15 Best Replies to “I Slept Like a Baby”

Most times when people have a restful night’s sleep and they wake up feeling refreshed, and ready to start the day by putting in their best, they describe their night as having “slept like a baby.”

If you think about it, you will realize that babies don’t sleep through the night peacefully. They cry every hour or two, need soothing and petting, and changing if they have filled their diaper.

That doesn’t sound like how anyone would like to sleep. So why the phrase? Well, when a baby does sleep, he isn’t worried about anything, he has nothing keeping him up at night, haunting his dreams, nor has worries and anxieties to battle.

You would wish to sleep like a baby right? Well, no time for sleeping.

Some of the interesting replies to give people when they say they get slept like a baby are, “That must have been a really peaceful sleep! I’m glad you got some rest” and “I envy you, I wish I could sleep that soundly!”

15 Best Replies to “I Slept Like a Baby”

  1. I can see. You look well rested
  2. That’s good. It’s great that you are refreshed for the day
  3. Aww. What got you sleeping well?
  4. No, say you slept like a cat at noon
  5. I envy you, I wish I could sleep that soundly!
  6. I hope to sleep that well myself tonight!
  7. That must have been a really peaceful sleep! I’m glad you got some rest.
  8. Sounds like the perfect night’s sleep. Maybe I’ll try to sleep like a baby myself tonight!
  9. I wish I could too but there is so much going on.
  10. Must be nice to not have insomnia
  11. Ironic isn’t it
  12. Better luck next time
  13. You definitely don’t have a baby
  14. Oh you poor, poor thing
  15. You cried all night? What’s going on? Who hurt you?

I can see. You look well rested

Think of it as a testimony and encourage them. As an adult, waking up refreshed isn’t a piece of cake and that’s if you even slept. Also, you can use this as a good time to throw in some good compliments.

Make them feel happy and loved especially if they are really close to you.

Best Replies to I Slept Like a Baby

That’s good. It’s great that you are refreshed for the day

A similar response to the one above. This isn’t really as endearing. It’s more of a good casual reply you will give to a coworker. One part is an affirmation while the second part is more like stating a fact.

You can also say other things like “sleeping well is very healthy” and the like but we’ll, don’t go heavy on that, you will sound like a boring professor and you might just dampen their bright and shiny day. You don’t want that, do you?

What got you sleeping well?

Sharing in someone’s happiness is a wonderful thing, especially if you can increase that happiness. This response is a way you can achieve that.

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You can use this to show more interest, to tell them you care and you actually want to know about them. With the question in the reply, they would feel flattered that you are so interested in what’s going on.

Now all you have to do, if they are friendly enough to tell, is sit back, relax, and enjoy a good story.

No, say you slept like a cat at noon

To sleep like a cat at noon and to sleep like a baby have the same meaning. (Now you have learned another saying). So why tell them to choose the first one?

Well as we have already established babies don’t always sleep soundly through the night but cats do. Especially noon when they are well-fed and have done their morning business.

They stretch themselves out and have a nice long nap. Now that is how you should be sleeping.

I envy you, I wish I could sleep that soundly!

Best Replies to I Slept Like a Baby

This response is a way to say that you understand how they felt and you are happy for them. This response is presented in a way that will flatter them or well, at least make them smile.

Everyone needs a good night’s sleep, not once in a while but every day. When you say this, say it with a smile. It’s a way to show the happiness you feel for them.

I hope to sleep that well myself tonight!

Best Replies to I Slept Like a Baby

You know that feeling when you clear your desk of all the work, or you got a leave or break from work, or you know that today you aren’t taking any work home so you will be able to rest easy.

Well with those thoughts, you can use this reply to someone who just had the testimony of a wonderful sleep. This response alone is a great stress reliever and if others are in the same position, you will have a lot of happy people around you.

That must have been a really peaceful sleep! I’m glad you got some rest

This is another way to structure a regular reply. The thing about these responses is that they are good conversation boosters or just something you can use to show friendliness without having to worry about what to say or how it will turn out.

While at it, smile and a few details about yourself. Nothing too long or boring. There! With this, you will find yourself making a friend.

Sounds like the perfect night’s sleep. Maybe I’ll try to sleep like a baby myself tonight!

If you read it into much meaning this might sound sarcastic but it just means that you are happy for them and you might just try to do the same thing.

Maybe you can ask them to know what made them rest so easily so you can use it and get the result they had and come and tell them about it.

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I wish I could too but there is so much going on.

Your sleep cycle or the number of hours you sleep, and how well you sleep depend on your type of life.

If you have a lot going on, like work, family, a relationship, our organizations, and maybe time-consuming activities it can be very hard to sleep well.

While this reply is sad, it at least sounds like soon your schedule will be lighter and you would be able to sleep like a baby.

Must be nice to not have insomnia

Now this response is sadder than the one above but for some people, it is sadly true. Insomnia is not a nice disorder to have. No disorder is but for sleep, it is sad to have to work the whole day and be unable to rest yourself.

If this is you, well it is a good response to use but you might keep the happy vibe going on with your droll reply. If you don’t want people to know at all, you can just not use the reply.

Ironic isn’t it?

If you think of it, it is ironic that you compare a restful night’s sleep to a baby’s when they are notorious for keeping others awake and bawling their heads off.

Now that we understand the irony maybe you should tell them so they can realize it for themselves. Note that while it is ironic, the original saying will not lose its meaning or stop being used.

One thing you can do is try to give them another saying like “I slept like a log”.

Better luck next time

This sounds odd, right? Well, we already said that babies don’t sound as soundly as the saying made us believe, so if they really slept that way, waking up and crying, then you will have to console them.

You are basically telling them that maybe next time they will sleep better. Some might get it, while others might not. You can try to explain to them and get their reactions.

You definitely don’t have a baby

This reply will be hilarious if you actually have a baby or you have taken care of one. It takes first-hand experience to be able to understand this response and just how to say it.

Well, you must not have a baby or have taken care of one to use it. Surely there would be someone who has among tise listening who will be able to tell stories while the others are entertained.

Works for everyone. Hey, just in case they don’t understand, you can explain to them.

Oh you poor, poor thing

Say this response in a sad voice with a hand on their shoulder while you shake your head. Explain to them and watch them burst into laughter. Then, of course, they will try to explain so you can tell them you understand them.

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It’s a nice response and it can endear you to others. They will admire the witty, funny response.

You cried all night? What’s going on? Who hurt you?

This is another silly reply. With this response, you might not have to explain because it is all in the response.

Even if they don’t get it immediately, when they do understand it you will get a variety of responses. If it is someone who is dealing with something, you might just tell by their reaction and see if you can help them.

2 interesting ways you can use “slept like a baby” in a sentence

Now we have to try to make use of this saying “I slept like a baby” in a sentence. Now don’t worry, I have prepared them in categories so that no matter how you want to use it, you have several options.

Best Replies to I Slept Like a Baby

Of course, you can make changes to suit the time and the people you are speaking with. Here they are:

You can use “slept like a baby” as a question

When you want to ask someone if they slept well, you can trash the common “Did you sleep well?” and “How was your night?” for the following:

Let’s start with a simple one:

  • I hope you slept like a baby?

An alternative is:

  • The way you look this morning you definitely slept like a baby didn’t you?

To a partner or spouse:

  • I am sure you slept like a baby, after all, you are my baby right?

You can use “slept like a baby” as a funny statement

Here is how to say it in some interesting ways:

  • My night? I slept like a baby


  • Fred slept like a baby. The news of the promotion really made his day


  • With all the work you have been doing you are going to sleep like a baby when you are done.


  • A nice way to think of heavy sleepers is people that sleep like babies.


  • Don’t forget to turn on your alarm. You usually sleep like a baby and you don’t want to be late for work


  • Tonight I am going to try to sleep like a baby so I can wake up ready for tomorrow. I have got a big day ahead


  • The home remedy really made me feel so relaxed so I was able to sleep like a baby.


  • I remember when I used to sleep like a baby. Now I am always up late in the night working

Whew! That was a lot. Now I have got to hit the sack and try to sleep like a baby. For you, well if you have more ways to use this phrase as an example or response just drop them below. Sleep well.

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