20 Best Combacks for “Go Make Me A Sandwich”

‘Go make me a sandwich’: It’s a phrase that has become synonymous with the idea of gender-based inequality, and it’s one that has been used to belittle, demean, and humiliate.

It’s a phrase that has been met with a mix of anger and frustration, often leading to a heated exchange.

But there’s no need to resort to anger when responding to this phrase – there are plenty of creative and clever alternatives that you can use to make a point without resorting to aggression.

In this article, I’ll show you 20 of the best responses to ‘Go make me a sandwich’, From witty comebacks to serious statements, these responses are sure to leave a lasting impression.

You’ll learn how to stand up for yourself and others with intelligence and grace, without resorting to name-calling or other forms of aggression.

Whether you’re dealing with someone who’s trying to be funny or someone with malicious intent, these responses will help you make your point in a clear and respectful manner.

So, if you’re looking for the perfect response to ‘Go make me a sandwich’, look no further!

20 Appropriate Comebacks for ‘Go Make Me A Sandwich’

The phrase ‘Go make me a sandwich’ has become a common trope in our culture, and it is often used to belittle someone, particularly women.

The phrase is meant to imply that the person being addressed should do something that is beneath them or that is traditionally considered to be a woman’s job.

In response to this, many people have come up with clever and sarcastic comebacks to put a stop to the phrase and to put the person saying it in their place.

Here are 20 comeback responses to respond to ‘Go make me a sandwich’.

  1. Sure, what kind of bread would you like? 
  2. I’m sorry, I don’t take orders from people who think it’s okay to be sexist. 
  3. Nah, I’m good. I’m trying to watch my carbs. 
  4. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I don’t have all the ingredients.
  5. I’ll make you a sandwich if you make me a million dollars. 
  6. Why don’t you make me a sandwich and I’ll think about it? 
  7. I don’t think sandwiches are the answer to all of life’s problems. 
  8. I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who can’t make their own.
  9. I think a more appropriate response would be ‘please make me a sandwich.’ 
  10. I’m sorry, but the sandwich-making fairy hasn’t visited me yet today. 
  11. I’m sorry, but I don’t have the ingredients to make a sandwich that tastes like respect. 
  12. I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who don’t know how to ask politely. 
  13. I’m sorry, but sandwiches are not in my job description.
  14. Do I look like a sandwich chef to you?
  15. I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who don’t know how to be respectful. 
  16. I’m sorry, but I’m not a sandwich-making machine. 
  17. I think it would be better if you made your own sandwich. 
  18. I’m surprised you don’t know how to make a sandwich. 
  19. If you want a sandwich, you can make it yourself. I’m sure you can handle it. 
  20. I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who can’t make their own. 
READ:  20 Best Comebacks for Being Called a Simp

Sure, what kind of bread would you like? 

Combacks for Go Make Me A Sandwich

This is a polite and helpful way to respond to the request for a sandwich.

It shows that you are willing to accommodate the request, but also allows the person making the request to choose their own preference for the type of bread they’d like.

It opens up an avenue for negotiation, and can ensure that the sandwich is made to the person’s exact specifications.

I’m sorry, I don’t take orders from people who think it’s okay to be sexist

This statement is a powerful response to the dismissive and sexist suggestion that a woman should take on a traditionally domestic role.

It sends a clear message that sexism is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. By refusing to comply with the sexist order, it encourages respect and equality in the workplace and beyond.

The reply also serves to empower women and demonstrate that sexism can and should not be tolerated.

Nah, I’m good. I’m trying to watch my carbs

This is an appropriate response to the request for a sandwich, as it is a polite way of declining the offer in a humorous way.

The reply is implying that a sandwich is often high in carbohydrates and that the speaker is actively trying to limit their intake of carbs.

Additionally, the phrase is light-hearted, demonstrating that the speaker is not offended by the request, but is simply unable to comply.

I’d love to, but I’m afraid I don’t have all the ingredients

Combacks for Go Make Me A Sandwich

This is a suitable reply to the request to ‘go make me a sandwich’ as it is a polite way to decline the request while conveying that the speaker is not able to fulfill it due to a lack of necessary ingredients.

The statement implies that the speaker is keen to help, yet unable to do so, and it avoids any potential conflict that a more direct ‘no’ may cause.

I’ll make you a sandwich if you make me a million dollars

This is an amusingly cheeky response to a demand for a sandwich. It is a clever way to turn the tables on the initial demand, by suggesting that an absurdly large amount of money would need to be exchanged for a simple sandwich.

This response can be used as a way to humorously reject a request or to express frustration in a lighthearted manner.

Why don’t you make me a sandwich and I’ll think about it? 

This reply conveys the message that the person does not want to make the sandwich and considers the request unreasonable.

It is often used as a humorous retort to an outlandish demand, suggesting that the person making the demand should not expect the other person to do their bidding without any consideration

I don’t think sandwiches are the answer to all of life’s problems. 

This reply implies that the person making such a request to prioritize a mundane task over more important matters is misguided and perhaps even foolish.

By implying that there are more important issues in life than making a sandwich, the reply is both humorous and thought-provoking.

I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who can’t make their own

This statement is an appropriate response to a request for a sandwich, as it implies that the speaker will not fulfill that request.

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It also implies that the person making the request has the capability to make their own sandwich and should do so instead.

This response is direct and to the point, allowing the speaker to maintain their boundaries without getting into a lengthy explanation or argument.

In essence, it conveys that the speaker is not willing to take on the role of a servant in this situation.

I think a more appropriate response would be ‘please make me a sandwich

is an effective way to challenge the notion that men are entitled to having their whims catered to without any regard for politeness.

It highlights the importance of using respectful language in everyday conversations and shows that even the simplest of requests can be made with courtesy.

By subtly shifting the language from a demand to a polite request, it sends a powerful message that respect is a two-way street.

I’m sorry, but the sandwich-making fairy hasn’t visited me yet today

This light-hearted response shows that the speaker is not taking the other person’s request seriously.

It implies that the speaker doesn’t have the power to make a sandwich, since they are waiting for a supernatural being to grant their wish.

A humorous reply is a way of politely declining the request without causing offense.

I’m sorry, but I don’t have the ingredients to make a sandwich that tastes like respect

This phrase is a humorous response to the phrase ‘go make me a sandwich’; it implies that respect can’t be bought or made, and it is something that needs to be earned and given freely.

The speaker is implying that they cannot make a sandwich that will give the other person the respect they are asking for.

I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who don’t know how to ask politely

This reply is suitable because it conveys a message of respect for the speaker and sets a boundary for the way in which their request must be expressed. It also implies that the speaker is capable of making their own sandwich if they choose to express themselves in a polite manner.

I’m sorry, but sandwiches are not in my job description.

This reply is suitable as it acknowledges the request while respectfully declining to comply due to the fact that making a sandwich is outside the scope of the job duties.

Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of staying within the job description to ensure that employees are performing the tasks they are hired to do.

Do I look like a sandwich chef to you?

Combacks for Go Make Me A Sandwich

The speaker is implying that they are not a sandwich chef and that the recipient should make the sandwich themselves.

It is a humorous way of rebutting the suggestion that the speaker should do something that they consider to be beneath them.

It can be interpreted as a sarcastic response, or as a playful challenge to the recipient to prove that they can make a sandwich.

I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who don’t know how to be respectful

This reply is suitable because it communicates that the speaker does not appreciate being spoken to disrespectfully, and requires that the individual demonstrate respect before receiving the requested service.

READ:  20 Polite Ways To Say "No Need To Reply" 

It also implies that the speaker is willing to help, if the individual is willing to act appropriately.

I’m sorry, but I’m not a sandwich-making machine

This statement is a humorous response to a request for the speaker to make a sandwich, conveying that the speaker cannot fulfill the request due to their lack of capability or lack of desire to do so.

It implies that the speaker is not a ‘sandwich-making machine’ and therefore cannot provide the requested service.

I think it would be better if you made your own sandwich

This reply is suitable because it encourages the other person to take responsibility and take control of their own actions.

It also implies respect, as it is suggesting that they are capable of making the sandwich themselves. By making their own sandwich, they can choose exactly what they want and how they want it prepared.

I’m surprised you don’t know how to make a sandwich. 

This is an appropriate and sarcastic reply to ‘go make me a sandwich’ as it implies that the person asking such a question should know how to make one and be able to do it themselves, implying that the request is unreasonable.

If you want a sandwich, you can make it yourself. I’m sure you can handle it. 

This phrase is a humorous response to the demand for a sandwich, implying that the person can make their own sandwich as they are capable of doing so.

It is also a reminder that the person should not expect others to do something they are capable of doing themselves.

Lastly, it can be seen as an empowering statement that encourages the person to take responsibility for their own needs.

I’m sorry, I don’t make sandwiches for people who can’t make their own.

This reply is an example of a humorous, yet the assertive response to an unreasonable request.

It implies that the speaker is not willing to do the task in question and that the other person is capable of handling it themselves.

It also acknowledges that the request is not reasonable, since it is not the speaker’s responsibility.


The 20 Best responses to respond to ‘go make me a sandwich’ is an important topic to consider in today’s world.

Not only does it demonstrate how to respond to a rude comment, but it also shows how to effectively deal with difficult people.

By responding with humor, patience, and understanding, you can let the other person know that their words are not acceptable and that you will not put up with such behavior.

Additionally, by using the 20 Best responses I have provided, you can show the other person that you are not someone to be easily pushed around.

Finally, by using these responses, you can help create a more respectful and inclusive environment that allows everyone to feel safe and accepted. 

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