20 Phrases Similar to “Out With the Old in the New”

‘Out with the old in the new’ is an idiomatic expression that means to turn into a new and better version of oneself. It denotes abandoning an old way of doing something and adopting a contemporary method.

I’ve used this expression, as well as seen where people use it and my better guess is that you’ve also done so.

You might want to spice things up a bit by knowing similar phrases to ‘out with the old in the new’. I will be showing you 20 phrases similar to ‘out with the old in the new’ in this post. I’m sure you want to know more, so read on!

 ‘Out with the Old in the New’ Alternatives

Some of the best phrases similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’ include ‘Turn to a new chapter’, ‘Rebrand yourself’, ‘Carry on a clean slate’, ‘Take on a new journey’, and ‘Reinvent yourself’.

The abovementioned phrases similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’ are phrases that embody the same message as ‘Out with the old in the new’ with little or no addition, but just different perspectives to point out the same thing.

This is not just all, as there are more and I’ll jump into that subsequently without ado.

Embrace Modernity

‘Embrace modernity’ is a smart phrase that is similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

Modernity as a concept refers to a new way or order of doing things. When you encourage someone to embrace modernity, you tell them to see life in a different way, a newer way, and one that is characterized by innovations and inventions.

Using this phrase as similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’ means you’re asking someone to accept a new order of doing things, especially one that comes with a trend.

Hence, if this new course of action is trendy then you might want to insist on using ‘Embrace modernity’ over ‘Out with the old in the new’.

Strive to Innovate

‘Strive to innovate’ is a savvy synonym for saying ‘Out with the old in the new’.

Using this phrase means you’re insisting that someone has to try as much as possible to create something out of nothing. Hence, using this phrase in the place of

‘Out with the old in the new’ means you’re asking the person to create something as much as they can. It also has something to do with leaving an old way of living for a new one which is often more inspiring and energetic.

Reinvent Yourself

‘Reinvent yourself’ can be a better alternative over saying ‘out with the old in the new’.

To reinvent means to make it refined and more acceptable. So, when you reinvent yourself you’re making yourself into a better, more appealing, and equally sufficient person. You can reinvent a lot of things – cars, houses, technology, and even people. So, this works best.

Turn a New Leaf

‘Turn a new leaf’ is a phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’

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When a tree sheds its leaves, new ones pop. Hence, encouraging someone to turn into a new leaf means telling them to leave an old way and hold onto a new and better one. This way, you can see the huge similarity that lies between these two phrases.

Fresh Start

‘Fresh start’ is an inspiring phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

When you start with a fresh start, you are already out with the old in the new. This phrase is a fine pick, so don’t hesitate to use it judiciously.

Take on a New Journey

‘Take on a new journey’ is a unique phrase that can serve as a synonym for ‘Out with the old in the new’. Using this phrase implies you’re telling someone to take on a new journey or mission.

Because this phrase has a flair of newness just like ‘Out with the old in the new’, that makes it a viable phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the end’.

Join a New Course and Cause

‘Join a new course and cause’ is a joint-spectacular phrase that is similar to ‘out with the old in the new’.

When you encourage someone to join a new course and cause, you’re enjoining them to embrace a new trajectory and objective alike.

Turn a New Chapter

‘Turn a new chapter’ is a similar phrase to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

It means moving over to a new phase of something, of life and commitment. And you can use it in the place of saying ‘out with the old in the new’ to mean a new beginning.

Enter into a New Era

‘Enter into a new era’ is a similar phrase to ‘out with the old in the new’.

Your ability to understand that a new era is the starting of a new life and setting straightens the view that this phrase can be used to substitute ‘out with the old in the new’.

Tread a New Path

‘Tread a new path’ ranks well as a similar phrase to say ‘out with the old in the new’.

To tread a new path means to take on a new line of doing things. It is a good one because it allows you to see life from another perspective, one that can potentially favor whoever embarks on it.

Change for the Better

‘Change for better’ is a deserving phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

To change something is to manipulate or alter its state, shape, or condition. Changing for the better refers to a conscious move by someone to alter their current stage to get a more appealing and desirable result.

Using this phrase, you’re admonishing someone to change into a better version of themselves. This is the same thing you mean when you say to someone ‘Out with the old in the new’.

Reach New Heights

Phrases Similar to Out With the Old in the New

‘Reach new heights’ is also a fine choice of phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

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Notably, to reach a new height is to leap above the level you’re on to a higher level. It has something to do with taking a strong leap of faith and attempting to elevate above the present level.

With that pointed out, using this phrase instead of ‘Out with the old in the new’ shows that you’re asking someone to leap above their current level to a new one.

Clearly, that’s the same message in ‘Out with the old into the new’.

Expand Your Horizons

‘Expand your horizons’ is a viable phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

A horizon here refers to a person’s perspective or view about something or life in general. Asking someone to expand their horizon is the same as telling them to move into a better and bigger state of mind.

It oftentimes concerns them to let go of their grip on an old way to expand their horizon.

Therefore, using this phrase in place of ‘Out with the old in the new’ is fitting, to be honest.

Rebrand Yourself

‘Rebrand yourself’ can be your choice of a similar phrase to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

Just like in the marketing world, rebranding is a move to present a product in a different light. That is to say that rebranding is not the same as innovating.

To rebrand means to take off the unwanted details of something or someone and make them into a new, refurbished, and desirable condition.

Hence, when you encourage someone to rebrand themselves as against telling them to come ‘Out with the old in the new’, you crave their indulgence to make their current self into a more appealing version.

Wear a New and Promising Makeover

‘Wear a new and promising makeover’ is a phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

When you wear a new and promising makeover, you’re adopting a new profile or portfolio – a new life. So, saying this means you’re encouraging someone to become a new person, abandoning all old life in the past and moving on.

Push Play to Rejuvenate

‘Push play to rejuvenate’ can be your preferred similar phrase to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

When you push play to something, you activate it or put it to work. Thus, pushing play to rejuvenate entails activating the resolve and will to rejuvenate. With ‘to rejuvenate’, meaning to make young, revive, or revitalize.

With the above detail, when you say ‘push play to rejuvenate’ to someone instead of the usual ‘Out with the old in the new’, you’re asking the person to activate their resolve to make themselves young again (in mind and body) or reviving their career.

The former may be achieved by regular exercise and yoga sessions while the latter entails finding oneself and monetizing one’s passion to build a career.

Take a New Direction

‘Take a new direction’ and ‘Out with the old in the new’ are synonyms.

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While ‘Out with the old in the new’ refers to leaving old ways behind and adopting a new way, ‘Take a new direction’ describes redirecting your moves or journey.

Nevertheless, ‘Take a new direction’ talks more about a person’s life journey than a mere road trip. Using this phrase equates to encouraging someone to leave the direction they’ve been in and take a new trajectory.

Perhaps, this new trajectory could be a current trend in fashion and lifestyle or technological advancements.

Embrace a New Dynamic

‘Embrace a new dynamic’ is another good phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’.

To embrace a new dynamic is to accept a fresh way of doing things. Perhaps, it could be in the aspect of a person’s feeding habit, love life, career, or even a country’s style of government.

To say this to someone instead of using ‘Out with the old in the new’ is brilliant because it portrays you as someone who wants the other person to be better than they already are.

Wake Up to a New Dawn

Phrases Similar to Out With the Old in the New

‘Wake up to a new dawn’ is an impressive phrase that is similar to ‘Out with the old with the new’.

To wake up connotes rising from sleep, ignorance, or naivety, while dawn refers to the new start of the day.

So, when you use this phrase instead of ‘Out with the old in the new’ you mean to tell someone to rise from slumber, ignorance, or naivety to embrace knowledge, information, and a new trend.

To do this, the person needs to leave behind ignorance and all forms of their old lives.

Carry on a Clean Slate

‘Carry on a clean slate’ is the last phrase similar to ‘Out with the old in the new’ which this article has to offer.

A clean surface is one without dirt, markings, or embellishments on it. So, a clean slate is a slate without any markings or writing on it. However, this phrase is only a symbol as it represents a clean profile, an unsoiled name, or a portfolio.

Hence, if you intend to use this in the place of ‘Out with the old in the new’ bear in mind you’re encouraging the person you’re addressing to take on a new profile.

Final Words

This is where the curtain draws on this post, which has to do with phrases similar to ‘out with the old in the new’. With these phrases, you mean to alternate between using them and saying ‘out with the old in the new’ which is already a usual idiom.

This article has done a thorough job of helping you with that by explaining about 20 phrases similar to ‘out with the old in the new’.

All you have to do is to see through the ones that apply most to you and use them judiciously, knowing that you can’t memorize everything.

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