15 Phrases Like “Chillin Like a Villain”

“Chillin like a villain” is a slang expression people use in response to a question asking how they’re, or what they’re up to. It’s a common expression among friends.

So, if you need phrases like “chillin’ like a villain,” you’re in the right place. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing 15 phrases like “chillin’ like a villain.” Also, I’ll explain the meaning of this expression.

Meaning of “Chillin Like a Villain”

“Chillin like a villain” is a slang expression that describes a relaxing or stress-free condition.  When you say you’re chillin’ like a villain, it means you’re relaxing and free from work or any strenuous activities.

This expression encompasses a lot of things. Someone relaxing and drinking a cup of coffee in their backyard can say they’re chillin’ like a villain.

Also, someone partying in the club can as well use this expression. So, it all depends on what’s relaxing or fun for you.

Generally, it means not doing anything much at the moment, or being free from stress or work. In addition, “villain” here doesn’t mean a bad person, it’s just a word that rhymes with ‘chillin’.

Best Phrases Similar to “Chillin’ Like a Villain”

There are countless phrases like “chillin’ like a villain.” Below are some of them: “hanging out,” “doing great,” “having a great time,” and many more.

These expressions are used to describe a relaxing state, or a condition when someone is having fun. Below are 20 phrases like “chillin’ like a villain.”

  1. Hanging out
  2. Chilling out
  3. Having fun
  4. Making merry
  5. Doing fine
  6. Doing great
  7. Popping some champagne
  8. Chillin like a boss
  9. Having some rest
  10. Painting the town red
  11. Living fine
  12. Grooving on
  13. Having a great time
  14. Enjoying the day
  15. High on life

Hanging Out

“Hanging out” is a common phrase people use to describe when they go out to relax and have some fun.

It’s an informal expression that you can use to describe when you step out to relax or socialize with people. Also, you can hang out by yourself or hang out with people.

For example:

A- what are you up to, Frank?

B- I’m hanging out all by myself.

A- why didn’t you go out with someone?

B- I don’t want to hang out with friends today.

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So, this is a phrase that means the same as, “chillin’ like a villain.” Remember, you use this expression when you step out to a place that isn’t your house or office.

Chilling Out

“Chilling out” is another expression like, “chillin’ like a villain.” “Chilling” in this context is a slang word that means to relax or calm down.

This phrase also works like “hanging out” to describe when you’re out relaxing or socializing with friends. In addition, this phrase doesn’t necessarily mean you are out and having fun.

You can also use this phrase when you’re relaxing in your home or any space.

Below are some of the ways to use this phrase:

  • I’m chilling out with friends today. We’ll just eat some snacks and watch TV
  • I’m chilling out in front of the TV, wanna join?

Having Fun

Here, this is a direct expression that describes when you’re relaxed and enjoying yourself.

To have fun encompasses different things for different people. Whatever it is that’s relaxing and brings pleasure, you can use this phrase to describe it.

It could be playing video games, clubbing, golfing, and some other activities. So, this expression means the same as, “chillin’ like a villain,” and you can use it with anyone.

Here are ways you can use this expression:

  • I’m having fun with friends
  • I’m having fun at my dance class

Making Merry

“Making merry” is another expression that means the same as “chillin’ like a villain.” To make merry means to have fun and enjoy oneself with friends and loved ones.

So, you can use this expression to describe your happy and celebratory mood.

Doing Fine

When you respond with “chillin’ like a villain” to a question that asks how you’re or what you’re doing, it means you’re fine.

This expression indicates a happy and relaxed mood. So, you can also replace “chillin’ like a villain” with “doing fine.”

However, “being fine” describes the moment. It doesn’t mean you’re free from problems. But, at that moment you’re okay and relaxed and can have fun or enjoy yourself.

Doing Great

“Doing great” is another expression you can use to replace “chillin’ like a villain.” It works like the above to describe how you feel at the moment.

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Being great means you’re okay at the present and don’t have any problem affecting your mood.

Popping Some Champagne

“Popping some champagne” means having fun or celebrating. You can use this expression to describe when you’re partying or having some drinks.

It’s a phrase that describes your happy and celebratory mood. So, you can use this expression instead of “chillin like a villain” when someone asks how you’re or what you’re doing at the moment.

In this case, it means you’re relaxing over some bottles or partying with drinks.

Chillin Like a Boss

This is another expression that you can use when you’re in a calm and satisfied state.

Here, it means relaxing without having to worry about anything or anyone disturbing you. Using this phrase shows your happy mood.

So, you can use this phrase instead of “chillin’ like a villain” to describe whatever it’s you’re doing at the moment that relaxes you.

It could be having a massage, having some drinks by yourself or with your friends, or any other soothing activity.

Having Some Rest

Another expression you can use to describe yourself as having some relaxation is “having some rest.”

When you’re resting, it means you aren’t doing anything at that moment disturbing your physical or mental state.

It could be you drinking some juice in your backyard, reading a novel, listening to some music, or relaxing in a bath.

Whatever it’s that leaves you calm and laid back can fit this description. So, it’s another way of saying, “chillin’ like a villain.”

Painting the Town Red

“Painting the town red” is a famous expression a lot of people, particularly youths use when they’re out having fun and living their life.

It entails spending money, partying, drinking, and chilling with friends. So, this is an expression you can use to replace “chillin’ like a villain.”

In this case, however, it means you’re out and having fun. You can’t paint the town in your room.

Below are ways you can use this expression:

  • I’m out painting the town red with the girls
  • We are painting the town red tonight
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Living Fine

“Living fine” means you’re doing fine. This is a strong term that describes how well you’re doing at the moment.

Also, it can mean living a luxurious life or beautiful life, free from worries at the moment.

So, you can use this phrase when you’re happy and relaxed without worry.

Grooving on

“Grooving” means having some fun or enjoying oneself. It’s usually used when one is relaxed and enjoying some music.

So, you can use this expression instead of “chillin’ like a villain” when you’re relaxing with friends over music or drinks.

Having a Great Time

When you’re having a great time, you’re having fun and you’re happy. It’s an expression that describes when you’re doing something that pleases you.

You could be having a great time at a party, it could be while watching a movie or going shopping with friends. So, this is a wonderful expression that describes when you’re enjoying yourself.

Enjoying the Day

“Enjoying the day” means you’re relaxed or having fun at the moment.

Whatever it’s you’re doing at the moment that makes you calm and relaxed; it could be with friends or all by yourself. So, you can use this expression to describe when you’re laid back and having fun or just being calm.

High on Life

“High on life” in this context can also be used to replace “chillin’ like a villain. When you feel relaxed and joyful at the moment, you can say you’re high on life.

It’s an expression that will work to describe the rare feeling you feel at the moment when you’re content and free from worries.


There are different ways to describe when you’re relaxed and enjoying the moment.

“Chillin’ like a villain” is an informal way of describing when you’re cool and relaxed. It could be when you’re partying, being with friends, or just being by yourself enjoying the moment without worry.

So, the above expressions I have given are different phrases you can use instead of saying, “chillin’ like a villain.”

You’re free to choose any and apply them when appropriate.

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