15 Best Ways To Say “My Schedule Is Full”

Have you been searching for a better way to tell someone that your “schedule is full”? Probably, you’re tired of saying the same phrase all the time and you need a change.

This phrase is mostly used to inform a person that you are unavailable at the moment or at a particular time. It passes the message that you are preoccupied or it is not convenient for you to take part in a certain activity. 

This article will identify 15 best ways in which you can say your “schedule is full” whenever you’re being asked.  Some of the best ways to say your “schedule is full” are; “I am really busy”, “I’m slammed”, “I’m buried in work this week”, and “My schedule is packed”.

These phrases inform the person that you won’t be available for any activity as you are occupied at the moment.

Here are 15 Best Ways To Say My Schedule Is Full 

I Am Really Busy

This phrase is direct and straight to the point. It is also a basic way of saying “my schedule is full”. It shows that you’re fully occupied with something. This phrase can as well be used to reject an offer or an invitation.

It communicates that you are indisposed to do anything. The use of the word “really” shows the extent to which you are busy. You are not just busy but really busy. It means you’re undoubtedly and undeniably occupied.

“Can we go to the beach this tomorrow?”

“I’m sorry, I’m really busy. Can we reschedule?”

“Hope you did not forget our trip this weekend.”

“Oh no! I’m really busy, so I can’t make it.”

I’m Slammed

The expression means that you are very busy and as well have a lot of work to do. It can be used to show that you’re extremely busy. This expression is a way of saying you have so much work to do that you can cope with it.

“Slammed” doesn’t only mean that you’re busy but that you are extremely busy. It means that you don’t have enough time to do the things you ought to. You are overwhelmed with too many responsibilities.

“Are you up for a movie?”

“I would love to but I’m slammed with work.”

“Are you done with work?”

“Not at all, in fact, I’m slammed.”

I’m So Busy That I Can’t Even …

This sentence can be used to show that your schedule is full. It is used to show to what extent you are busy.

The second part of the sentence would express that if you weren’t so busy you would have done that activity, and this explains how busy and full your schedule is.

The second part of the sentence is like an acknowledgment of the fact that you’re so busy. See the illustrations below;

“You look both tired and famished, have you at least had something to eat?”

“I’m so busy that I can’t even get lunch.”

“Will you still see the doctor today?”

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“I’m so busy that I can’t even go out.”

I’m Buried In Work 

This expression shows that there is so much work to do that you are buried in it. It is a good way to say your schedule is full. It means you’ve been engrossed with so much work to do.

It means that the work has taken your attention completely. It also means you’re fully into the work. By saying this, you’re trying to tell a person that there’s no time for any other activity except work and it’s another way of saying your schedule is full.

“Why have you not been picking up your calls?”

“Sorry, I’m buried in work”

“Why didn’t you finish your lunch?”

“I’m buried in work, I can’t have a proper meal till I’m done.”

I Have A lot On My Plate Right Now

Best Ways To Say My Schedule Is Full 

This idiom is very common when you want to say your schedule is full or that you are busy. It simply means you have a lot to do. It means at the moment your schedule isn’t friendly.

It means that so much is going on and that includes your schedule is full. It shows that you have a large amount of work and so much to deal with. It shows that you have so much to do.

“Will you go to the beach today?”

“I have a lot on my plate right now, so I can’t go to the beach.”

“Will you still attend the party?

“I have a lot on my plate right now, so I can’t attend the party.”

My Schedule Is Packed.

This is another simple expression to use whenever you don’t want to say “my schedule is full”. For a thing to be packed, it means it is full.

It shows that your schedule is tight and hectic. It could also mean that you have so many tasks to complete. You can use this expression alternatively for “my schedule is full”

“You look really busy.”

“Yes! My schedule is packed.”

“It seems you’ve been occupied.”

“Oh yeah! My schedule is packed.”

I’ve Got A Busy Agenda

Best Ways To Say My Schedule Is Full 

This is another phrase that can be used in place of “my schedule is full” it can also be used when you want to sound formal. The expression shows that your schedule is hectic or demanding or heavy. See the illustration below;

“There’s an opening ceremony, would you be available?”

“I doubt that, I’ve got a busy agenda.”

“How would you like to wait until after the tour is done?”

“I can’t, I’ve got a busy agenda.”

I Have A Busy Program

This phrase has almost the same meaning as the former. It can also be used when you want to sound formal. It is a nice formal way of saying you’re busy.

It means you’re not available as your program is busy, full, or chaotic. Instead of using, “schedule”, “agenda” or “calendar” which are the common words being used in this situation, you can use the word “program”.

“I thought you were free.”

“Not really. I have a busy program.”

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“When will you be less busy?”

“I really don’t know. I have a busy program.”

My Calendar Is Packed

This expression is another cool way to tell someone that your schedule is full. The word “calendar” can alternatively be used as “schedule” or “agenda”. A calendar is normally used to plan activities, so saying that it is packed means that it is full.

It can also be a way of rejecting an offer or invitation. Saying your calendar is packed means that you already have a lot of fixed activities that cannot be changed or replaced. It shows that your schedule is so full that you can’t add any other activity to the list. 

“Would you like to go shopping tomorrow?”

“I would love to but my calendar is packed.”

“Why did you cancel your picnic?”

“That’s because my calendar is packed.”

My Schedule Is Really Tight

This is another expression that explains the extent to which your schedule can be full.  It shows that your schedule is undeniably full. It could also mean that your schedule is hectic but in this case “really hectic”.

The expression increases the rate at which your schedule is tight by the use of the word “really”. It shows that it is serious and no new activity can come in. For instance.

“How’s your schedule this week?”

“My schedule is really tight.”

“Are you less busy on Thursday?”

“No, my schedule is really tight that day.”

My Agenda Is Full

This is an alternative way of saying “my schedule is full”. This phrase can also be alternated for “my calendar is full”. It can be used in a formal setting to show that you have a busy schedule.

By saying your agenda is full, it means you do not have any spare time or even extra time to do any activity that is not stated in your agenda.

You might have the time to do it in the future but at the moment, your agenda is full. This is also a way of declining someone’s offer. It could be that you do not feel like going out or you wouldn’t like to go out with the person that day. See the illustration below.

“No free time yet?”

“Nope! My agenda is full”

“What’s your agenda like?”

“My agenda is full.”

 My Schedule Is So Hectic

Best Ways To Say My Schedule Is Full 

A hectic schedule is a schedule that is busy. It is a schedule that is filled up with so many activities. This phrase is also a good way of saying your schedule is full, only that in this case the word “full” is substituted for the word “hectic”.

By saying this, you mean that you are very busy and your schedule is heavy and active. It shows that there’s a lot to do on your schedule that you hardly have time for other programs asides from those. This phrase can be substituted for “my schedule is tight” Check out the illustrations below. 

“What’s going on, you’ve been distant lately.”

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“My schedule is so hectic.”

“The concert is in going to happen in two days, will you be present?”

“Oh my! My schedule is so hectic.”

My Calendar Is Full

This expression is also simple and direct. It is a way of rejecting any more activities and also a way of saying you have got enough work and you don’t need more. Whenever you say your calendar is full, it is a way of telling a person that your calendar is holding or containing so much activity.

It means your calendar has as many activities as possible. It shows that you’re engaged with a lot of activities and your calendar is packed.

So, you can as well substitute this expression for “My calendar is packed”. It is a simple expression that shows your unavailability but in this case using your calendar.

“Would you make it to the meeting?”

“I don’t think so. My calendar is full”

“Is your schedule friendly this week?”

“Not at all. My calendar is full.”

I’m So Tied Up

This expression is another way of saying your schedule is full as it could mean that you are very busy. Being “tied up” means a person is indisposed at the moment because he/she has a lot to do.

It means they’re so busy that it prevents them from doing something else, like going somewhere or doing other things.

When you’re tied up you’re being stopped or prevented from carrying out other activities because of the one you’re doing presently.

If you’re tied up, then you’re busy and as a result of that you are not available for anything else. It could also mean that you’re unavailable to do a particular thing. Check out the illustrations below.

“I didn’t see you at the beach.”

“Yeah! I’m so tied up.”

“Can we go out now?”

“No, I’m so tied up.”

I’m Really Occupied

This expression shows that you’re engaged with something really serious and as such you don’t have the time for anything else. It is a great way to say “my schedule is full” in a polite manner and in a way that the person would understand.

“Can you come over to my place?”

“I can’t. I’m really occupied”

“Can you speak on my behalf tomorrow?”

“Oh, dear! I’m really occupied tomorrow.



There are times you can be busy such that you do not have the time to do some of the things you normally do. It could even be that you do not feel like hanging out with that person and you’re looking for an excuse to say so.

You may be looking for some of the best ways in which you can tell a person that you’re unavailable at the moment or that your schedule is full without having to cause any offense.

This article has explored some of the best ways in which you can tell a person that your “schedule is full” and the person would understand that you’re busy. 

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