20 “You’re Stuck With Me” Responses

What does it mean when a person says you are stuck with him or her? The word ‘stuck’ is used to refer to being trapped or being in a situation that one cannot escape for a while.

When a person says ‘you are stuck with me for the next five days’, it either means both of them have to stay together or both of them have to work together.

It is often used when a person may otherwise be somewhere else or with someone else.

If you are here for suitable responses to the phrase, the elucidation of the phrase’s definition should assist you in taking a stab at responding.

A good response to the phrase is ‘You think so?’ which suggests that there may be more to the situation. Below are 20 other responses properly elucidated to address certain situations and messages.

20 of the Best Replies to “You are stuck with me”

  1. No, I’m not.
  2. Unfortunately
  3. I will find my way out of here.
  4. It’s not a bad thing, is it?
  5. I would choose to be here with you, anyway.
  6. Of all people.
  7. You’re stuck with me too
  8. Since when?
  9. Are you sure?
  10. I don’t mind
  11. You wish
  12. Why you?
  13. Are you joking?
  14. You think so?
  15. Till when?
  16. Will you be able to cope with me?
  17. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
  18. Sounds like a wishful thinking.
  19. Pretty obvious
  20. I’m where I want to be

No, I’m not

Two people do not stand on different sides and have the same view of an object before them. There is a chance that either of you is missing a piece of information.

That should explain why you think you are not stuck with the person you are talking to while he or she believes you are.

You can actually respond with ‘No, I’m not’ if you feel the same freedom, that is if you believe you can still make your choice and work or stay with someone apart from the person you are talking to at the moment.

The person may also be able to explain why you are actually stuck with him or her.


We say this to imply that what another person has said is true but we wish it wasn’t so true. When a person says you are stuck with him or her, it usually isn’t something that feels good for you.

The phrase is mostly used when the speaker knows that the person being addressed may feel slightly uncomfortable with the new situation of things.

When you say ‘Unfortunately’, you are implying that you are aware of that fact. You are agreeing that you are actually stuck with the person talking.

‘Unfortunately’ also suggests that it is not a good thing. It is not necessarily ‘not’ a good thing but it isn’t something you are happy with.

I will find my way out of here

You’re Stuck With Me Responses

If you’ll agree with me, we can say not everyone is bound by the rules. When a person says you are stuck with me, he or she probably believes that you can’t do anything about the situation at the moment.

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You just have to continue staying or working with him or her till the situation shows mercy on you again.

You can challenge the speaker by giving this response which he or she will most likely not believe.

You should respond with this statement if you are sure you have something that can help you get out of the situation.

It’s not a bad thing, is it?

It is not necessarily a bad thing, is it? Some people actually want to be stuck. There are several possible reasons for that.

For example, you may be running from someone else. You may have so many options on whom to stay or work with and it is usually chosen randomly for you.

If there are any of the options that you do not want to stay or work with, then you just may be happy to o be stuck with someone else.

The person may even be the supposed next in line but that is averted or postponed because you are stuck with another person. You are definitely happy with it.

You may also be quite happy with your situation if you are ‘stuck’ with someone you like or someone you just want to work with.

By giving this statement, you are telling the person that you are not bothered about the situation.

I would choose to be here with you, anyway

Again, it just may be your choice to be there, even though you have not been allowed to choose. It is like having someone give a plate of food to you and it is exactly what you are craving at the moment.

In other words, you would have gotten yourself the same food if you had gone out to buy for yourself.

This response implies that you are not bothered about the new situation simply because you want to stay or work with the person you are stuck with.

Accept it like sweet Fate so you can keep a smile on and hope you are not unstuck soon.

Of all people

‘Of all people’ is a demeaning phrase. It is meant to refer to ‘especially’ in English language but it isn’t used like that most of the time.

For example, when you say ‘of all things to buy in the mall, you chose cat food’, the statement is a demeaning one for cat food.

You are implying that there are ‘better’ things to be purchased in the mall than cat food. In other words, ‘Cat food’ was not an excellent choice for the buyer.

When you say ‘Of all people to be stuck with’, you are implying that there are other people you would rather get stuck with than the person you are actually stuck with.

If it is someone you are actually close to, you can say this as a joke.

You’re stuck with me too

You’re Stuck With Me Responses

When a person is stuck with you, are you also stuck with him or her? That is not necessary actually. There are several possible situations where you can apply this response, however.

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The person talking may be able to work with other people while you can only stay with him or her and no one else.

If you both are forced to work together, you can give this response. It implies that neither of you is freely choosing whom to work with.

This doesn’t mean either of you is not happy with being together. It is how people fall in love in the movies.

Since when?

Here is an unnecessary question you can ask. The ‘when’ is meant to be clear to you, especially if you both didn’t work together before the moment of this conversation.

This question is asking when the ‘stuck’ began. The person may simply mention the moment it started. There is also a chance that you will get an explanation of why.

If he or she doesn’t tell you why, you can ask the question yourself.

Are you sure?

‘Are you sure’ sounds like another unnecessary question but it may not be, depending on the situation you find yourself in.

Sometimes, people can come to you with things that are meant to be fact but you have some extra information that makes it impossible for them to be fact.

In this case, you may be asking this question because you have gotten hints that you are not stuck with anyone.

You may also be saying this because you are one step ahead, that is you may have been stuck but not anymore.

It is also possible that you know your way out of the situation so you can simply express your doubts when the person claims you will be stuck with him or her for a long time.

I don’t mind

‘I don’t mind’ means you don’t mind. You may be unable to tell the difference between the two situations or you don’t exactly know what it feels like to work with other people.

It is also possible that you feel no difference when walking with other people so you don’t find it special to be able to choose whom to work with.

When you say you don’t mind, you are implying that you are not bothered by your new situation and okay with being stuck with the person talking.

You wish

Here is a statement that is used to express doubt. When a person says ‘You wish’, it means what you have said is only what you wish and it’s untrue.

It is usually for qualifying the feelings of the other person. For example, a person can say ‘You enjoy working with me. That’s why you’ll be here’.

You can respond by saying ‘You wish’. In other words, the person only wishes you’ll be there because he or she thinks you enjoy working together.

When you say ‘You wish’ in this context, you may have a way out of the situation, making you not stuck with the person talking. The person may actually be desiring to work with you.

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Why you?

This is very similar to ‘of all people’. It is equally demeaning. When you ask this question, you are indirectly saying that there are others and it doesn’t make sense to be stuck with the person speaking.

In other words, you consider some people better to be stuck with and you would rather be with them.

If you don’t want to hurt the person you have to work with, you may just keep this statement to yourself or say something nicer.

Are you joking?

Here is one way to react correctly when you are getting the info for the first time. This is usually predicting that you are not happy to be stuck with the speaker. However, it may not be how you feel about the situation.

If you actually like the person you are stuck with, you can ask this question before rejoicing about it. It really could be a joke.

You can also say this if you believe there is a way out of there m

You think so?

Here is the example given in the introduction. This question is asked when what a person ‘thinks’ is actually untrue. In other words, you are implying that you are not actually stuck with the person speaking.

You may say this if you know a way to get out of the situation.

Till when?

You can ask when you will no longer be stuck with the speaker. This question may pass the message that you don’t want to be there any longer.

How the person feels about this question will depend on how you react after hearing when you will get unstuck.

Will you be able to cope with me?

This question is a funny one you can ask your close friend or colleague. Both of you will be working together so definitely neither of you is unhappy about the situation.

Though the question is not meant, saying a joke shows that you are not bothered by the situation.

I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

Saying this just may put a smile on the face of the speaker. You can consider this the opposite of ‘Why you?’

This statement implies that you are not just okay but happy with being stuck with the speaker.

Sounds like wishful thinking.

This is just a longer way of saying ‘you wish’. You should only say this if you have some extra information that guarantees that you are not stuck.

Yes. Pretty obvious

You can say this to show you agree with the statement. This case may not be due to another person’s order. It is like being locked in the house with a person by mistake.

It is a situation that will not be resolved till you find a way to open the door.

I’m where I want to be

Here is another statement that doesn’t just embrace the situation but also shows that you enjoy it. This response implies that you would have chosen to be there, even if you weren’t stuck with him or her.

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