20 Best Ways To Respond To “Por que”

The words por qué, porque, por que and el porqué are basically pronounced the same way but with different intonation and stress and they mean different things.

They are Spanish words that are often used by English speaking individuals. 

The first word, por qué means ‘why’. The second word, porque, means ‘because’. The third word, por que means ‘for which’ and the last word, el porqué means ‘the reason’. 

All of these words can be used as questions depending on the occasion when speaking with an English audience. These are the best responses when asked “why?” “For which?” “The reason?” Or “because?”

How To Respond To Por qué – Why?

It can be annoying when you have to explain yourself to people everytime you decide on doing a particular thing. Let’s say you’re asked why you want to do a thing that way, “Why are you doing it?” “Why are you still dating that boy?” 

Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be to have to respond to all of those questions when you don’t even have an answer for them. Here are some ways: 

“Why not?”

Yes! Why not? Why can’t I do it? Why should I listen to you? Why can’t it be my way? The best way to throw people off their inquisitiveness is to ask them questions too. 

Let them know that you know what you’re doing and you’re not changing your mind. This should be to people who take interest in questioning your every decision. They do not deserve an explanation. 

Saying, “why not” will throw off balance and they’ll not disturb you again. Because they’ve seen that you’ve finally summoned courage to stand up to them. So, why not? 


Best Ways To Respond To Por que

On the other hand, you might decide to give an explanation on that thing. Surely, there are people you can’t just ignore but answer them.

So, you should have a reason for whatever you do so that you can at least say, “because I thought it wise to do so”. If they trust your judgment, they’ll let you be. 

“Because time was running out” can be a quick explanation to the question “why”. Nobody wants to waste time and if you can use time as an excuse, that’s fine. 


In some parts of Africa like Nigeria, people are fond of answering questions with questions. It’s almost like a culture. And that’s a way to get your questioners quiet. 

The last person who runs out of questions to ask back loses. If you’re in such a game, you can reply “Why?” “What! It’s not my fault.”

You can make it an exclamation letting the person know that you are exasperated at his incessant questioning. 

“That’s why!”

“That’s why”, while pointing to the object in question. If the reason for doing a thing is just close by, then you should just go straight by pointing it out. 

“I promised not to reveal the secret to anyone, that’s why you can’t know about it.” You’re being sincere and it’s a good thing. 

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While answering, you should be unapologetic about your answer, regardless of how it will make you look. It’s your truth and if you must be honest, it has to be said that way. 

“That’s just how it is”

At this point, you are tired of giving more explanations in order to make the person see reason with you. You can respond this way. 

Of course, this is if you must give an answer to that question. If you’re not willing to give out more information about the situation, just resort to using this statement. 

Let your tone be one of finality. “That’s how it is and I have nothing else to say to you.” You can make a step further by walking away. 

“It’s ok”

Some people ask the question, “why” with concern for you. You might want to reassure them that you’re fine by saying, “it’s okay.” That’s if you’re really fine. 

Sometimes, you may not be okay, but you’re not just ready to talk to them at that moment. It’s okay to dismiss them with this phrase. 

But, don’t fail to recognize that they are being concerned and that they care. “Why did you leave him?” You can choose to answer, “it’s okay. I had to”. 

How To Respond To El Porqué – the Reason

At this point, you might be required to provide the reason for a particular action. You need to know when the person is asking you this. 

When you’re asked this, you’re required to go into details. This is deeper than just asking “why”, it requires specific details concerning the subject of discussion. Here’s is how to answer to this:

“I don’t know”

Best Ways To Respond To Por que

Personally, I say this a lot. Not that I don’t actually know what to say, but I’m not just ready to start explaining and giving the details of the situation. 

If you’re like me, you might want to go with this simple statement, “I don’t know”. Mind you, not everyone will let you be when you say this. Some will enquire further to ensure you start talking. 

So, sometimes, you might respon, “I don’t know” because you don’t actually know what the person is talking about. Don’t feel bad because you don’t know. You don’t have to know everything. 

“I can’t tell”

Okay. Now you know, but it’s hard to tell. “I can’t tell” means that you have that information but you’re not in a position to give it out. 

It might be that you were warned not to tell or it is not in your place to tell. It might also be that you have chosen not to tell that person at that moment. It’s your choice. 

So, if you’re not comfortable giving out the reason for an action or event, feel free to declare that you can’t tell, especially when you’re at liberty to do so. Don’t tell when you’re not ready to tell. 

“What should I say? You know it already”.

If the reason is very glaring and known to both parties, you can insinuate that the person has the answer already.

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But, some people would still demand to hear from you even if they are privy to that information. You can choose to oblige them or not. 

Saying, “what should I say” is an indicator that there are no more words to say. Maybe you’ve said enough and the person is still demanding for more. Make it clear that you have nothing more to say. 

“This is it!”

Better still, you can go ahead and give the reason that is required. “This is it, I needed to do that because it was required by the doctor”. That’s a simple enough explanation.

You can go ahead and explain in detail. Or, you can give the reason in a sentence if you like. The aim is that you are able to come clean. 

Your tone and pitch will also have a role to play here. Are you making an exclamation or are you calmly stating a fact? Put that into consideration. 

How To Respond To Porque – Because

“Because” is not often used as a question, but it can serve as one depending on the occasion. You need to be ready to give an answer when you’re faced with a situation where you have to respond to “because…?”

“It’s the truth”

Best Ways To Respond To Por que

“Because?” “Because it’s the truth”. You might be having a discussion with someone stating your facts and the person is in doubt. Giving this answer to clear that doubt is necessary. 

“Because you think you’re better?” “No! Because that’s the truth”. When people question your integrity, the best thing to do is to defend it with the truth. 

Of couy, you wouldn’t want to say this if you’re not sure of what you said. If you’re not sure of the source of that information, you might want to be mute in this situation. 

“It’s the right thing to do”

Why does it sound like this is the best answer to give when someone further questions the authentication of your actions? Because it’s definitely what you should say whether you’re sure or not. 

Here, you’re not claiming to be sure of the fact, but you’re certain that that was the right thing to do at that moment. Be unashamed in responding to that. 

“It’s the best”

At this point, you didn’t just do the right thing, you did your best. Regardless of how bad the whole situation turned out, it’s still valid that you could only do your best. 

In a situation where you’re trying to give an explanation to something and the person asks further, “because?” “Because it’s the best”. 

If you were to choose between options and you end up choosing one, you might question why you like it and you can reply that it’s the best option among others. 

“You deserve it”

“You keep showing me kindness, Because?” “Because you deserve it”. You should say this to someone you have interest in. 

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Instead of stating hundreds of reasons why it should be otherwise, just smile and make this killer statement. If the person wasn’t giving you attention before now, this will be a point of attraction for that person. 

“There’s nothing else I can do”.

Best Ways To Respond To Por que

People will always question your choices, regardless of how much you think there are best choices. So, sometimes, when you have nothing else to say, just tell them how limited the options are. 

“You left John’s house, because?” “Because there’s nothing else I can do”. Sincerely, you tried enduring the excesses of John and it doesn’t look like he’ll change anytime soon. 

The only option for you at that moment is to leave. Leave and don’t be sorry about it. 

“It’s your duty”

Your colleague at work might be wondering why you did some tasks and left one undone. You can reply that you left that one because it’s his duty to carry that out. 

You might not want to give this answer to someone in a higher position than you or an elderly person. Nobody wants to be reminded that it’s their duty to do a thing. 

“You can do it”

You might be trying to persuade a friend to take up the form of that competition and he’s busy doubting himself. He might be wondering why you keep insisting. “Tell me, because?” “Because you can do it!” That is enough.

“I love you”

Sometimes, when answering “porque”, the question may not necessarily end with “because” in English. If the person uses the Spanish version, you would know exactly what he’s talking about. 

You’ve been all over me these days, porque?” “Yes! I love you!” And that settled it. 

How To Respond To Por que which means “for which”

This phrase might be used often in the mart or store. When you’re trying to pay for something you bought and you’ll be asked which you’re paying for. Let’s see the best responses to this. 

“For this”

You do not want to start saying a lot of things when the question requires that you point out the item you’re paying for and pay for it. 

Sometimes, you’re asked because there are many items there and you need to choose from them. If it’s more than one item you’re paying for, you can reply with “for these”. 

“For all/both”

In another case, you can pay for all or choose all the items there. You might have picked a lot of items that the shopkeeper is surprised and asks “for which are you paying for?” “For all”.

If there are two items on display, you can reply that you’re paying for both items. 


You should be familiar with Spanish to be able to know when someone is saying “why”, “the reason”, “because”, and “for which” so that you can give a befitting response. 

You will easily know the difference if the conversation is in text. So, when next you’re asked, “por que”, check any of these responses and give them. 

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