you are being asked to meet at a place. This is because the location will be stated.

12 Correst Responses to “Nos Vemos”

How to Respond to Nos Vemos

  1. Nos Vemos
  2. How long will you be out?
  3. Be back early
  4. I’m not sure about that
  5. Good bye
  6. I’ll see you around
  7. Give my regards
  8. I will give you a call
  9. Good luck
  10. Ciao
  11. Wait a second
  12. See you later

Nos Vemos

Nos Vemos is a way of saying Goodbye and [See you later]. It can also be [See you at…..]. In all of these, you can reply by also saying [Nos Vemos].

This is similar to a situation where a person says [Goodbye] to you. You can always respond with the same word and go your way. The same applies to [See you later] and [Nos Vemos].

When a person gives a specific time or location where you may meet or see each other, you should simply say [Nos Vemos] without repeating the stated time or location so you don’t sound absurd.

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How long will you be out?

This is a kind question you may consider asking. Of course, it would sound quite awkward in some cases.

This response implies that you live in the same place as the person. It may be a temporary residence or the home of both of you.

This response also implies that you expect the person to return to that place. If it is someone you regularly talk to, this question will show that you care about the person’s presence.

When the person responds to your question, you can wish the person good luck.

If you are not very close to the person, asking this question may be absurd unless you have a good reason for wanting to know.

You should state why you are asking the question immediately after asking.

Be back early

This is another question that shows that you clear. Like the response suggested earlier, it may sound quite absurd if you are talking to someone who doesn’t care or someone you are not very close to.

This response will also sound quite absurd if you don’t live in the same place as the person you are referring to.

The person may choose to ask why you need him or her to return early and you can choose not to say why. If it’s someone you are very close to, there is a high chance he/she won’t ask why.

However, if it is someone you don’t regularly relate with, this statement will sound absurd coming from you.

The person will want to know why you want him/her to come back early and how you may be affected. You can simply add your reason without waiting to be asked.

I’m not sure about that

Does this suggestion sound weird to you? Maybe it does. When a person says he or she will see you later, you may not feel the same way so you may want to think of a response different from the other suggestions on this list.

This response suggests that you do not agree with the statement. This can be used in two different situations.

You can say this if you think you will be seeing the person sooner than expected. You can also say this if you think you won’t be seeing the person as soon as expected or ever again.

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When a person says Nos Vemos and states a particular time or place, you can say this and add your reason for saying so.

Your reason has to point out that you will be seeing the person much earlier or later than the time the person has stated.


We already talked about Goodbye. When a person says Goodbye to you, most people do not think of clever responses before blurting out the first word or clause that springs up in their minds.

No one judges you for that and that is because special responses are not expected from you.

The same applies when a person says Nos Vemos to you. It is a parting word. You can simply walk away.

That’s a bad idea but it still works out fine. So you don’t seem carefree and robotic, you can simply say Goodbye.

Adding Yes implies that you agree to meet with the person at the time or location mentioned.

I’ll see you around

When a person says he or she will see you later, you can say you will see the person around. It works fine and can often have a similar meaning.

However, Nos Vemos may have a particular time or location stated and this response may not work.

Saying [See you around] may imply that you may stumble upon the person at any time while walking around. When the person says a time that you both will meet, this response will be incorrect.

If the place referred to is where you already are, this response should work. A person can say Nos Vemos when he or she plans to come to check up on you or to visit a place where you already are.

In this case, there is a high chance you will stumble upon the person when he/she comes around. Then, this response will work.

Give my regards

A person can stand in front of you and say [Nos Vemos] or [See you later]. This implies that the person is about to walk away or go somewhere else.

This suggested response is something people say when parting. You can say this in response to Goodbye but it will sound awkward if there is no one he/she is meant to give regards to.

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You have to consider where the person is going or whom he or she is going to meet. If the person is going to his or her home, you can tell the person to give your regards to his or her family.

You can also tell the person to give your regards to your friend or someone who may know you.

I will give you a call

Someone can say [See you later] without actually planning to see you later. You have probably said it to someone without knowing the next time you will meet with the person again.

This response is something you can say when parting with someone. Therefore, it should fit as a perfect response to [Nos Vemos].

It may be someone who you have not met in a long time and may not meet for another long period.

You can catch up with the person by giving the person a call instead of saying you will meet later while you have no plans of doing so.

Good luck

Good luck has its original meaning but it is used so often that it has lost its meaning in many sentences. In most cases, people just say Good luck when they are parting with a person or ending a conversation.

You can also say this since [Nos Vemos] ends your conversation with the person talking.


This Spanish word is like Good day. It works both for greeting when arriving and when departing. Although [Nos Vemos] has nothing to do with arrival, Ciao can always work as a response when departing.

Whether the place and time for meeting up are stated or not, Ciao will work since it would simply be saying [Goodbye].

Wait a second

You will be taking more than a second of the person’s time but this works to get the person’s attention.

You should say this if you still need the person’s attention. It may be over the phone before the call ends. You can also say this if the person is before you.

See you later

Since you can say [See you later] as a response to [See you later], you can say [Nos Vemos] as a response to [Nos Vemos]. Equally, [See you later] can be a response to [Nos Vemos] and vice-versa.

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