30 Funny Answers to “Who Am I To You?”

Someone asking “who am I to you” is trying to know what their position is in your life. It is an inquiry about your someone else’s place in your life.

By answering this question, you’re letting the person know who they truly are to you. You’re helping someone understand their place in your life.

A person is trying to be aware of what they are to you. Someone is attempting to ascertain their place in your life.

That is a question about how you fit into that person’s life. You are letting the person know who they genuinely are to you by responding to this question.

30 Funny Answers to “Who Am I To You?”

  1. What’s your name again?
  2. Let me try and remember
  3. A human being, I presume
  4. My best person
  5. I know you?
  6. You never told me
  7. A good boy/girl
  8. Is that a question
  9. Why should I answer that
  10. Why do you ask?
  11. You should know the answer to that
  12. Someone who cares about me
  13. Who do you think you are to me
  14. I can’t explain that
  15. A whole lot of things
  16. An insult to my personality
  17. Just a friend
  18. A weirdo
  19. A breathing piece of shit
  20. I wonder too. Who are you?
  21. I’ll tell you later
  22. What do you expect me to say? My heartbeat
  23. Oh! You don’t know?
  24. My colleague
  25. My whole world
  26. The perfect assistant that I need
  27. I don’t really know
  28. More like a brother/sister
  29. Why would you want to know?
  30. If I tell you, you won’t believe me

What’s your name again?

A reply that you’re not even sure of what a person is to you because you don’t recall the person’s name. This response implies that you need to remember the person’s name to know what they are to you.

This is a response that indicates you don’t even know what a person is to you since you can’t remember their name.

This response says that to understand who someone is to you, you must be able to recall their name.

Let me try and remember

Here, you’re requesting that you make effort to even recall who the person is before you can know who they are to you. With this statement, it means the person doesn’t mean so much to you.

You are asking for effort on your part to even remember who the person is for you to know who they are to you. This sentence implies that you don’t value the individual very highly.

A human being, I presume

This response is used to show that the person is just human to you. You see the person as a human and nothing more.

This shows that the person has no emotional attachment to you, you only see the person as another human being that you know.

You just perceive the person as a fellow human being. This demonstrates that you have no emotional connection to the individual; instead, you simply regard them as another person you know.

My best person

Funny Answers to Who Am I To You?

Whenever you say this you’re trying to let someone know that they are important to you. This means that the person occupies a big part of your heart. It shows that you hold the person in high esteem.

The person is your favorite person of all. When you say anything like this, you’re attempting to convey your importance to the other person.

This indicates that the individual takes up a significant amount of your heart. It conveys that you value that individual highly. The individual is one of your top favorites.

Wait. I know you?

This statement shows that you’re not even sure if you know someone. It also shows surprise that the person is even having a conversation with you.

With this statement, there is a high chance that the person is not very close to you. This response can as well be used as a sarcastic response to someone you’re close to.

This may depend on the relationship you both have. This assertion suggests that you aren’t even certain that you know the person.

Also, it conveys astonishment that you are even having a conversation with the individual. There is a good possibility that the individual making this comment is not a close friend of yours.

You might also use this reaction to make a caustic joke about someone you know well, depending on how you two get along, this could change.

You never told me

This shows that you’re expecting the person to tell you first what you are to them. This demonstrates your expectation that the other person will introduce themselves to you first.

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A good boy/girl

This response shows that you see the person as someone with good character. The person is of good behavior and has never done anything to wrong you.

You can use this statement for someone that you’re older than. This shows that the person’s character is admirable and worthy of emulation.

This reaction demonstrates that you think an individual is a decent person. The individual is well-behaved and has never done anything to hurt you.

This phrase can be used to refer to someone younger than you. This demonstrates how amazing and admirable the person’s character is.

Is that a question?

This response can be used when you’re surprised at what the person said. It shows that you’re not even sure if you should answer the question.

It is an inquiry about what the speaker said as you’re not sure if you should answer. When you’re taken aback by what the other person stated, you might respond in this way.

That demonstrates that you’re unsure of whether you should even respond to the inquiry. You’re unsure of whether you should respond to the question concerning what the speaker stated.

Why should I answer that?

Here, you simply ask for the reason you should give a reply to the phrase. This could be a result of you not being interested in replying to that question.

You’re asking the speaker to give reason/reasons why you should give your reply. In this case, all you’re doing is asking why you ought to respond to the sentence.

This can be the result of you not wanting to answer the question. You’re asking the speaker to provide a reason in support of your response.

Why do you ask?

Funny Answers to Who Am I To You

This is another inquiry to know why the person wants to know. You want to know the reason why the speaker wants to know what they mean to you.

Probably, if the person can tell you why, then you’ll tell them who they are to you. Another way to find out why someone wants to know is to ask them this.

You’re curious as to why the speaker is interested in learning what you value about them. Most likely, if the individual can explain why, you will reveal who they are to you.

You should know the answer to that

By saying this, you expect the person to have an idea of who they are to you. You don’t expect them to ask you who they are to you because you feel they should know it already.

With this response, you don’t see the importance of this question. We can as well say the question is irrelevant. You’re assuming the other person knows who they are to you when you say this.

They shouldn’t have to ask you who they are since you assume they already know.

Someone who cares about me

When you respond in this way, you simply let the person know who they are to you. You don’t ask any questions or ask why they want to know.

With this response, you’re going straight to the answer and telling the person directly who you feel they are to you. In doing this, you are only letting the other know who they are to you.

You don’t query them or inquire as to why they are interested. When you respond in this manner, you go right to the point and let the other person know how you feel about them.

Who do you think you are to me?

This response is funny because you’re asking the person the same question. It could be a way of checking if the person truly knows what they mean to you or who they are to you.

You’re letting the person give their own opinion on who they are to you. Because you’re asking the individual the same question, this response is amusing.

You are allowing the other person to express their perception of themselves to you.

I can’t explain that

This reply shows that you can’t define exactly what or who the person is to you. It’s a response that tells a person that you can’t describe how the person is close to you or what you see the person as.

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This could be a result of having a confusing or complex relationship with the person. It could be that your relationship with the person is a bit rough or confusing and with that, you can’t explain who the person is to you.

Your response demonstrates that you are unable to describe the other individual in precise terms. It’s a response that conveys to the other person that you are unable to adequately express your feelings for or perceptions of them.

This can be the outcome of a complicated or ambiguous connection with the individual. You may have a rocky or unclear relationship with the individual, which makes it difficult for you to understand who they are.

A whole lot of things

This response shows that you have different titles for the person. The person means so many things to you. You’re letting the person know that they don’t just mean one thing to you but a lot of things.

Your response demonstrates that you have many titles for the individual. You value this individual in so many ways. You’re letting the speaker know that they mean a lot to you rather than just one item.

An insult to my personality

This response is funny as it can be used for someone you’re very close to. It can be a joke or a way to play around with someone. You’re simply trying to be humorous with the person.

Just a friend

Here, you’re telling the person directly that the person is only a friend to you. You’re letting the person know that, to you, he or she is just a friend.

Your relationship with the person isn’t more than friendship. With this, you can simply say the person has been “friend-zoned.”

Here, you’re telling the individual in question straight out that you just consider them a friend. You’re telling the person that you merely think of them as a friend.

There isn’t anything more than friendship between you and the individual.

A weirdo

You can use this statement also as a joke. You probably want to tease the person or want to be humorous. This expression can also be used when a person displays a strange attitude from time to time.

 A breathing piece of shit

This can be an insult and also a joke. You can use it to respond to a close pal that you’re sure would not be angry.

When you say this to your friend or buddy, he or she would see it as something fun and may not even take you seriously or read too much meaning to it.

 I wonder too. Who are you?

This reply shows that you’re amazed by the question. It shows that you’re also curious as to who the person is. You’re confused as to who the person is to you.

The latter part of the statement shows that you want to know who the person is. Your response demonstrates how amazed you are by the question.

It conveys that you are interested in the person’s identity as well. You don’t know who the individual is, to be honest.

I’ll tell you later

By saying this, it means you know who the person is to you. You’re sure of who someone is to you but you’re not yet ready to let the person know.

This means that you don’t want to tell the person currently but you have plans of saying it sometime in the future. It shows that the response to “who am I to you” would be given in the future.

Saying this implies that you are aware of the other person’s identity. Even if you are certain of someone’s identity in your eyes, you are not yet prepared to tell them.

This indicates that you have intentions to inform the individual later, even though you don’t want to tell them right now. It implies that a future response to the question “who am I to you” will be given.

What do you expect me to say? My heartbeat

This reply can be used after you’ve told the person who they are to you. It could that the person’s expression towards your earlier response was that of surprise.

You can use this statement to ask about what reply the person expected you to give. It’s possible that the person’s astonishment at your prior reaction was expressed in their facial expression.

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This phrase might be used to inquire as to what response the other person was anticipating from you.

Oh! You don’t know?

This reply shows surprise that the person isn’t aware of something. You’re simply surprised that a person doesn’t know who they are you. You’re amazed by this discovery.

You didn’t expect the person not to know who they are to you. This response expresses astonishment that the speaker is unaware of something.

You’re only shocked that someone doesn’t recognize you. The fact that the person doesn’t recognize themselves to you surprised you.

My colleague

Funny Answers to Who Am I To You

Here, you’re letting the person know directly who they are to you. You’re not postponing the response for later but you’re letting the person know right away.

You’re letting the person know that you both are just colleagues and nothing more. There’s no special relationship with the person other than being colleagues.

You’re telling the person right here who they are to you so that they know. Instead of waiting till later to respond, you inform the individual straight away.

You’re conveying to the other individual that you two are only coworkers and nothing more. Other than working together, we have no other unique connection.

My whole world

When you say this, the person immediately knows that they mean a lot to you. It shows that they have a special place in your heart.

When this is being said to someone, it shows that the person is very close to you. The moment you say this, the other person understands how much they matter to you.

That demonstrates that you hold them in high regard. When you say anything like this to someone, it implies that you are really connected with them.

The perfect assistant that I need

By saying this, you’re letting the person know how good they are with their job. It shows that you like the way the person is being diligent with his job.

You’re trying to let someone know exactly who they are to you and how you see them.

I don’t really know

This is a negative statement that shows that you’re not aware of something. It implies that you don’t even know who the person is to you.

You have no idea of who the person might be to you, not even a clue. Your negative comment demonstrates your ignorance of the situation.

That indicates that you aren’t even aware of who they are. You don’t even have a hint as to who the individual may be.

More like a brother/sister

When this is being said, the person gets to know that your relationship is not just on a friendship level but on a brotherhood level.

This reply implies that to you, the person is like a brother or sister. You see the person as your blood and this makes them closer to you than others.

Why would you want to know?

This statement is an inquiry about why the person wants to know what they mean to you. You’re asking the person why they’re interested in knowing what they are to you.

It is a question that shows that there’s a high chance of you not responding if they don’t give you the answer you need.

Why do they want to know what you mean to you, is the question posed by this statement. You are questioning the other person’s motivation for wanting to know who they are to you.

It’s a question that implies there’s a good probability you won’t answer if they don’t provide the information you require.

 If I tell you, you won’t believe me

This response implies that there’s no need for you to tell the person who they are to you because if you did, they’ll not believe you.

Since you’re sure they don’t believe you, then you don’t feel they need to tell them anything.

Parting Words

We have examined 30 answers to “who am I to you” in this article. By now, you should have an idea of how to respond to someone who you’re being asked this question.

The reply may be negative or maybe a simple reply of who someone is to you. Whatever reply you would give may be determined by how your relationship is with a person.

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