20 Funny Responses to “Are You High?”

Whether you are truly high from drinking alcohol or simply acting like you are high, the question, are you high, can sound offensive.

One of the best ways to douse a rather tense situation is to have something funny to say in reply. And if you are truly inebriated, having something funny to reply to someone who asks is not a bad idea.

If someone asks, are you high, you can do any of the following: yeah, bro, I’m high on life nothing more, I’m not high, I’m just in the zone of awesomeness, or no, this is my real face and voice.

In this article you will find 20 funny responses to give when someone asks, “are you high?”

1. Bro, I’m Only High On Life

This is a great response if you are at a club or just coming out of one and the police pull you aside to ask if you’re high. It can be anyone else too. Just say, bro, I’m only on the high life.

For example:

  • Are you high

No, bro. I’m just high on life, that’s all

  • Are you high

Yeah, I’m high on life, bro.

2. Yes, I’m High On Your On The Sight Of You.

If the person asking is your spouse, partner, or friend, you can make them laugh by saying you’re high on their presence.

This is a valid thing to say if you are a goofy person when you’re high. Or if you’re merely joking around and not really high, this will be a really good reply.

For example:

  • Are you high

Yes, I’m high the sight of you

  • Are you high

Yes, the sight of you makes me high

3. Nope, It’s All Just Fun And The Good Times

Here you are jokingly blaming any apparent inebriation on the good people and games around you. This is a good one if you are at a party or at the games.

Say this if you are in the midst of friends and you’re all truly having a great time. It will come off funny if you are high for real.

For example:

  • Are you high

Nope, what you see is just the fun and good times

  • Are you high

No, it’s all just the fun and good times

4. Yes, That’s How I Can Talk To You.

Hopefully, the person asking is into you too. And the circumstance is one that involves you two at a bar where you have had a few already.

It can be that you aren’t really high but this isn’t just a reply. It is also a pickup line. If the other person likes you, they will surely laugh.

For example:

  • Are you high right now

Yes, that’s how I can talk to you

  • Are you high

Yes. That’s how I would be able to say what I want to tell you

Funny Responses to Are You High

5. I’m Not High, I’m Only Experiencing A Heightened State Of Awesomeness.

This funny reply will come in handy anytime, whether you are high or pretending to be. With glazed eyes and an appropriate tone, you can pull off the heightened state of awareness part.

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For example:

  • Are you high

I’m not high, just experiencing a heightened state of awareness

  • Are you high

What you see is a heightened state of awareness that I’m in

6. Me High? Nah, I’m just levitating with happiness

This funny reply replaces high with levitation. It suggests that you are not high on alcohol. You can lighten the mood by saying you are high because you are very happy.

For example:

  • Are you high

Me? No. I’m just levitating with happiness

  • Are you high

Me, high? Nah, I’m just levitating with happiness

7. I’m not high, I’m just on cloud nine because I’m talking to you.

This funny reply takes the romantic route. Whether you are truly high or not, this reply would be funny if the person asking is your love interest. You admit that things aren’t normal with you.

The only difference is, you are on cloud nine on account of this love interest.

For example:

  • Are you high

I’m not high, I’m just on cloud nine because I’m talking to you

  • Are you high

High, nope. I’m on cloud nine because I’m talking to you

8. Nope, I’m Just Naturally This Giggly And Goofy

This funny reply comes in handy in many real-life situations. You can be high for real, acting giggly and goofy. Saying you’re naturally that way is unrealistic but that’s the point of many jokes, they aren’t based on reality.

For example:

  • Are you high

Nope, it’s just me, I’m giggly and goofy naturally

  • Are you high

Nope, I’m just naturally this giggly and goofy

9. I’m not high, but if you have some, I won’t say no.

Use this funny reply if you are in the midst of friends or a drinking party and it is apparent you are high. The other person is asking because they can see you are high.

Avoid the misuse of alcohol and only use this reply jokingly without the intention of actually drinking more if you are truly high.

For example:

  • Are you high

I’m not high, but if you have some, I won’t say no

  • Are you high

No, I’m not. If you have some, I won’t say no

Funny Responses to Are You High

10. I’m not high, I’m just extra relaxed because of my yoga class.

This funny reply suggests that yoga can make someone relax, making them appear high. This is not true in reality.

But it’s a funny reply that’s supposed to elicit a laugh. You can use this reply in a real drinking circumstance or at other times.

For example:

  • Are you high

I’m not high, just extra relaxed because of my yoga class

  • Are you high

No, I’m just relaxed because of all the yoga I’ve been doing

11. Nope, just naturally this spacey and absent-minded

This funny reply can be given if you have been too quiet while drinking or in other situations.

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This is while others are lively but you are just by yourself, staring into space. What makes this reply funny is when you say you are naturally this way.

  • Are you high

Nope, just naturally this spacey and absent-minded

  • Are you high

No, I’m not. This is a natural thing for me, being spacey and absent-minded

12. High? No, I’m just channeling my inner Zen master

This funny reply attributes your being high to the meditative calmness that’s associated with the Buddhist practice of zen. You are saying what appears like being high, is actually your zen moment. Use this funny reply if you are sure your listener understands what zen means.

For example:

  • Are you high

High? No way, this look is my zen-master moment

  • Are you high

High? No, I’m just channeling my inner zen master

13. I’m not high, I’m just happy to be alive and breathing.

An inordinate amount of exuberance can make someone ask if you are high, depending on the situation. Maybe you appear too happy or lively. But this reply would be funnier if you are truly high.

For example:

  • Are you high

I’m not high, I’m just happy to be alive and breathing

  • Are you high

I’m not high, I’m only happy to be breathing and alive

14. Nope, just naturally this chatty and outgoing.

When some people are high, they become more talkative. Others become unusually quiet. This is because alcohol eliminates inhibitions.

This funny reply allows you to deny, jokingly, the fact that you are high. It attributes your chattiness to a natural tendency.

For example:

  • Are you high

Nope, I’m naturally chatty and outgoing

  • Are you high

Nope, I’m not. I’m a naturally chatty and outgoing person

Funny Responses to Are You High

15. High? No way, I’m just a natural comedian.

Furthermore, when some people are high, their talent for jokes is heightened. Their comedic side comes out for all to see.

If you are this way, someone can ask if you are high. This funny reply ascribes your present attitude to being a natural comedian.

For example:

  • Are you high

High? No way, I’m just a natural comedian

  • Are you high

Nope. What you see is the side of me who’s a comedian

16. I’m not high, I’m just experiencing a euphoric state of mind.

This funny reply is a good one when with friends who share interests with you. That is, friends with whom you can sit and talk about anything.

The delivery of this funny reply is with a nonchalant tone. Talkative nerds would find this reply funny. Also, some hallucinogens endow euphoric experiences, and so do activities like smoking m^rij^ana.

This article is not encouraging harmful lifestyles but the fun comes from calling up an image of you doing these things.

For example:

  • Are you high

I’m not high, I’m just experiencing a euphoric state of mind

  • Are you high

No, I’m not. This is me in my euphoric moment

17. High? No, I’m just naturally this creative and imaginative.

If you are doing something out of the norm or character, someone can ask if you are high. This funny reply can cause the person to laugh when you attribute the change to a natural tendency.

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It is hard in reality for someone who is high to be creative or imaginative because the person loses much of his self-control.

And here is where the joke is: attributing your sudden creativity to being high.

For example:

  • Are you high

High? No, I’m just naturally this creative and imaginative

18. I’m not high, I’m just feeling good because I got a lot of sleep last night.

This is hardly true, but it’s a funny reply to being asked if you’re high. Here you attribute being high to sufficient sleep, when in reality, you may have had a few.

Getting sufficient sleep has been known to stimulate the body, making you energetic for the day’s activities. So when using this reply, you are drawing a parallel between sleep and being high.

For example:

  • Are you high

No, I’m not high. I’m feeling good because I got a lot of sleep last night

  • Are you high

I’m not high, I’m only feeling for because I’ve had enough sleep

19. High? Not me, I’m just buzzing with positive energy.

And when some are high, they seem to display more energy for activities. This is not in their character but alcohol makes them more outgoing.

If you are like this, you may be asked if you are high. Different situations may make someone ask you this question.

For example, if you are out of character while at a party where alcohol is being served, someone is bound to think you have had a few.

For example:

  • Are you high

High? Not me, I’m just buzzing with positive energy

  • Are you high

No, I’m not. I’m just buzzing with positive energy

Funny Responses to Are You High

20. I’m not high, I’m just a little bit crazy all the time.

In this funny reply, you imply that whatever you are doing or not doing at the moment is because you are crazy all the time.

Now what this means will depend on what you are doing, and the other person will likely be laughing because of his understanding.


  • Are you high

I’m not high, I’m just a little crazy all the time.

  • Are you high

No, I’m not. This is my real self. I’m a little crazy all the time.

Any of the funny replies here can be added to your arsenal of jokes, jibes, and fillers for conversations. Each one can be applied in different situations.

This article is not in support of excessive or irresponsible drinking of alcohol. It is also not encouraging reckless behaviors. However, it is in support of fun and having a good time.

The replies here are meant to help you bring smiles to the face of your friends and family. When you use the replies, make sure to express them in an appropriate tone.

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