20 Things to Say When Someone Compliments Your Legs

Since a genuine compliment about your legs is what we’re considering in this post, it is important to point out the need for you to express gratitude in any form in your response to the person or even compliment them.

To this end, some of the best things to say when someone compliments your legs include ‘You’ve always struck me as one with good eyes, thanks though’, ‘Thanks for taking time to look at me’, ‘You flatter me, thanks for being so sweet’, and ‘I appreciate, I’m proud of my legs’.

However, there are more things to say when someone compliments your legs in this article.

20 Things to Say When Someone Compliments Your Legs

1. I Appreciate, I’m Proud of My Legs

‘I appreciate, I’m proud of my legs’ is the first thing to say when someone compliments your legs in this article.

Here, you’re thanking the person who complimented your legs and also letting the person know that you’re proud of your legs.

Saying you’re proud of your legs is an act of self-love and goes well to be used as a good response to when someone compliments your legs.

2. You Flatter Me, Thanks for Being So Sweet

‘You flatter me, thanks for being so sweet’ is a statement you can use to reply to someone who compliments your legs. Using this line, you’re telling the person that he or she flatters you with their words.

As well, you’re telling the person ‘thanks for being so sweet’. This ending part of the statement has you showing appreciation to the person for complimenting your legs.

3. Thanks for Complimenting My Legs, Always Knew Someone Would Find Them Beautiful

‘Thanks for complimenting my legs, always knew someone would find them beautiful’ is a fine thing to say when someone compliments your legs.

Here, you’re saying thanks to the person you’re complimenting while telling them that you always knew they would find them beautiful.

4. You Know I Wax Them Often to Get This Good

‘You know I wax them to get this good’ can be your line of choice for things to say when someone compliments your legs.

With this response, you’re making it clear to the person that your legs didn’t just get good. Instead, you wax them to keep them that good for sight.

5. You’ve Always Struck Me as One with Good Eyes, Thanks Though

‘You’ve always struck me as one with good eyes, thanks though’ is a response that has you talk about the person who complimented your legs as someone who has eyes for good things.

You’re thanking the person for making kind remarks about your legs while also implying that they have eyes for good sighting.

6. I Didn’t Know you’d Notice, Thanks for That

‘I didn’t know you’d notice, thanks for that’ is another thing you can say when someone compliments your legs.

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This response has you insinuate that you didn’t know the person in question would notice your legs, not to talk about compliments about it. To top it up, you’re saying thanks to the person.

7. I Won’t Entertain Your Flatters, I’m not up for that

‘I won’t entertain your flatters, I’m not up for that’ is the only indifferent response in this post.

Here, you’re telling the person that complimented your legs that you don’t want to entertain their flattering which could be what they’re doing by complimenting your legs, especially if it’s coming from a guy while you’re a lady.

8. You Talk More Fine Than I Ever Thought

‘You talk more fine than I ever thought’ can be your preferred line of response when someone compliments your legs.

But in using this reply, you’re positing that you the person in question talk finer than you ever thought.

In this vein, your response serves as both a compliment to the person and a way of appreciating him or her for lending their kind gesture to you.

9. I Like Feeling Confident in My Body

‘I like feeling confident in my body’ is a self-exalting line of response you can use when someone compliments your legs.

I say it is so because you’ll be picturing yourself as someone proud of themselves, irrespective of the flaws.

Saying this response to someone who compliments your legs is proof that you are conscious of yourself which is a beautiful thing.

10. I Do Take Good Care of Them, so Don’t Expect Less

Saying ‘I do take care of them, so don’t expect less’ is a plain response when someone compliments your legs.

With this, you’re asserting that you take good care of your legs and as such, the person who complimented you shouldn’t expect anything less than they‘re already seeing.

11.  I Appreciate Your Sincerity, Yours Don’t Look Too Bad

‘I appreciate your sincerity, yours don’t look too bad’ is a good thing to say when someone compliments your legs.

With this response, you’re using this response to appreciate the person for extending their kind gesture towards your seemingly beautiful legs.

Additionally, you are telling the person that their legs don’t look too bad compared to yours which is also a compliment.

12. Look Who’s Complimenting Me, You Have the Best Legs I’ve Seen Around

‘Look who’s complimenting me, you have the best legs I’ve seen around’ is a response to when someone compliments your legs that has you say nice things about the person’s legs too.

Here, you are tagging the person as having the best legs you’ve ever seen around. This is you serving the person you’re replying to with the same plate with which they served you kind words.

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Likewise, this response has you picture the person in the best of lights – saying they have the best of legs and even putting their own above yours.

13. You Like My Legs, I Think Your Legs Are Beautiful

‘You like my legs, I think your legs are beautiful’ can be your preferred line of response to employ when someone compliments your legs. Here, you’re reciprocating the person’s kind gesture by telling him or her that their legs are also beautiful.

Just as you feel good when the person compliments you, the person will also feel loved if you use this line of response to reply to the person.

14. I Love It When You Say Nice Things to Me

‘I love it when you say nice things to me’ is a response to when someone compliments your legs which has you tell the person that complimented your legs that you always get a good feeling when they do so.

Hence, you’re telling the person that you love it when they say nice things about you to you. I’m positive that the person you’re directing this message to will understand right away that you’re happy with having your legs spoken about in such a sweet way.

15. I Don’t Have Any Other Choice than to Enjoy Your Words Every Time

‘I don’t have any other choice than to enjoy your words every time’ is a pleasant thing to say when someone compliments your legs.

By this reply, you’re making the person who complimented your legs understand that you don’t have any other choice left than to enjoy every word they say.

This decision of yours will be because the person comes up with soothing words each time they open their mouth to say anything to you.

Hence, you can make it a duty to always bask in the good feeling that the person brings with each sweet thing they say to you.

16. Thanks for Taking Time to Look At Me

‘Thanks for taking time to look at me’ is something you can say when someone compliments your legs. With this response, you’re showing your gratitude to the person for taking the time to look at you.

If you’re someone who battles self-esteem, then this response fits in well for you to use. This will have you thank the person who complimented your legs for looking your way and seeing something beautiful they can talk about.

17. You Keep Making Me Feel Special

‘You keep making me feel special’ is one of the things you can say when someone compliments you and all you want to do is to tell the person how they make you feel.

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Using this line of response, you’re telling the person that he or she keeps making you feel special.

This is what happens when I receive validation from people – I feel special. Thus, it is in no way odd for you to feel the same way when someone makes a good remark about your legs.

This is when you inform them that you feel special and cherished each time they compliment you.

18. I’m Glad My Legs Caught Your Attention

‘I’m glad my legs caught your attention’ is a cheerful thing to say when someone compliments your legs.

With this, you’re implying that you’re cheerful that the person in question paid attention to your legs enough to warrant them to compliment it.

Saying you’re glad that your legs caught their attention is a simple way of informing the person that you’re happy about their compliments on your legs.

19. How You Don’t Get Tired of Extolling Me Is Baffling

‘How you don’t get tired of extolling me is baffling’ is another congratulatory response you can give when someone compliments your legs.

Here, you’re telling the person how they tend to not get tired of saying nice things about you and continue to leave you in awe.

This statement is courtesy of the person complimenting your legs. Perhaps, the person you’re directing this response to is fond of saying nice things about you. If that’s the case, then employing this line of response is most considerate.

20. Are You Always This Lovely? I Enjoy It

‘Are you always this lovely? I enjoy it’ is a thoughtful reply which you can give when someone compliments your legs.

Although it is the last of the things to say to someone complimenting your legs in this article, it is still a viable means of response to offer.

Using this reply, you’re asking the person if he or she is always sweet and lovely with their words citing how they complimented your legs for being beautiful.

This response is meant to ignite a conversation between you and the person along the lines of asking if and why he or she is always lovely.

However, you’ll be ending this line by letting the person know that you enjoy hearing them say sweet and lovely things about you.

Final Words

The best things to say when someone compliments your legs circle showing gratitude to the person for being so kind, reciprocating the kind gesture and even painting yourself in the best lights.

This article has done a great deal of work in detailing about 20 things to say when someone compliments your legs.

You’re now left with the duty of picking the one or two responses to appeal to you and using them accordingly.

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