20 Appropriate Responses to “It’s All Good”

How we respond to some questions goes a long way to making or mar a speaker’s intent.

While some questions deserve a slight nod, a gesticulation, etc as a response, other statements require the recipient vocalization to get an appropriate response for the speaker. Among such questions is the statement: ” it’s all good”.

Brief as it sounds, this statement misinterpreted with the wrong response could spark a tiff unseen.

Nonetheless, we bring to you 20 appropriate responses to “it’s all good”. Sit back and enjoy.

What does it mean when someone says it’s all good?

Have you wondered why your special one, a colleague, or even an acquaintance would respond to your question with the statement: “it’s all good”?

Depending on the scenario and the context in which the response was given, when someone says it’s all good, various connotations abound.

Below are some reasons for the statement, “it’s all good”:

First, it’s all good statements that mean that a person genuinely agrees with your opinion, suggestion, or offer and in that case is willing to work with you towards achieving the task at hand.

Secondly, a person whose suggestion is often sidelined whenever they come up with one will resort to responding with the statement it’s all good to save face or defer bringing up any suggestions when required.

Knowing the various meaning of why someone would respond with and it’s all good statement isn’t enough to boost the speaker’s comprehension, instead giving out the appropriate response fosters understanding.

Without much ado, the next paragraph highlights 20 appropriate responses to “it’s all good”. Let’s take a look.

20 Great Responses to “It’s all good”.

Thank you

Saying thank you naturally shows appreciation for a certain gesture, the same applies to the response to give when the statement it’s all good is said.

Picture yourself as a fashion designer who painstakingly takes their time into creating a masterpiece for a first-time customer.

This customer decides to try the perfectly fitted dress while you stand back, inquiring if the dress met their expectation and you get the statement “it’s all good”. What appropriate response than a thank you is worth saying at that moment?

Saying thank you to the statement that it’s all good should be done only when a person appreciates or commends your action or something you have done right.

On the contrary, some cases may require you to know what other line of action is required when a statement like it’s all good is put forward.

What’s Next?

Are you kidding me; what next? A response!

Before going all out to debunk the validity of this appropriate response to “it’s all good” let’s see why this stands out as our response number two.

Often used when a task is completed, what next seems to be a logical and appropriate response to it’s all good, especially when other duties are to be executed.

Take, for instance, a dude after a nice date, who could answer his bae’s question with a what next if after asking her about the outing and she says it’s all good.

This response makes room for the dude to understand the need for his special one at the moment (whether a parting good night or a sleepover).

Moving on, the next response is likely to wow your mind as it stays third place among appropriate responses to its all-good statement, let’s have a look.

Looking forward to a better relationship?

This is sure a mouthful, isn’t it? Just hang on.

On a daily, we come across different people either when commuting, chatting online, or at a special event and the need to leave a good impression on our acquaintances becomes necessary.

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Furthermore, if after our introduction and short bio, this acquaintance finds us fun to be with, it is not uncommon to find these people making statements like:” it’s all good”. Want to know why? Follow me.

The expression made is a cue that they are willing to be friends with you.

Not only is this response appropriate in the light of the circumstances surrounding it, but the fact that it makes your acquaintance feel reassured that you would also want to be friends with them makes it something to explore.

Still doesn’t fit in the scenario it was used on you? Not to worry we have the more appropriate response to help you navigate the statement of it’s all good.

Let’s get on with the task at hand.

Just so you know, this isn’t a deliberate attempt to make you say long sentences, it just- there’s isn’t any better way to put it.

Away from that, here is another appropriate response to it’s all good.

A situation where this response suits the statement “it’s all good is when there is a lingering issue and upon being sorted out, the main duty carries on.

If two parties say had an issue previously and amidst their current task, one of them brings it up for resolution.

After sorting the outstanding problem, in response to the affirmation, one of them could use the let’s get on with the task at hand response to draw attention to the job at hand.

This would signal to the speaker that the duty before them needs sorting out and for time’s sake needs to be handled swiftly.

What’s your suggestion?

Remember the part when we mentioned those who only agree because their opinion was never considered, here is where you bring in an appropriate response.

No response beat what’s your suggestion for someone whose two-content idea is always thrashed, you not only provide an opportunity for them to air their POV, you have given them self-esteem (a positive one, that is).

The statement it’s all good can be overlooked and taken at face value when coming from one whose esteem isn’t shattered, but not from a broken person, do well to respond by pressing for their suggestion, you never know the ingenious plan they have locked up in their head.

What do you mean?

Some statement does come with hidden meaning as such needs clarity. “It’s all good” is one of them.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that a person’s “it’s all good” statement means that everything is alright, not when you are yet to understand the reason for some action they have taken.

Make it obvious to them that you don’t understand what is being implied and get to the root of what is stated, and it’s all good by your spouse could mean that they want you to probably join in chores.

If unsure of this statement, respond by asking what they mean, better to prevent a disaster than curtailing one.

Let’s change Plans

Some it’s all good statements warrant a let’s change plans response especially when the outcome of an action is likely to be detrimental or not beneficial to the other party.

Let’s change the plan is one answer you can give to “it’s all good” statement by parties who respect one another and would do everything possible to not make the other party feel bad, hence, agreeing to any suggestions made by them.

An instance is when someone agrees to your opinion for peace’s sake and says it’s all good.

Wisdom demands that in such case, you weigh the outcome and decide if it will bring in mutual benefit before spilling out an answer, in this light the best answer would be to change plans.

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Doing this makes the other person see you as selfless and compromising for the common good of you two

Let’s verify

Unless you accept mediocrity, then let’s verify shouldn’t be out of the response to give to it’s all good.

“Let’s verify” takes the center stage when it comes to the list of appropriate responses to its all-good statement when there is a high stake of incompetence in a particular task to be carried out.

This answer buttress to the task carrier that their work would be scrutinized and in event of flaws fixed.

If you say so

Changingpeople’seopinionss can be daunting, and at a point, this action becomes irritating to those you want to change.

The best you can do to avoid a brawl is to agree with their point of view and just respond with an if you say so.

This response despite being appropriate also shows resignation on the part of the one convincing the other of their mistake.

We’d try that out

This response is like a balm to those with an inferiority complex, giving them an assurance their opinion is valid.

Those with low self-esteem are more likely to use the statement it’s all good to others’ suggestions even after presenting their idea.

However, by responding with we’d try that out, it encourages them to open up and see that the opinion they proffer will be taken into consideration.

Is there an alternative?

Giving room for innovation and improvement, this type of response to its all-good statement is the ice breaker.

When a certain method is repeated and deemed to be all good when quizzed, drudgery gradually sets in.

Breaking this cycle requires an innovative response that can change the methodology of operation, hence is there an alternative?

The response ignites a consciousness of finding a better way particularly if the old method is proving unproductive.

Can I make it up?

Think couple, think this response.

How many times have you disappointed your beloved and they eventually get used to your excuses by saying it’s all good?

Maybe the numerous responses you have given to them aren’t fitting anymore, it’s time you switch your reply to can I make it up?

Giving this response sparks a new hope and solidifies the already crumbling relationship. Use this to keep the relationship.

It’s not what you think

Sequel to the point above, another response that could pass as appropriate to its all-good statement is that it’s not what you think. Here is why:

A constant rebuff to your loved life’s calls, texts, and other ways to reach out to you could make them suspicious. If this happens, your saving grace would be to explain the reason for your actions.

When confronted and they spew out the statement it’s all good to you, by responding with it’s not what you think, they relax to hear you out.

If properly stated, you’ve not only saved your relationship but also clarified their suspicion.

Is this what you want?

Who says you have no options?

This statement rings true for those who find it hard to break out from an abusive relationship, have an addiction problem or just trying to save face.

When you ask them what the problem is, you find them justifying and admitting that there isn’t any issue, even when it is glaring there is.

Trying to change their opinion is tantamount to futility, nevertheless, you could leave them with the response: “is this what you want”?.

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This response pricks them towards taking an action that could lead to a lifetime of liberation.

Is that all you’ve got to say?

In a heated argument, only a few people know the appropriate response to the statement: it’s all good”.

Answering the above statement with an is that all you’ve got to say is catch the listener off guard and bring to their faculty the error in a statement they have made.

Show me proof

Is it seen as believing?

People who barely accept wishy-washy statements are prone to respond to “it’s all good” statement with a show-me proof as they want to have a clear picture of the state of things being handled.

You need to Understand

How do you explain the reason for your incessant inability to meet up with a date, a schedule, or other appointments when you genuinely have a lot up your sleeve?

Although not deliberate, you need to be wary of receiving its all-good response each time you apologize for defaulting in any of the above-mentioned.

Your best bet at this point is to further persuade them by addressing their conscience and responding with what you need to understand.

This response would cause them to double take on whatever thought they may have had as pertains to your flaws.

I can’t help it

Another way to give an appropriate response to the all-good good statement is to let your recipient see that you can’t help the situation before you.

In this case, it is assumed that the individual who made the statement might have been informed of the addressee’s inability to handle the task, leading to the response given.

I can’t help it as a response to let your listener see that the problem on the ground is beyond your capacity and hence seek redress somewhere else.

Do you want more?

This goes out to Oliver Twist.

Some people have a thing for wanting more but find it hard to relay their intentions, in the end, they pretend to be satisfied with whatever is given to them.

Maybe you’ve noticed that the person standing a few yards from you is interested in having another taste of that delicacy yet is timid to demand and upon waking up to them, they tell you it’s all good, disbelief it.

Probing them further only dissatisfies them the more, respond by asking if they would want more of the thing they yearn for. This is an appropriate response to their initial statement; it’s all good.

See you some other time.

Are they in a haste or it’s you who is without the time to hold a conversation, whichever it is, your response to it’s all good statement should see you some other time.

This response should be used when you feel that the conversation is likely to go beyond exchanging pleasantries and right after explaining the need for your haste, you get it’s an all-good statement.

At this point, your response to the statement should be seen some other time. This would register in the subconscious of your listener that you will love a dialogue but due to time constraints, it’s Impossible.

Parting Words

As stated earlier, the circumstances around the appropriate response to its all good differ, identifying this disparity makes or mars your relationship with who made the statement.

Luckily, there isn’t any need to fret as this article contains 20 appropriate responses to it’s all good as per the situation and condition with which they should be used.

Until next time, have fun utilizing this piece of information.

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