20 of the Best Replies to “Keep Your Fingers Crossed”

When someone tells you to keep your fingers crossed, it’s usually a sign that they are wishing you the best of luck in some endeavor.

It’s a way for them to show you that they are standing in your corner, cheering you on, and hoping for the best possible outcome.

It’s a gesture of support, and it’s nice to know that you have others rooting for you. But what is the best way to respond to someone who encourages you to keep your fingers crossed?

Whether someone says it to you in person, over the phone, or via text, it’s important to show your appreciation for the gesture.

A simple thank you is a great way to start. It shows that you understand the sentiment and that you are grateful for their support.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to show that you are confident in your own abilities and that you’re taking the necessary steps to succeed.

This is why in this article, I’ve compiled a list of 20 of the best replies to ‘keep your fingers crossed’.

What Does ‘Keep Your Fingers Crossed’ Mean?

The phrase “keep your fingers crossed” is rooted in an ancient superstition that if you cross your fingers, you will have good luck.

The belief is that when you cross your fingers, it creates a cross-like shape, and this shape is thought to ward off bad luck or evil spirits.

It is believed to have originated in Europe and the United Kingdom, and it is used by many cultures today.

The act of crossing one’s fingers has also become associated with making a wish.

By crossing your fingers and wishing for something, it is believed that your wish will come true. This is another way that the phrase has been used over the centuries.

In modern times, ‘keep your fingers crossed’ is often used as a gesture of good luck. It is an easy way to show your support, and it is a way to express optimism in a situation.

It is a phrase that is used by many people around the world and it is a phrase that can be used in a variety of different contexts.

So the next time someone says to keep your fingers crossed, remember that it is their way of wishing you luck or hoping for a positive outcome

It is an ancient superstition that is still used today, and it is a gesture of good luck and positivity. So keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best!

20 Best Replies to “Keep Your Fingers Crossed”

If you’re looking for a response to the phrase keep your fingers crossed, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you’re trying to find something witty to say in response, or simply need to acknowledge the sentiment, we’ve compiled the top 20 best replies to keep your fingers crossed.

  1. Will do.
  2. Crossing my toes, too.
  3. Let’s hope for the best.
  4. I’ll try my best and keep it positive
  5. Fingers crossed and a positive attitude. 
  6. I appreciate the support and I’ll be sure to keep my fingers crossed.
  7. That’s kind of you, I sure hope everything works out.
  8. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. 
  9. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my faith high. 
  10. Crossing my fingers for a positive outcome. 
  11. I’m feeling hopeful, Thanks for the reminder to keep my fingers crossed. 
  12. Thanks, I need all the positivity in life right now.
  13. Will do, Here’s hoping.
  14. Crossing my fingers and sending good vibes. 
  15. Thanks for the reminder, I’ll keep my fingers crossed. 
  16. Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll have my fingers crossed. 
  17. I’m feeling positive, Fingers crossed! 
  18. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep pushing forward. 
  19. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep my chin up. 
  20. Thanks for the well wishes, I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my spirits high. 
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Will do

Replies to Keep Your Fingers Crossed

A simple, straightforward response that’s sure to put a smile on the face of whomever you’re speaking with.

Crossing my toes, too

A fun, lighthearted response perfect for any situation.

Let’s hope for the best

A positive response shows your optimism and willingness to help.

I’ll try my best and keep it positive

The expression ‘I’ll do my best and keep my fingers crossed’ is a suitable way to reply ‘keep your fingers crossed’ when wishing someone luck in a challenging situation.

This expression conveys a sense of support and optimism that the person will be successful

Fingers crossed and a positive attitude

Replies to Keep Your Fingers Crossed

Fingers crossed and a positive attitude is a suitable way to reply to ‘keep your fingers crossed’ as it offers a supportive and motivating response.

It is a way to express your hope and optimism that something will work out in a particular situation.

I appreciate the support and I’ll be sure to keep my fingers crossed

This response is a way of expressing appreciation for the support that someone has offered, while also acknowledging the uncertain nature of the situation.

The phrase is an idiomatic expression that implies a wish for good luck or a positive outcome in the future.

By adding I’ll be sure to the phrase, you are implying that the person is taking the supportive words to heart and will also be willing to do their part to help make the situation a success.

That’s kind of you, I sure hope everything works out

That’s kind of you, I sure hope everything works out is a suitable way to reply to ‘keep your fingers crossed.’

This response acknowledges the other person’s sentiment, while also emphasizing the hope that the individual has for a positive resolution to the situation.

It expresses a supportive sentiment, which can help to make the other person feel heard and valued.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best is a suitable way to reply to ‘keep your fingers crossed’.

This phrase is often used as a way to show support and good wishes for a positive outcome, as well as express solidarity in times of uncertainty.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my faith high

When someone says ‘keep your fingers crossed’, it is usually a sign of encouragement and hope.

By responding with I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my faith high, it implies that the person is looking forward with optimism and faith that things will turn out in the best possible way.

It is also a reminder to keep believing in the power of positive thinking, even in difficult times

Crossing my fingers for a positive outcome

Replies to Keep Your Fingers Crossed

When someone says to keep your fingers crossed, the response of crossing my fingers for a positive outcome is an appropriate response.

This gesture is meant to symbolize that the person is actively wishing for a favorable outcome and acknowledging the power of luck and the universe in achieving that outcome.

It is a simple and easy way to show that one is invested in the outcome, yet still allowing for the idea that the outcome may not be completely in one’s control.

I’m feeling hopeful, Thanks for the reminder to keep my fingers crossed

The phrase ‘I’m feeling hopeful, Thanks for the reminder to keep my fingers crossed’ is a great way to reply to the suggestion to ‘keep your fingers crossed.’

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It expresses a positive outlook and a sense of gratitude for the reminder to maintain an optimistic attitude.

Thanks, I need all the positivity in life right now

This is a suitable response to the phrase ‘keep your fingers crossed’.

This phrase conveys appreciation for the other person’s support, while also acknowledging the need for luck in the situation.

It implies that the speaker has taken the other person’s suggestion to heart and is hoping for the best.

The phrase highlights the speaker’s recognition of the uncertain nature of the situation and their need for luck in order to achieve a positive outcome.

The phrase also serves as a reminder to the other person that the speaker is counting on them to lend their support in the form of positive thoughts and wishes for good luck.

Will do, Here’s hoping

Will do, Here’s hoping! is an appropriate response to the phrase ‘keep your fingers crossed’ because it conveys a sense of optimism and understanding.

It acknowledges the importance of hoping for the best outcome, while also emphasizing the need to take action to make it happen.

The phrase implies that the speaker is willing to do whatever they can to make sure that their hopes are realized.

It expresses a willingness to put in the effort and to take the necessary steps to achieve the desired outcome.

Crossing my fingers and sending good vibes

Crossing my fingers and sending good vibes is an enthusiastic, positive way of responding to someone who has asked you to keep your fingers crossed for them.

This reply implies that you are not only wishing the person the best of luck and hoping for the best outcome but that you are actively sending positive energy and vibes their way.

It is a way of expressing solidarity and support and encouraging the other person to remain hopeful and optimistic.

It suggests that you are more than just passively rooting for them, but are actively engaged in their endeavors and are doing whatever you can to help them succeed.

Thanks for the reminder, I’ll keep my fingers crossed

The phrase ‘keep your fingers crossed’ is used to indicate that you are hoping for a particular outcome.

By responding with Thanks for the reminder, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, you are expressing that you are grateful for the reminder and that you will be doing all that you can to make sure that the desired outcome is achieved.

It is a way to show that you are taking the matter seriously and that you are willing to do all that you can to make sure that everything works out as expected.

Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll have my fingers crossed

Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll have my fingers crossed, is a suitable way to reply to keep your fingers crossed.

The phrase “keep your fingers” crossed is usually used when someone is wishing another person luck.

It is a gesture of sending positive vibes and hoping for a successful outcome. It symbolizes the crossing of fingers, which is an ancient superstition meant to bring good luck.

By responding with I’ll have my fingers crossed, the recipient is showing that they appreciate the gesture and will be seeking good luck.

I’m feeling positive, Fingers crossed! 

I’m feeling positive, Fingers crossed! is a suitable way to reply ‘keep your fingers crossed’ as it is a way of expressing optimism for a positive outcome to a situation.

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This phrase can also be used as a gesture of good luck in order to encourage success or to ward off bad luck.

By saying I’m feeling positive, Fingers crossed! The speaker is expressing their hope and faith that the situation will turn out in their favor, while also conveying that they are feeling good about the outcome.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep pushing forward

This phrase is an expression of encouragement and optimism in the face of adversity. It is a reminder to the recipient to stay hopeful and remain determined in the pursuit of their goals.

The phrase ‘keep your fingers crossed’ can be interpreted as wishing for luck and good fortune.

By replying ‘I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep pushing forward’, the speaker is communicating that not only are they wishing the recipient luck, but they are also encouraging them to remain steadfast and continue striving for their goals, no matter what challenges may arise.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep my chin up

‘I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep my chin up’ is a suitable way to reply to ‘keep your fingers crossed’ and is especially useful in situations where someone is in need of luck or support.

This phrase has a dual purpose, as it not only suggests the act of crossing one’s fingers for luck but also provides an optimistic sentiment to the situation.

It serves as an encouragement to the person, as it implies that they should remain hopeful and stay positive, even if the outcome is uncertain.

Thanks for the good wishes, I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my spirits high

The phrase keep my fingers crossed is a gesture traditionally used to express the desire for a positive outcome and is often used as a way to show hope and support in the face of an uncertain situation.

By replying with the phrase keep my fingers crossed and my spirits high, the speaker is not only acknowledging the good luck sentiment of ‘keep your fingers crossed’, but also expressing their own commitment to staying hopeful and positive.

This response is a way to show appreciation for the well wishes, while also demonstrating a positive outlook for the future.

No matter what the situation is, a reminder to keep your fingers crossed can be a great way to express your support for someone.

Whether you’re the one saying it or the one receiving it, being reminded to stay positive and hopeful is always a good thing.

Parting Words

No matter what the situation or occasion, a simple phrase like keep your fingers crossed can be a powerful reminder to stay positive and hopeful.

In our lives, there are so many opportunities to keep our fingers crossed – whether it’s for a job interview, an upcoming test, or a special event.

And while some may take these words as a mere gesture of good luck, we can use this phrase to keep our focus on the present and stay optimistic for the future.

Remind yourself that no matter what, you can always keep your fingers crossed and remain positive.

This can be as simple as starting your morning with a positive affirmation or repeating the phrase “keep your fingers crossed” to yourself throughout the day.

When you are faced with a difficult situation, take a few moments to pause and acknowledge that you have the power to make the best out of it by keeping your fingers crossed.

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