20 Other Ways to Say “I Have Passed My Exams”

There are several ways to spread the good news when you perform greatly in a test or examination. In fact, it is just as easy as saying ‘I have passed my exams.’

This article has put together a list of 20 different ways to say ‘I have passed my exams”

20 ways to say “I have passed my exams”

  1. I did great!
  2. I sailed through
  3. I passed!
  4. I made the cut
  5. I k^lled it!
  6. My result was excellent.
  7. My grades were okay.
  8. I made a comeback
  9. I scored high marks.
  10. I had outstanding results
  11. I aced the test
  12. My score was above average
  13. I am acing out
  14. I passed with flying colors
  15. My third time is a charm
  16. There’s a way when there’s the will
  17. It lived up to my expectations
  18. I hit the jackpot
  19. I came up trumps in the exam
  20. I nailed it.

I did great

When you want to say you have passed your exams, you can simply say you did great in your exams.

This will sound much better than saying ‘I did good’, which may really seem like you only got a fair score.

Saying ‘great’ and emphasizing the word will show that you didn’t only pass your exam but you got a high score which even you are impressed with.


Person: ‘Hey, John. How was your exams? Did you pass?
Student: I did great! I can’t believe it.
Person: That’s cool.

I sailed through

When you are asked about how you performed in your exams, it is okay to use this idiom. You may have heard it before. ‘Sail through’ can refer to two things.

The phrase may refer to the act of moving through in a smooth or easy way. The phrase may also refer to succeeding in doing something very easily.

When you say you sailed through in your exams, you mean you passed very easily. Probably, you got all A’s.


Person: Yo! How was the result? Did you pass?
Student: I sailed through, man! This is awesome m
Person: Wow. Let me see

How Do You Say I Have Passed My Exams

I passed!

You can simply say you passed when you are asked about the result of your exams. ‘Pass’ may sound like you only got a fair score.

Many of us often want people to feel our worth but it seems wrong to show off so we do so indirectly. One of the indirect ways to show off is to boast implicitly.

Using the word, ‘Pass’, doesn’t do the job so you may want to use a different word.

However, you can also use ‘Pass’, and sound like you got a great result. With an emphasis on the word, ‘Passed’, and a vibrant expression, you will be showing that you got a score you are proud of.

You may also get people to ask what you scored. You will simply be answering the question by saying your score. No one can say you are showing off anymore.


Person: How is the result of the exams?
Student: I passed!
Person: Wow. What did you score? Let me see.

I made the cut

Here is another idiom that can express your success in your exams. When you are asked about the result of your exams or if you passed, you can say you made the cut.

While this idiom will correctly fit into this context, it may not be what you wish to use. It may not express how successful you were in the exams.

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For those who may like to show off without showing off, this may just be the modest response you ever consider.

‘Make the cut’ refers to being picked or passing the cutoff mark. In other words, you are simply saying you passed the average mark.

While this may mean any score, it simply means you got enough marks to consider the exam success but it doesn’t emphasize how impressive your score is.


Person: How did it go? Did you pass?
Student: I made the cut!
Person: Great!

I k^lled it!

‘I k^lled it’ is an informal expression used to refer to a person’s completion and success in something. You can give this response when you are asked about the result of your exams.

By saying you k^lled it, you are implying that you passed. This expression doesn’t refer to ordinary success, in most cases.

It is often used when there is a massive success in something. It can be compared to ‘Make a killing’ except this phrase only has to do with money.

If you want to boast about the result of your exams, you can say you k^lled it. You don’t have to say your score though. That will probably save you from being accused of showing off.


Person: What’s up? How did the exam go?
Student: I k^lled it!
Person: Perfect. What did you score?

My result was excellent

‘Excellent’ sounds much better than good so you can use this in qualifying your ‘excellent’ score. By saying your result was excellent, you are showing that you did well and you are happy with the scores you got.


Person: Hey. How is your result?
Student: My result was excellent. You won’t believe it.
Person: Really? Let me see.

My grades were okay.

‘Okay’ may be the worst word you can use to describe virtually anything unless you are being modest. It is similar to just saying ‘good’ but there is a slight difference that makes ‘okay’ even worse.

While both words can simply mean ‘fair’, ‘good’ can refer to something impressive when the word is emphasized.

On the other hand, emphasis on ‘okay’ simply means you are trying hard to be satisfied with something.

You can say your grades are okay if you only slightly went above the average score. Qualifying your grade with ‘okay’ does not necessarily mean you got a low score but it shows that you are not impressed or happy with what you scored.

Also, it shows you did not fail.


Person: How were your grades, this term? Have you checked?
Student: My grades were okay.
Person; You don’t seem impressed. What did you score?

I made a comeback

This may be a bit different from the other suggestions on this list. By saying you made a comeback, you are implying that you were failing or lagging behind but eventually succeeded.

The idiom can be used in several different contexts. It can also be used to refer to your success in your exam but only in a certain situation.

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If you are the type who never comes out on top or never has the best grades in class, you can say this when you do it for the first time.

If you have ever failed other tests before a final exam that bears the most marks, you can say you made a comeback if you eventually pass the exam.

This statement will sound like you did something impressive but not because you got an excellent grade. However, it will be because you passed while the chances of passing were very low.


Person: How far with your result?
Student: It was marvelous. I made a comeback
Person: Really? That’s beautiful

I scored high marks

If you are okay with boasting about your score, you can give this response when you are asked about the result of your exams.

While this response may seem similar to the suggestions mentioned earlier, the use of ‘high’ may sound boastful to some people.

However, as mentioned earlier, if you don’t care how it sounds to anyone, you can go ahead and say this.

You may even say your high scores out loud. Just make sure your ‘high marks’ are high enough to deserve your boastful remarks so you don’t end up getting mocked for this reaction.


Person: How were the results of your exams?
Student: I scored high marks in all.
Person: Cool. You’re a nerd, anyway.

I had outstanding results

This is another cool way to describe your successful exams. However, this response is different from the other suggestions on the list.

While it implies that you have good results, it basically compares your results to those of others.

The use of ‘outstanding’ implies that you did better than many people if not all others who took the exams.

Comparing yourself to others may also sound quite boastful but you can use this if you don’t mind that.


Person: How did you do in the last exams?
Student: I had outstanding results.
Person: Great. You have to continue that way.

I aced the test

This is another good idiom to describe your beautiful exam score. When you say you aced a test or an exam, it means you passed perfectly.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you got a 100% score but you must have gotten close to that.

While this doesn’t sound as boastful as many others, acing an exam is worth boasting about.


Person: What’s the good news?
Student: I aced the test!
Person: Wow! That’s my boy.

My score was above average

Here is a specific way of stating your ‘fair’ score. If you are not proud of how low your score is, it is better to describe it this way instead of saying it in a way that sounds like you failed.


Person: How was your exam? Hope you passed?
Student: Yes. My score was above average.
Person: That’s good.

I am acing out

Here is another different way to refer to good scores in your exams. ‘Acing out’ does not necessarily refer to examinations. It can be used in different contexts.

A person is acing out when he or she is on a winning streak or when he or she continues to succeed in every endeavor.

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You can say you are acing out in your exams if you keep getting high scores in every course.


Person: How is the exam going?
Student: I am acing out here.
Person: That’s good to know.

I passed with flying colors

We may have heard this statement in our schools, more than once. ‘Flying colors’ refers to distinction so we can compare this statement to saying ‘I have an outstanding result’. Will this sound boastful?

It will since students don’t actually claim to pass with flying colors. Only teachers and parents are known to use the term.

When you say you passed with flying colors, you mean you passed so we’ll and did better than the others.


Person: Hi. How was the result of your exam? Okay?
Student: I passed with flying colors
Person: Oh yes. I trust you.

My third time is a charm

Here is another idiom that works differently from the rest. ‘Third time is a charm’ is what a person says when he succeeds after trying something for the third time.

It means the person has failed twice earlier. You can use this idiom to refer to a person who has failed a public exam twice and is working on the third.


Person: How did the exam go? Did you pass, this time?
Student: Yes! My third time is a charm!
Person: Wow! Let me see.

There’s a way when there’s the will

This statement is used when something appears difficult but a person succeeds eventually. You can refer to your public exam with this.

It is probably rumored to be tough but you managed to make the cut.


Person: So how was the exam? Did you pass?
Student: There’s a way when there’s the will. Yes!
Person: Wow! I can’t believe it.

It lived up to my expectations

You can say your results lived up to your expectations. You can also say you lived up to your parents’ expectations.

You can use both to refer to your success in your exams.


Person: Dis you pass the exam? How was the result?
Student: Of course! It lived up to my expectations.
Person: Let me see your score.

I hit the jackpot

‘Jackpot’ often refers to really important things so you can use this idiom to refer to an important public exam that you probably thought you wouldn’t pass. 


Person: So how did the exam go?
Student: I hit the jackpot.
Person: What?! I can’t believe it.

I came up trumps

‘Come up trumps’ is used when something turns out successful when not expected to. You can use this to refer to your exam which is always tough for many people.

This may also sound like boasting but you shouldn’t really care.


Person: What’s up with your results?
Student: I came up trumps.
Person: Really?

I nailed it

This is similar to saying ‘K^lled it’. Say this if you passed your exam with unarguably beautiful results.


Person: Have you checked the result of your exam?
Student: I just did. I nailed it.
Person: That’s my boy. Let me see it.

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