10 Best Ways to Answer “Cuántos Años Tienes”

If you happen upon a person who speaks Spanish and they ask you, Cuantos anos tienes, What would be your best response? First, you have to know what this Spanish phrase means. It means in English, “How old are you?”

We have all been asked this question at one point or the other and we responded. It’s a different thing if we are asked this question in Spanish and you have to respond in English.

This article presents the 10 best responses to give when someone says, Cuantos Anos Tienes.

1. I am (age)

This is a straightforward answer you can give to someone who asks how old you are in Spanish. Note that you are answering them in English maybe because you don’t speak Spanish. It is a less-than-creative response.

It wastes no time beating around the bush. It gets straight to the point. It is on this list of best answers because, as they often say, less is more.

Also, the simplicity of this response earns it a place on this list. Most people will also give this response.

Here are a few examples of how to use this response in a sentence:

  • I’m 10 years old

How old are you? I’m 4.

  • How old is your sister? My sister is 20 years old
  • How old is your father? My father is already 60 years old

2. I am (age) years old.

This is also a great way to respond to the Spanish request about your age. Now we are assuming the questioner is Spanish and understands English.

Also, they could be an English speaker who understands how to speak Spanish. If this is the case, this response is apt because it is fuller in context than the first response on this list.

It adds the words, “—years old.” It is also properly personalized by using the pronoun, “I”.

Here are a few examples of sentences where you might use this expression:

  • How old are you? I am 3 years old
  • How old are you? I am 50 years old.
  • How old is your cat? My cat is young, she’s 2 months old.
  • How old is your uncle? My uncle is 50 years old

3. I am older than (age) or younger than (age).

Sometimes you may want to have fun while answering the request about your age. You don’t want to expressly reveal your specific age so you use this response.

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You want to quiz the other person, make them work for the answer. Who says you can’t have fun with language? No one. So just play a little game with your age until the person guesses right.

Here are a few examples of how you might use the phrase in a sentence:

  • How old are you? I am either young or older than 18 years old
  • How old are you? I don’t know if I am either young or older than 30 years old
  • How old are you? I am either young or older than 25 years old and I still don’t have a stable job
  • How old are you? I am either young or older than 40 years old and I already have my own businesses

4. “For (age) years I’ve walked this earth”

If someone asks you in Spanish, how old are you? You can say, “For 26 years, I’ve lived on this earth.” It is all part of the fun you are having with the English language.

This construction may sound oldish, but you can’t deny there’s a nice ring to it. Telling the person you’ve been on earth for a number of years this way can surely spark some deep introspection.

There are times when this is an appropriate response though. For example when you’re trying to be funny or awkward. It also sounds poetic if this is put in writing.

Try these expressions in a judgment:

  • How old are you? I’ve been in this world for 30 years.
  • How old are you? I have been in this world for 50 years, yet I still have a lot to learn.
  • How are you now? Despite my difficulties, I have been around 80 years and I keep going.

5. “I’m (age) because I was born in (year)”

Here you answer by mentioning the year you were born and the age you have attained at the present time.

This is an easy way to answer the question about your age without speaking Spanish back to the person.

It is also a great way to help the other person with the math of having to calculate or determine the year in which you were born.

Below are examples of how to use this response:

  • How old are you? I was born in 1999, so I am 24 years old.
  • How old are you? I was born in 2005, so I am 18 years old.
  • How old are you? I was born in 1980, so I am 43 years old.
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6. “My birthday is (birthday) so I am (age) years old”

If the question about your age comes up in an argument, this response could be the best one to give. You are connecting the fact of your age with your birthday celebration.

Usually, people celebrate their real age on their birthdays. If there is an argument over your age, the reference to the digit you’re celebrating on your birthday is enough to put the disagreement to rest.

Here is an example of how the sentence could be used:

  • How old are you? I am 25 years old because March 15th is my birthday.

The statement will be complete in each case if “birthday” and “age” are substituted with the proper values.

Best Ways to Answer Cuantos Anos Tienes

7. “My age is (age) years.”

Like the other responses on this list, this one makes a direct reference to the truth about your age. It is a specific pronunciation that you are a certain age.

This is also a popular way to respond to the question about your age, even in other languages.

For example:

  • How old are you?

My age is 27 years

  • How old are you?

My age is 35 years

  • How old are you?

My age is 42 years

  • How old are you?

My age is 18 years

  • How old are you?

My age is 20 years

Remember that the age could change depending on who is uttering the remark.

8.”I have turned (age) years old.”

This response is a twist on many of the responses on this list. Of course, this is English language and even this response stands on its own.

You can add this to the best responses in your arsenal of responses. When someone asks you in Spanish about your age, you can tell them you have turned 20.

Depending on the circumstances, this response can be used in relation to an upcoming birthday.

  • How old are you?

I have turned 30 years old, it’s the start of a new phase in my journey

  • How old are you?

Tomorrow I turn 18 years old, I’m finally of legal age!

  • How old are you?
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I can’t believe I’ve already turned 40 years old. I remember being young like it was yesterday.

  • How old are you?

I turned 25 years old last month and I was given a car as a birthday present.

  • How old are you?

Tomorrow I turn 50 years old, and I still feel young inside.

9. “For (age) years I have lived on this earth.”

This is yet another twist on the responses on this list. There’s a reference to the duration of time you have spent on earth. With this response, you are trying to get poetic.

This response works well especially if it’s in writing, or texting.

Below are examples of how you can use this reply in conversations:

  • How old are you?

“I have been in this world for 30 years.”

  • How old is this?

“I’ve already been working on this project for three years.

Please note that the sentence will change its meaning depending on the context in which it’s being used, but overall you can use it to express the duration of time someone has spent in this world or any other context where it’s relevant to express the duration of time for something.

10. “I have been alive for (age) years.”

Again here is a poetic and beautiful response that calls to mind the mortality of being a human on earth, counting days, weeks, months, and years.

This is a creative way of connecting your age to being alive. Not just existing. And if the person asks you why you have given such a response, you can say it is because you have truly been alive, living your best life.

You can promptly invite them to your birthday if it’s close.

  • How old are you?

I have been alive for 30 years

  • How old is your grandfather?

My grandfather has been alive for 90 years

  • How old is she?

She has been alive for 25 years

  • How old are you?

My son has been alive for only 2 years


Language is dynamic. And language never goes to waste. Even if you aren’t a native of a country where Spanish is spoken, this article is still valuable.

You just might find yourself in circumstances where you are required to use any of the responses on this list.

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