20 Best Responses to “Do You Like Raisins?”

When grapes are dried, they are called raisins. They contain a lot of nutrients and calories. Raisins are consumed by people all over the world.

You can add raisins to your diet or they can replace less-than-healthy food that you normally snack on. In this article though, the health benefits of raisins are not the focus.

How would you respond if someone asked you if you like raisins?

The following are several ways you can reply to “do you like raisins?:

  • I’m not a fan of raisins. I’ll pass.
  • I tolerate raisins in small quantities
  • It depends on how it’s used. Cookies or snacks?
  • Yes, I enjoy raisins very much.

First, you need to acquaint yourself with what raisins are. Then if you are not a native English speaker read this article for 20 best replies for when someone asks if you like raisins.

1. It depends on how it’s prepared: cookies or snacks?

If you are familiar with raisins, then you probably know how they can be used for meals. You can ask the person to be more specific with their inquiry. Does he want to know if you like it in cookies or as snacks?

For example:

  • Do you like raisins?

It depends on how it’s prepared. Cookies or snacks?

  • Do you like raisins

I don’t know. Is it in cookies or as snacks?

2. I feel indifferent about raisins. Do you like them?

We all have fruits that we are particularly a fan of. We only tolerate the fruit. Raisins can be one such fruit for some people. If this is you, certainly just say so.

After saying you feel indifferent or unenthusiastic about raisins, ask the person for their own opinion.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

I’m indifferent about raisins. How about you?

  • Do you like raisins

I’m not enthusiastic about the fruit. How about you?

3. I’d rather take other types of dried fruits.

This is a direct response that you certainly don’t like raisins. And you are suggesting that this doesn’t mean you don’t like dried fruits. It’s only dried raisins. You may even go ahead and mention other dried fruits.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

I’ll rather take other types of dried fruits

  • Do you like raisins

No, I prefer other fruits when dried

Responses to Do You Like Raisins

4. I don’t fancy raisins, but I eat them in certain dishes

This is not a total rejection of raisins. You like them but only in selected dishes. The use of the word fancy is how you let the other person know you are not a big fan. You’d overlook raisins if you have to.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

I don’t fancy raisins, but I eat them in certain dishes

  • Do you like raisins

Not really, only in certain dishes.

5. They are not my favorite fruits. I don’t mind if it’s on the menu, though.

With this reply, you show that you are indifferent about raisins. For this reason, if it’s on the menu or you are presented with a meal that contains raisins, you will eat it.

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For example:

  • Do you like raisins

They are not my favorite but I’ll eat if it’s on the menu

  • Do you like raisins

If it’s on the menu I’ll eat it, but it’s not my thing

6. Yes I love raisins if it’s in cookies

In this response, you mention that you like raisins and in the kind of meal you like. Being specific in speech is the best. In this case, it will help the other person know exactly what to present to you.

For example:

  • Do you love raisins

Yes, I love them. Especially in cookies.

  • Do you love raisins

I love them. If they are in cookies

7. It’s been a long time since I had some raisins. I’ll have to taste it again

Responses to Do You Like Raisins

This can happen to anyone too if they have not tasted a particular food for a long time, they will forget the taste.

The argument against this is if the food tastes so good you are not likely to forget the taste. Still, this is one of the best ways to respond.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

It’s been a long time since I tasted them. Let me taste them again

  • Do you like raisins

I’ll have to taste it again to know.

8. I love raisins! They’re one of my favorite snacks.

This is a reply that you give with enthusiasm. You declare that you love raisins. And not only that, they are your favorite snacks. The point here is that you are answering in the affirmative that you love raisins.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

I love raisins! They’re one of my favorite snacks.

  • Do you like raisins

Yes, I do! They’re one of my favorite snacks.

9. I don’t like them at all, sorry.

And here the reply is in the negative. If you want to leave the person asking with no doubt about how you feel about raisins just use this reply here.

Say you don’t like dried fruits at all. Saying sorry at the end of the sentences is a way of politely declining an invitation to eat the raisins.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

No, I don’t like them at all, sorry.

  • Do you like raisins

I don’t like them at all, sorry

10. I enjoy raisins along with some dishes, and that’s all.

In this reply, you tell the person you enjoy the raisins with certain meals. But you don’t state what types of meals or dishes. The person would have to state which meal he wants to serve the raisins with.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

Mi enjoy raisins along with some meals and that’s all

  • Do you like raisins

Only with some meals and that’s all

11. I’m not a fan of raisins but I don’t judge people who like them

In this reply, you are saying you don’t like raisins. You won’t eat them. But you don’t have issues with people who love raisins. You admit that others don’t have to feel the same way about raisins.

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For example:

  • Do you like raisins

I’m not a fan of raisins but I don’t judge people who like them.

  • Do you like raisins

No, I don’t care about them. But I don’t judge those who love eating raisins.

12. Yes, I love raisins, but it wasn’t until recently.

In this reply, you show that you didn’t like raisins when you were young. This information is only added for effect since you do eat them now. This helps the other person appreciate your love for the fruit now.

This can even lead to more discussion about childhood likes and dislikes.

For example:

  • Do you love raisins

Yes, I do. But it’s not always like that for me.

  • Do you love raisins

Yes, I love raisins. But it wasn’t until recently.

Responses to Do You Like Raisins

13. I do like only the golden types

You can also give this direct answer stating the variety of raisins that you like. This helps your host to be sure you will eat what he’s presenting to you.

The difference between golden raisins and regular ones is that they are dried in a dehydrator.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

Yes, only the golden types

  • Do you like raisins

I like raisins, the golden ones. Do you have that?

14. I don’t usually eat raisins. But I don’t mind a few

You can use this reply if you can do without raisins but would eat them if the opportunity arises. They are fruits you can do without.

Since the person is asking, you will have some, but not because you have to. This response is good for occasions like picnics, and parties where fruits are served and the host is asking if you like raisins.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

I don’t usually eat raisins but I don’t mind a few

  • Do you like raisins

I don’t eat them often but I’d take a few

15. Yes, I like raisins when added to oatmeals

Here’s another reply with a condition attached to it. You like raisins but it has to be added to your oatmeal before you are able to eat it.

Some like their raisins eaten with other types of food. Others like it as snacks alone but you are different.

This response can be used for other food options too. If there is another food you like your raisins with, then say it.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

I do. I like raisins with oatmeals

  • Do you like raisins

Yes, I like raisins when added to oatmeals

16. I like raisins, but only in moderation.

In this answer, you show that you like raisins too. But whether it is with other foods, or as snacks, you don’t say.

What’s important to you is eating raisins in moderation. But the person you are talking to can infer that this means you can eat raisins as snacks, with food, and so on.

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For example:

  • Do you like raisins

Yes, I like raisins but only in moderation

  • Do you like raisins

I do but in moderation

Responses to Do You Like Raisins

17. No, I’m more into chips and other snacks

If you don’t like eating potato raisins you can use this response. Here you show that you are not into raisins at all. You prefer potato chips.

So, if the individual was planning to entertain you with raisins, they may not bother. Also this response is the best when you are not interested in giving raisins a try for the first time.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins

No, I prefer potato chips. Do you by any chance have some potato chips?

  • Do you like raisins

I don’t like them. I prefer potato chips.

18. Raisins aren’t exactly fruits I like. But I’ll eat it if it’s served with something I like.

This happens too when you like fruit because it is served with another food that is your favorite.

With this reply, you don’t fancy raisins that much but you will eat them if they serve the dried fruit with food that you like.


  • Do you like raisins

Well, raisins aren’t exactly my thing. But I’ll eat it if it’s served with food I like.

  • Do you like raisins

Raisins aren’t exactly fruits I like. But I’ll eat it if it’s served with food I like.

19. I haven’t given raisins a thought. Do you like them?

It’s also possible you’ve not even tasted raisins before. Or that you have not even seen them. There has to be people in parts of the world who haven’t seen a raisin before.

It is people like this who should use this response. Then you can try to measure the likeability of raisins by asking the other person how they feel about the fruit.


  • Do you like raisins?

I don’t know, I haven’t given raisins a thought before. How about you?

  • Do you like raisins?

I’m not sure how I feel about them. How about you?

20. I like raisins when they’re fresh and not severely dried.

There are moderately dried raisins and there are severely dried ones. It depends on the method of drying and the preference of the farmer.

People have preferences between the two types too while some other people don’t care much about the difference.

So, if you care how dried the raisins are, you can use this response.

For example:

  • Do you like raisins?

Yes, I do. I like raisins when they’re fresh and not severely dried.

  • Do you like raisins?

I like raisins when they’re fresh and not severely dried.

Raisins are delicious snacks anyone can enjoy. They’re offered as snacks or part of a menu in many lands. In this article, you have learned 20 ways to respond when someone asks if you like raisins.

You will find any of these responses helpful in situations where you are asked how you feel about the dried grapes called raisins.

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