How to Respond When Someone Gives You Information: 30+ Responses!

Information is beautiful. With information, you can go places, you can get ahead of your mates, can make a lot of money, and you can do virtually everything with information. This is why the information should be appreciated.

When a person shares information with you, you should show appreciation as much as you can. You can consider how far the person went just to get a piece of knowledge that can help you.

How to Respond When Someone Gives You Information

You can consider that the person thought of you when he/she found a piece of knowledge you could benefit from. You can also consider how important the information is or can be to you.

Sometimes, you already know what you are being informed about. How do you respond without sounding dismissive?

Best 15 responses when someone gives you the information you need

How to Respond When Someone Gives You Information

There are several forms of information and not all can turn out helpful to you. In some cases, you already know that the information will be useless to you all through your life so you can’t respond like it’s important.

  1. Oh, thanks. This helps.
  2. Thank you so much. I love you for this.
  3. I’ve been looking for this.
  4. This means a lot to me. You have no idea
  5. Thanks for letting me know. I will work on it now.
  6. I needed to hear this. I appreciate this
  7. How sure are you?
  8. I didn’t know about that. Thank you, man.
  9. Thank you for reminding me
  10. This is useful. Thank you
  11. Really? Wow. Thanks
  12. I will keep that in mind. Thanks
  13. Are you serious? Thank you for letting me know.
  14. Omg! You just saved a life
  15. You’re not joking, are you? I could give you a hug

Oh, thanks. This helps.

The importance of the information that you have received is meant to reflect in your tone. Whether or not the information is so important, it is necessary to show appreciation for the information you have received.

Showing that you are grateful for the knowledge a person has given will encourage the person to inform you about other things. Asides from just saying thank you for the information.

You can say it helps. It will make the person feel good to know that he or she has helped you in one way or the other.

You can go ahead and say how the information helps. It will show your gratitude more expressively.

Thank you so much. I love you for this.

 Do not cringe at making this statement. It does not mean you are in love with this person in any way. It is also not necessarily used for the opposite gender.

By saying Thank you so much, you are showing appreciation for the information that you have received. This will encourage him or her to bring more helpful information when they come up.

The second clause is an exaggeration. It will be seen as an exaggeration as it is but it will make the person smile. By saying this, you are showing that you are happy with what the person has done. Your reaction will be considered golden.

Wow. I’ve been looking for this

You can start with an exclamation. You may be exaggerating but the person will be happy to hear you say it. However, if you don’t think the information is worth the exaggeration, you probably should not use it.

Wearing a fake reaction to a gift or information will pass the wrong message if realized. The person may believe you consider it useless and that your comment was pure sarcasm.

As long as you are honest, your exclamation will show you are impressed. By saying how much you’ve been looking for the information, it will show how helpful he or she has been to you.

The person will be flattered and encouraged to share more important Information with you in the future.

This means a lot to me. You have no idea

This sounds like an exaggeration but the person will be flattered to hear this comment. This implies that the information is important to you and will help you in a huge way.

The person will be happy to know he or she has been helpful to you. You can go ahead and state how the information will help you out. This will show that your reaction is an honest one.

You can even give the person a hug. If the information is not important enough for your reaction, you may want to settle for a subtle reaction and response so you don’t seem sarcastic.

Thanks for letting me know. I will work on it

Most of the responses mentioned earlier sound cringe, don’t they? This reduces the awkwardness you may feel when showing how important the information will be to you.

[Thanks for letting me know] does not fully show your reaction toward information. It may also mean that the information is not very important. So you don’t pass the wrong message, you should wear a genuine smile and say [I will work on it].

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The second clause tells the person that you won’t waste the information that has been shared with you.

The person will be happy to know you are going to put the information to use. However, it won’t be as flattering as the responses mentioned earlier.

I needed to hear this. I appreciate this

[Need] is the key word in this comment. You are showing your appreciation for the information that has been shared with you. You are also showing that the information will be very useful to you.

The first clause tells the person that you needed the information, and such person will be elated to hear this. This will encourage him or her to share more things with you in case you need them.

You should add the second clause and the person will probably smile and ask you not to worry about it.

How sure are you?

This seems like you are interviewing a person that has just helped you out, does it? It shouldn’t. While it seems like you doubt the legitimacy of the information being passed to you, it can show your surprise.

However, this depends on your reaction and your facial expression.

When useful information is passed to you, you can wear a smile and let it fade off for a sexy before asking if the person is sure. This will show that you are happy about the information and you wouldn’t be happy if it turns out to be untrue.

This does not only show that you are surprised and happy about the information. It also helps you know if the information has been confirmed before being passed to you.

This way, you don’t get overexcited over a piece of information that isn’t legitimate. Once the information is confirmed, give a genuine reaction and show appreciation to the person.

I didn’t know about that. Thank you, man

This should be a usual greeting comment among your friends. The first clause is showing that the information is new to you. This is important so the person is not discouraged from sharing information with you in the future.

If you have had access to information before a person tells you, you don’t have to show that you already know it so you don’t sound dismissive. This comment will encourage the person to inform you about new knowledge in the future.

The first clause will not work alone so you have to show that the information is important and you appreciate that the person has shared it with you.

Thank you for reminding me

This implies that you already had access to the information but you are showing appreciation for it because you already forgot.

When you make this statement, the person will get the suggestion and probably ask if you already knew about it. The person may ask how you knew about it.

Then you can say you did not know about it. If the person asks why you made your comment, you can make a joke that you would have known.

However, you should show sincere appreciation after the joke. Use this only among your friends.

This is useful. Thank you

Showing a person that the information that he or she has shared with you is useful will make the person happy. However, you have to focus on showing the person rather than telling the person.

The person may not be exactly interested in how useful you find the information but it will show your reaction is genuine.

Making this comment is not enough to prove that you find the information very useful. You have to make sure it is obvious in your reaction and your facial expression. Say thank you to the person before he or she leaves.

Really? Wow. Thank you

This uses a doubtful question, in addition to an exclamation and an appreciation comment. This will seem like an exaggeration but it must not feel like that to you.

If it feels like an exaggeration to you, then it is not an honest one so you should pick a response that reflects how you feel unless your true feeling may be dismissive.

Showing your doubt will show your surprise. The person will be flattered to hear you say it and add an exclamation. It shows that you found the information useful and you appreciate the person that has shared it with you.

You should also add thank you and hear the person’s response. Your facial expression should last a while longer. Make sure you don’t sound sarcastic in any way.

I will keep that in mind

When information has been shared with you, you can simply tell the person that you will keep it in mind. It may be a piece of information about something you are about to do or somewhere you are heading to.

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This comment sounds dismissive now but it isn’t if it expresses how you feel. When information is not very exciting at the moment, putting on a fake reaction will sound like sarcasm and the person will be unhappy to see that reaction.

This may show a bit of honesty. However, if it is important information that should help you in many ways, it will sound like you do not appreciate it.

Even if the information is not important enough to show excitement, you should say Thank you.

Are you serious? Thank you for letting me know

While [Thank you for letting me know] may seem dismissive in some cases, it does not have to sound that way. The first question will do three things.

It will show your astonishment toward the information you have received. It will show possible doubt. It will also flatter the person that has shared the information with you.

This comment, despite the last clause, will encourage the person to share useful info with you in the future. Note that the second clause is not negative. Rather, it may seem like you are carefree but the first question shows you are not.

Omg! You just saved a life!

This is clearly an exaggeration but you should not make it seem like that. The person you are talking to will believe you are just exaggerating but your facial expression will give him or her one of two ideas.

You either make it seem like you are being sarcastic or show that you are just so excited and unsure of how to express it.

Wear a huge smile and make sure you believe your reaction. If your reaction is not worth it, you should probably try something else or react genuinely.

However, if you respond this way and show it expressively, the person will be encouraged to share more information with you.

You’re not joking, are you? I could give you a hug.

This sounds like an exaggeration now but it would be the opposite when you use it. When you say it, it sounds like you are reacting more than you should.

However, if you will be showing a genuine reaction to this response, you will be slightly calm.

The response starts with a doubtful question which has to be said calmly. The second clause shows that you will appreciate the information if it turns out to be true. You can express your full joy when the information is confirmed.

Best 10 responses when someone gives you the information you already know

How to Respond When Someone Gives You Information

  1. Thanks for reminding me.
  2. That’s true. I’m working on it already.
  3. I heard that earlier.
  4. Did you just find out?
  5. I already confirmed that.
  6. It’s good, right?
  7. I found out earlier
  8. When did you get to know?
  9. I forgot to tell you
  10. I thought you already knew

Thanks for reminding me

When a person comes to share information with you, he or she may think you don’t already know. However, if you already knew about it, you can simply thank the person for reminding you.

The person will ask if you already knew about it and you can simply say you did. You may add that you almost forgot and thank the person again. This is one way to let a person know you had the information without appearing dismissive.

That’s true. I’m working on it already

 If you already had information that is being shared with you, you can simply say it’s true and that you are working on it already. This may sound slightly dismissive but it’s better than simply saying you knew.

You should acknowledge the information and probably have a conversation about it. That way, you won’t be sounding dismissive.

Yes. I heard that earlier

This is dismissive but it is an option. When a person tells you something and hopes you get excited to know about it, it will be heartbreaking to realize that you already had the information and he or she just wasted time in trying to pass the information to you.

You can make this sound less dismissive by talking about the information or asking the person questions about the information.

Did you just find out?

This sounds a bit dismissive but it is very easy to make it sound less dismissive. By asking this question, you are telling the person that you already knew about the information and that you expected the person to have known about it too.

The person may feel slightly disappointed in his or her eagerness to share the information with you. When the person says yes, you can talk about the time you got the information and start a conversation.

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That way, you take the person’s mind off the fact that you just took his or her unnecessary excitement away.

I already confirmed that

This is definitely dismissive. You may be unwilling to use this option for this reason but it is not forbidden.

The best way to make it sound less dismissive is to start a conversation about it. However, if you don’t have the time for that, you can just say this and let the person deal with the disappointment.

It’s good, right?

While this may start quite dismissive, it is a way to start a conversation that will make it feel less dismissive.

You are acknowledging the information and matching your excitement with that of the person sharing it with you. This will lead to a discussion and no one will feel disappointed about anything.

I found out earlier

 This is another dismissive response you may use if you don’t care about the feelings of the person talking to you. This tells the person that you knew about the information.

You can make the person feel less disappointed by talking about the information.

When did you get to know?

This is another way to start a conversation about it so you don’t sound dismissive when you show that you already know about the information that is being shared with you.

The person will answer the question and you can respond by saying when you also got to know.

Oh. I forgot to tell you

This makes the person feel slightly disappointed but you can easily turn it into a conversation. The person may feel unhappy that you didn’t care to tell him or her earlier.

Your comment implies that you forgot to share the information.

I thought you already knew

While this sounds quite apologetic about you not sharing the information earlier, it can also start a conversation.

The person will feel disappointed because he or she was going to share the excitement with you, not knowing you had already lived through the excitement in the past.

However, the conversation that comes after should make it feel less dismissive.

9 responses when someone gives you information you don’t need

  1. Thanks.
  2. Good to know.
  3. It doesn’t matter though.
  4. I don’t need that anymore but thank you
  5. Alright.
  6. I will keep that in mind
  7. Am I supposed to know?
  8. How’s that good?
  9. That makes sense

Okay. Thanks

Although you don’t want to make a person feel bad by showing that an offered help is not needed by you, pretending may not be a good option.

This shows that you are not excited about the information but it is better than directly telling the person that the information is useless to you.

Good to know

This sounds quite dismissive but it is better than pretending to find the information useful

It doesn’t matter though

You can let a person know that an information is not needed without saying it directly. The person may ask why the information does not matter and you can explain how it is unimportant to you.

Oh. I don’t need that anymore but thank you

This will sound dismissive but it’s an option. You may have added thank you but that adds no value.

Your first clause already shows that the person’s efforts and information are a waste of time.

Sure. Alright

 Since you don’t need the information, you can simply acknowledge it and move on with your life. This short response will be honest.

It is the perfect response if you think the person should know how useless the information is to you.

I will keep that in mind

This may be the nicest response on the list. Instead of saying or hinting that you don’t need an information that has been shared with you, you can say you will keep it in mind.

If you are asked about your lack of excitement, you can explain that you don’t need it but you will pass it on to whoever needs it.

Am I supposed to know?

A piece of information may seem needless to you but it may not be. If a person is unusually excited about telling you, you can ask why it’s so special. Then, you’ll know whether it’s important or not.

How’s that good?

This is another way to simply ask how useful the information is. It won’t be sounding dismissive until the person explains and it still sounds unimportant to you. However, if it turns out important, your honest reaction will be appreciated.

That makes sense

This is a simple acknowledgment of the information that has been passed to you. Your reaction will not match that of the person since you don’t care about the information.

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