20 Other Ways to Say “Why Is This Important?”

You probably have once thought about relaying a message to someone without using common words. Well, isn’t that what language is about? Variety.

Believe it or not, words hold power, and using different phrases to expatiate a given concept makes the message powerful.

This article will give you better ways to say, “Why is this important,” thereby helping you manifest the power of the spoken word. Without delay, let’s dive in.

“Why is this important” meaning

Let’s say you have been racking your head to get your sums right to no avail, and then you stopped and asked yourself, “Just why is this important?” What do you think you’ve done? I’ll tell you.

Saying the phrase “Why is it important” puts you in a state where you’d want to understand the aim of what you are doing.

You’ve hit a point where you want to know the main reason for solving the problem staring at you.

20 Different Ways to say “Why is this important?”

So, we’ve cleared the air on what it means to say, “Why is this important?” Here’s a gist: “Why is this important?” considers an action’s worthiness.

Okay! Let’s get down to business. suggestions to “Is it worth it?

  • Is there a reason for this?
  • I need answers.
  • Can we skip this?
  • What’s the point of this?
  •  What benefits does this bring?
  • Do we have to do this?
  • Is this necessary?
  • Can’t it be forfeited?
  • Must we include this?
  • How does this help?
  • I don’t get why we must do this.
  • inform me clearly.?
  • Remind me why this is necessary.
  • Why should this fit in?
  • Since when is this applicable
  • I need to know why I must do this.
  • Will this add to our result?
  • could you clarify this?
  • In what way will this help?

“Is it worth it”?

Starting on the list of alternative ways to say, “Why is this important”? Is the phrase “is it worth it?”

Talking about the substitute word, “Is it worth it,” the statement takes into account that a task being carried out may or may not yield the result needed, which is why its usage will signal to parties involved to take action that will eventually put them in the advantage.

Take these cues as a start using the sentence:

  • Sometimes, I wonder if working in a graveyard is worth my time.
  • At some point in our lives, we all realize that some things aren’t worth what they are.

“Is there a reason for this?”

Telling someone, “Is there a reason for this? ” places you to be an astute and analytical person who will choose to weigh an option before committing to a task.

Saying, “Is there a reason for this?” demands a reason why a thing should be done. You’d want the modality highlighted before diving into what is required to do.

To save the explanation, consider these sentences:

  • Mr. Issac is a businessman who takes his time to analyze the reason for whatever investment he ventures into.
  •  It baffles me when good-hearted people are exploited. Is there a reason for this?

I need answers

You wouldn’t want to be stuck doing something that won’t pay off at the end of its execution, would you? Which is why you will ask questions. Wondering what the right question to ask is? Here you go

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“I need answers ” suggests the need to figure out the importance and personal benefit doing a thing brings to you after being carried out.

Still not clear? Check this out:

  • Kelvin needed to know why he had to finish working on the documents at the office when he could easily take them home for completion.
  • I don’t get why you want to see me in person; a voice call is fine by me.

Can we skip this?

The phrase” Can we skip this?” Is a response given to let a superior or a teammate know that an addition to a workload is unnecessary and should be scrapped?

With “Can you skip this?” there is no room for a conversation; it’s either the action is done in the way you want it or tossed aside. As a superior or someone of influence, this alternative is one to use instead of “Why is this important?”

Examples where the phrase “can you skip this “makes perfect sense are in the following sentences:

  • Even if the President asks if certain expenses can be skipped, we, his Minister, know that he wasn’t trying to suggest; it was a command.

What’s the point of this?

It isn’t always easy to understand what the intention of another person is; it gets worse if the wrong statement is used to pass on information; in this case, the message is defeated.

The statement helps to provide clarification on the essence of an activity is worth doing in order to forestall a wrong assumption.


  • Please do well to explain what the point of this map means. The Geography instructor asked
  • The detective had to call in the stenographer to explain the point behind the writing on the wall.

What benefits does this bring?

Considering the statement, the point speaks of remuneration/incentives that must be discussed before anything can be done.

“What benefit does this bring?” prevents obscure instances where something not required is done and no rewards come from it.

Other examples are:

  • It isn’t like the engineers weren’t willing to work; they only wanted to know what benefits the project would bring before they set out to build.
  • Before taking a job, it is important to know the benefits it brings and not work out of desperation.

Do we have to do this?

A mild way to decline a job’s additional task without stirring up trouble is to use the alternative “Do we have to do this?”

An instance is given in the sentence:

  • The head surgeon wanted a mastectomy on the patient, but his assistant played second fiddle by asking if they had to do it.

Is this Necessary?

Squaring side by side with the statement “Why is this important?” is the alternative, “Is this necessary?” think about decision-making and you have a grasp on why it is chosen as an alternative.

When suggesting to take out an action that could mar the efficiency of a job, “Is this necessary?” in this regard becomes pertinent.

For example:

  • Moreen sought to know from her Mother if adding spice to the stew was necessary.

Can’t it be forfeited?

The statement has an undertone of complaint and dissatisfaction; it is like having someone review a completed task.

Although “can’t it be forfeited” is an alternative to “why is this necessary,” it usually suggests that an additional task be postponed later.

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For example:

  • The student sought to know if Ms. Tracy’s lecture could be forfeited, considering how long they had spent in school.

Must we include this?

A practical statement that insinuates recalcitrance and an outright rebuff to carrying out any duties outside a given scope is the statement, “Must we include this?”.

The function of this statement as it relates to an alternative to ” why is this important” is to inform a person(superior) that you are not ready to do anything and are prepared to bear the consequences of the action that may arise.

  •  Lemon’s displeasure was evident in the way he spoke to his supervisor when he asked if they had to do what he suggested.

How does this help?

A tight situation that involves diverse opinions when coming up with a solution requires that you use the right words to communicate your idea. In this regard, no statement is better than “How does this help?”

The statement hinges on general acceptance and, at the same time, sorting valuable opinions from the diverse suggestions made.

A quick look at the sentence below sheds more light on the phrase:

  • Felix was not going to settle for any opinion; his priority was choosing options that would help in the current dilemma the company is faced with.

I don’t get why we must do this

“I don’t get why we must do this” as a statement reflects a dual view on a subject matter. It’s both agreeing and contending.

For circumstances where you wish to let your Superior, colleagues, or an acquaintance know why you oppose their suggestion in carrying out a plan, but also choose to leave room for tips on why the goal should be included in a grand project, then “I don’t get why we must do this” is used as the alternative to “why is this important?”

  • Although Zain sees no reason why they had to return the artifacts, he still was open to any opinion that sounds convincing.

Inform me clearly

The statement Is a genuine way of seeking knowledge and valuable ideas on why there’s a change in a particular work.

Consenting or using the phrase “inform me clearly” shows you as someone who likes taking corrections.

  • Ashley needed an explanation as to why his colleagues decided to cancel the picnic before he made any commitment.

Remind me why this is necessary.

Far from the tendency to think that this statement suggests forgetfulness, in true effect, it confirms why a certain change was effected.

“Remind me why this is necessary” is a good way to hold a person accountable for their world to avoid coming up with another quick fix that could jeopardize the original plan.

For example:

  • “Weren’t we supposed to head for the Oasis?  I’m sorry. Remind me why this is necessary again?” Rafael was getting confused about what the team needed to do.

Why should this fit in?

Sometimes, it is hard letting go of a brainchild idea; only thinking of the time it took to develop the concept and then it eventually being turned down or modified in some other ways you have imagined can be a hard pain to bear. By inquiring in the right way, you’re more likely to understand.

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The statement “why should this fit it” makes others realize that though resources have been given to a project, you are not rigid to the suggestions of others, only that you seek to know how its importance surpasses yours.

For example:

  • I get that you want the idea modified, but could you tell me why this will fit in? The old scientist asked Matthew.

Since when is this Applicable?

Circumstances where “since when is this applicable” are used as an alternative to the phrase “why is this important” include instances when an innovation is added to something you are conversant with and unaware of the development.

For example, a new way to check into your place of work or the use of equipment you haven’t been working with all along and suddenly see it as part of your work tool are better ways to ask why this is important than the word itself.

For example:

  • The look on his face, when he got to work after his leave and saw a new device installed in his workspace made him ask when this development was applicable.

I need to know why I must do this

Another way to ask, “Why is this important?” is by making the statement, “I need to know why I must do this.”. Doing so sounds more direct and incites a better response.

“I need to know why we must do this” spurs a direct answer to prevent a generalization of a concept, as the response you will get is specific to you and your job description; this is why the statement takes the place of a better way to say “why is this important?”

  • Everyone in the group took to their new role, but Abel, being the exception, demanded to know why he had to do the new job required of him.

Will this add to the result?

A subtle way to know beforehand if the outcome of a plan or duty will be positive when another innovation or idea is included is by asking if the inclusion of the extra effort will add to the general result.

Unlike asking why a thing is important, which only deals with a reason during or after a task, making a demand to know whether an item will add to the result suits the condition explained in the first paragraph.

For example:

  • The new concept looks great on paper, but the Manager wanted to know if this plan will add to the overall result in boosting productivity.

“Could you Clarify?”

To seek clarity and acceptance and sound less argumentative, requesting to understand a thing is preferable to asking why a duty is important.

The statement is a polite way to get additional information on a concept, job description, and how to go about a new task; it implies that you are ignorant of the workings of the new system and are willing to learn the ropes.

“In what way will this help?”

The statement forestalls the regret of a wasted effort and helps decide beforehand if responsibility is worth taking or being thrashed.

  • Having suffered multiple defeats taking up new ideas, the wrestler sought to know in what way the new suggestion would help him win the match.

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