20 Best Replies to “Ramadan Kareem”

“Whoever observes  Ramadan out of honesty of Faith and with the hope of a reward will have his past sins cleansed” (Al-Bukhari).

Ramadan is the holy month in which Muslims worldwide fast, pray, and perform acts of charity. It is a time of spiritual reflection, discipline, and community.

At this time, it is not uncommon for brethren to greet one another with “Ramadan Kareem.”

This phrase expresses a wish for a blessed and prosperous Ramadan, and when said, deserves a suitable response.

While there are many contexts to the greeting, multiple answers in response to it also abound; for some, it is to wish the same, while others respond with a thank you. The answers differ.

As we proceed in this holy month of Ramadan, we will highlight the 20 appropriate responses to Ramadan Kareem you can give to make your well-wisher know that you value their concern; Bisimilah:

20 Correct Replies to “Ramadan Kareem”

Finding the appropriate responses to a Ramadan Kareem statement isn’t so hard; the main challenge is finding one that suits the scenario described.

As the prophet said: one unwilling to abstain from telling lies in speech and evil actions, Allah does not require du’a’. Therefore it is expected that our response to Ramadan Kareem should be free of hypocrisy and lies.

The responses below are but a few of the many answers one gets when the statement Ramadan Kareem is said; nonetheless, let’s take at what is before us and why these answers are appropriate:

  1. Thank you, and may Allah bless you.
  2. Ramadan Kareem to you too.
  3. May this Ramadan bring peace and happiness.
  4. May Allah accept our fasts and good deeds.
  5. May your prayers be answered and sin forgiven.
  6. Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family.
  7. Wishing you a blessed Ramadan filled with goodness.
  8. May this Ramadan be a source of goodness and inspiration to you.
  9. Ramadan Kareem, may your fast be easy and your prayers answered.
  10. May this Ramadan bring unity among us and eliminate hatred and division
  11. Ramadan Kareem, may you be rewarded for your good deeds.
  12. I am sending my Ramadan wishes to you and your family too.
  13. Ramadan Kareem, may you find peace and contentment in your heart.
  14. May Allah bless you with prosperity and success in this life and the hereafter.
  15. Ramadan Mubarak.
  16. Al-Mubarak feek.
  17. Thank you
  18. Same to you
  19. May you have a blessed month
  20. May Allah hear our prayers.

Thank you, and may Allah bless you too

Not only is this answer suitable for the statement Ramadan Kareem, but this response also signals a heartfelt appreciation to the one who made the statement. Think of this response as comforting recognition.

By responding to a  Ramadan Kareem expressing gratitude and offering a similar wish, it shows your respect for the tradition and your appreciation for the other person’s greeting.

Maybe at some point, the one who responded was on the verge of giving up due to health or some social issues due to their fate; give. Responding in that manner may be a way to cool off.

Ramadan Kareem to you too.

This response is simple but effective in conveying your acknowledgment and appreciation of the other person’s greeting.

Moreso, this response factors in that the responder takes cognizance of your effort in meeting up with the rite, especially if you are of the same fate.

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Ramadan Kareem to you as a response is accommodating and supporting and acts as a boost to the fellow who is also partaking in the custom.

May Allah accept our fasts and good deeds.

Used when you or the significant other has just broken their fast or is about to perform ablution to end the day’s fast.

This response shows that you understand the significance of Ramadan and are committed to observing it properly.

The response is a warning to keep walking upright and observing all the tenets and pillars of Islam.

Moreso, this injunction tallies with the word of  Muadh bin Jabal as he quotes the prophet: “Shall I not guide you towards the means of goodness”?

May this Ramadan bring you peace and happiness

When compared to other responses, this one gives off a jolly and assured state of calm, especially to those who are starting in the fast

By wishing peace and happiness to the person who greets you, you acknowledge the spiritual and social benefits of Ramadan and express concern for their welfare.

Not only that, this response aligns very well with one who’s heartbroken (probably lost a loved one) and seeks to find solace in the performance.

May your prayers be answered and your sins forgiven.

Usually rendered by a spiritual leader to his members who may have opened up to them about a previous experience or flaws.

This response shows that you recognize the importance of prayer and ask Allah for forgiveness for your past misdeeds.

As Ramadan Kareem entails a cleansing, responding with a “may your prayers be answered and sin is forgiven augment the reason for the season.

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family

Best said when the whole house members participate in Ramadan, and a visitor wishes you a Ramadan Kareem.

This response acknowledges the family-oriented nature of Ramadan and expresses your wish for the other person’s loved ones.

In another way, if a guest visits and any of your family members says a Ramadan Kareem to him, it should not come off as a surprise when he responds with a Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family.

Wishing you a blessed Ramadan filled with goodness.

This response acknowledges the importance of the start of one’s fast and is best used in that instance.

Also, the word “blessed” emphasizes the spiritual aspect of Ramadan and recognizes the blessings of observing it.

It also emphasizes the need to carry on in the fast while enumerating the benefits of engaging in the fast.

May this Ramadan be a source of inspiration and strength for you

The best response for a Ramadan Kareem for one who seeks some level of introversion and reminisces is the one above.

This response encourages the other person to take advantage of the opportunities for introspection and self-improvement during Ramadan.

Chances are, this response will do well to alleviate the pain of one who’s dealing with creativity or weakness in any form and decides to embark on a fast.

Ramadan Kareem, may your fasts be easy and your prayers accepted.

The journey to spiritual cleansing can sometimes be challenging, and Ramadan is no different. When one is wished a Ramadan Kareem, an appropriate response is to empathize with the fellow by praying for a speedy answer.

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May your fasts be easy and your prayers accepted, showing empathy and solidarity with the struggles that come with fasting and prayer.

This acceptance may be all needed to carry on in the remaining days of the fasts and rites.

May this Ramadan bring unity among us and eliminate hatred and division

The season also fosters unity and love, so it is unsurprising to find one responding to a Ramadan Kareem with a prayer or wish for peace and unity.

In a community bedeviled by discord and rivalry, no better response than the prayer to eliminate this feat is worth saying.

This response recognizes the potential for social unity and appeals to the shared values of the Muslim community.

Ramadan Kareem, may you be rewarded for your good deeds.

When you consider the benevolence of fellow Muslims and their participation in the practice of Ramadan, the most appropriate answer to give when they wish you a Ramadan Kareem is to pray that they are rewarded for their food deed.

This response emphasizes the importance of performing good deeds and acknowledges the rewards that come with them while encouraging those who perform the act of zakat to keep doing so.

Use this response when you want to recognize the contribution of a person or a leader who’s giving themselves to philanthropic acts.

I am sending my Ramadan wishes to you and your family too.

When you wish one a Ramadan filled with love, joy, and blessings, you genuinely show that you care about a healthy well-being and life travails.

This response makes the other party understand how you are expressing your Ramadan Kareem response emotionally.

It could be a distant relative or friend who, in their presence, impacted your life or the whole community.

Per-chance you come across them during the month of Ramadan, and they wish you a Ramadan Kareem, this answer is appropriate to wish them.

Ramadan Kareem, may you find peace and contentment in your heart

You don’t have to know the trouble that person who wishes you a Ramadan Kareem is going through before wishing them peace and contentment. Just say it.

This response acknowledges the importance of inner peace. It encourages the other person to seek it out during Ramadan and according to the Quran: “O you who believe! Fasting is stated for you as was stated for those before you to learn self-control” (2:18).

It is best used when things aren’t panning out as they should be, yet they choose to carry on. This reply gives an extra rejuvenation and a feeling to carry on with whatever one is faced with.

May Allah bless you with prosperity and success in this life and the hereafter

One exciting aspect of this response is the fact that it puts into consideration the spiritual and the physical in perspective, like wishing for success while thinking about the afterlife.

More of a warning than a prayer, it bears to the listener’s mind that life is transient and that nothing beats living a perfect life to qualify for paradise.

This response recognizes the temporal and spiritual dimensions of life and expresses hope for the other person’s well-being in both.

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Ramadan Mubarak

Use blessed Ramadan on an individual to convey solidarity and your wish for Allah’s favor upon them.

Using this response creates an indigenous feel to your wish. Ramadan Mubarak is a native translation for wishing a blessed Ramadan.

This response conveys a message of hope, good wishes, and blessings for the person who greeted you. It shows an eagerness to share in the joy and happiness of Ramadan.

Allah Ybarek Fik

Another appropriate response to a Ramadan Kareem is “Allah Ybarek fik,” which means “May Allah bless you too.”

This response reflects the acknowledgment of the greeting and a desire to reciprocate the goodwill in return. It is a beautiful way to demonstrate mutual respect and gratitude.

Thank you

“Thank you” is a simple but meaningful response to Ramadan Kareem. It shows that you appreciate the statement and will keep doing what is needed to improve yourself.

It also acknowledges the greeting and shows gratitude for the thoughtfulness and kindness of the person who greeted you. It is a friendly and polite way to reciprocate your appreciation for their greetings.

Same to you

This more direct and personal response supersedes the former in that it lets the well-wisher know that they are also being appreciated.

“Same to you” is another suitable response to Ramadan Kareem, which means “I wish the same for you.”

This response conveys warmth and compassion and shows that you are equally invested in the spirit of Ramadan. It reflects a sense of solidarity with your Muslim friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

May you have a blessed month

“May you have a blessed month” is an ideal response to Ramadan Kareem. This response is a beautiful way to express your appreciation for the significance of Ramadan and the importance of the occasion.

It also shows that you are aware of the value of this month and how much it means to your Muslim friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

By recognizing the value of the sacred month of Ramadan, your Muslim friends, colleagues, and neighbors are drawn to your thoughtful concern and acknowledgment, thereby improving peace and unity.

May Allah hear our prayers

Another response that depicts togetherness and anticipation of a Ramadan Kareem is the response May Allah hear our prayers.

This response acknowledges that the essence of the fast isn’t borne out of compulsion but as a way to get a speedy answer to one’s challenge.

By this response, your well-wisher bears in mind that they’re not the only one with a request and that the collective communion builds a deeper bonding in the faith.

Parting Words

Ramadan Kareem is one but the few ceremonies in the Muslim calendar. Nevertheless, performing this rite improves one Spiritual clarity.

Responding to Ramadan Kareem is an essential part of demonstrating respect and kindness to your Muslim friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

Ramadan is a time for Muslims to reflect spiritually and extend their generosity, kindness, and compassion to those around them.

Therefore, one must respond appropriately with a greeting that reflects the spirit of Ramadan and a sincere expression of good wishes.

Whether saying Ramadan Mubarak, Allah Mubarak feel, thank you, identical to you, or may you have a blessed month, each response is an opportunity to connect with them and build a lasting relationship.


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