20 of the Best Replies to “Good To Have You Here”

When someone says ‘good to have you here’, it often indicates a warm welcome and an appreciation for the presence of a newcomer.

The phrase is simple but carries a lot of weight, signaling a positive start to an interaction or relationship.

Whether it’s a work colleague, a neighbor, or a family member, the recipient of the greeting should feel both honored and grateful for the recognition.

Of course, a simple thank you is a nice response but why not try something a bit more creative?

In this article, I’ll show you 20 unique replies to the phrase ‘good to have you here’. From funny to heartfelt, each reply provides a unique way to express your appreciation for the greeting.

So, the next time someone says ‘good to have you here’, you’ll know exactly how to respond in a way that’s both thoughtful and memorable.

20 Replies to “Good To Have You Here”

It’s always nice to be welcomed when you enter a room, especially when you’re meeting someone new.

A great way to make a good first impression is to come up with an appropriate reply to a greeting like ‘Good to have you here.’

  1. Likewise! 
  2. Thank you! It’s nice to be here. 
  3. I’m so glad to be here. 
  4. It’s great to be here. 
  5. Thanks for having me. 
  6. Thank you for the warm welcome. 
  7. It’s an honor to be here. 
  8. I’m glad I could make it. 
  9. It’s a pleasure to be here. 
  10. It’s great to meet you. 
  11. I’m happy to be here. 
  12. I’m thrilled to be here. 
  13. It’s a delight to be here. 
  14. Thanks for having me. 
  15. I’m humbled to be here. 
  16. I’m pleased to be here. 
  17. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
  18. I’m excited to join you all. 
  19. It’s a pleasure to be in your presence.
  20. It’s a joy to be here


Replies to Good To Have You Here

Likewise! is a great reply to ‘good to have you here’ because it expresses a mutual sentiment of pleasure at being in the same place.

This reply is more special than a simple, Thanks, because it conveys a sense of camaraderie and appreciation for the other person’s presence.

It implies that you are glad to have them there, just as they are glad to be present. This phrase is a polite way of reciprocating the sentiment of welcome and acceptance that they have expressed.

Furthermore, it is an effective way to create a sense of shared joy and excitement at the moment.

The phrase also conveys a sense of enthusiasm, which can help to create an atmosphere of positivity and happiness.

Essentially, ‘Likewise!’ is a great reply to ‘good to have you here’ because it communicates a warm and friendly welcome to both the speaker and the listener.

Thank you! It’s nice to be here

This reply shows that you recognize the other person’s efforts in making you feel welcome.

I’m so glad to be here

The phrase I’m so glad to be here is an excellent response to ‘good to have you here.’

It conveys a genuine sense of appreciation and enthusiasm for the invitation to join the group or event.

It conveys a positive attitude and shows respect for the host or whoever extended the invitation. It also communicates a sense of openness and enthusiasm to be part of something new or exciting.

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The phrase also communicates a strong sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be part of something and communicates a level of interest in participating in whatever the group or event has to offer.

It reflects an eagerness to engage and be part of the group in a meaningful way.

It communicates a willingness to contribute, share, and collaborate with the group which can be an important factor in building relationships with others.

It’s great to be here

It’s great to be here is a wonderful reply to good to have you here because it shows that the person who you are addressing is excited to be in the presence of the other person.

The phrase is also a great way to express gratitude for being invited somewhere or included in something.

It conveys a sense of enthusiasm, appreciation, and acceptance that is often difficult to put into words but is easily expressed when simply saying It’s great to be here.

In addition, it shows the other person that you are happy to be in their presence and that you are happy to be a part of whatever the situation is.

It’s a great way to make someone feel welcomed and appreciated, and it is a great way to show that you are excited to be in their company.

Thanks for having me

Thank you for the warm welcome is a great reply to good to have you here because it acknowledges the other person’s warm reception and expresses gratitude for their hospitality.

The phrase is polite and friendly, and it conveys a sense of appreciation and respect for the other person.

It also implies that the speaker feels welcome and accepted, which can help to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

Additionally, the phrase is an indication that the speaker is grateful for the other person’s effort in making them feel welcome and appreciated, which can help to foster a sense of connection and trust.

It also shows that you acknowledge the other person’s effort in inviting you to join them.

Thank you for the warm welcome

This reply acknowledges the other person’s efforts in making you feel comfortable.

It’s an honor to be here

This reply is appropriate if you’re in the presence of someone of great importance.

I’m glad I could make it

The phrase ‘I’m glad I could make it’ is a great reply to ‘good to have you here’ because it conveys a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

It acknowledges that the person was invited and that they took the time and effort to attend, which is a wonderful gesture.

It also implies that they are happy to be there, which is a nice sentiment that can help create an atmosphere of welcome and inclusion.

The phrase is also a great way to let the person know that their presence is appreciated, which can be a great way to strengthen ties and build relationships.

Additionally, the phrase is a great way to show that the individual is responsible and dependable, which can be beneficial in many contexts.

It’s a pleasure to be here

This reply conveys that you’re sincerely enjoying your time in the other person’s company.

It’s great to meet you

It’s great to meet you is a great reply to good to have you here because it conveys a genuine sentiment of warmth and enthusiasm.

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It communicates that you are happy to meet the person in question and establishes a positive rapport.

The phrase also implies that the person is welcomed and accepted in the conversation or situation. It is a polite response that conveys a sense of appreciation and gratitude for the other person’s presence.

Moreover, by expressing your pleasure in meeting them, it shows that you respect and value them.

This is a polite and friendly way to greet someone and can help set the tone for a pleasant conversation.

I’m happy to be here

This reply is suitable if you’re in a joyous mood.

I’m thrilled to be here

Replies to Good To Have You Here

When someone says to you ‘good to have you here’, replying with I’m thrilled to be here is an excellent way to express your enthusiasm and excitement for being in their presence.

The phrase communicates that you are genuinely pleased and delighted to be in the company of the other person and to be a part of whatever situation you have found yourself in.

It is a positive, uplifting response that implies a sense of joy and eagerness to be in their presence.

It is a polite way to communicate that you are happy to be sharing the moment with them and that you are excited to be a part of whatever it is you are doing together.

It’s a delight to be here

This reply shows that you’re genuinely enjoying your time in the other person’s company.

Thanks for having me

This reply acknowledges the other person’s effort in inviting you to join them.

I’m humbled to be here

The phrase I’m humbled to be here is a great reply to ‘good to have you here’ because it conveys both a sense of appreciation for the invitation and a humble attitude toward the situation.

It implies that the speaker is grateful for the opportunity to be in the presence of the person who said ‘good to have you here’ and that they understand the importance and privilege of being included.

It also conveys a humble attitude in that the speaker is deferring to the other person’s authority and presence and is not assuming a position of power or superiority.

By saying I’m humbled to be here, the speaker is affirming their respect for the other person and their appreciation for being invited to the situation.

This phrase is a great way to express one’s gratitude and humility in a polite and respectful manner.

I’m pleased to be here

This reply conveys that you’re glad to be in the company of the other person.

It’s a pleasure to meet you

This reply is suitable if you’re meeting someone for the first time.

I’m excited to join you all

The phrase I’m excited to join you all is a great reply to ‘good to have you here’ because it conveys a sense of enthusiasm and eagerness to become part of the existing group.

It shows that the person joining the group is pleased to be welcomed and is looking forward to making new connections and being part of something bigger.

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It also demonstrates an attitude of respect and appreciation for the existing members of the group, who have welcomed him/her into their fold.

In addition, by expressing their excitement, the person joining the group is also expressing their willingness to be involved and to contribute to the group’s success.

It shows that they are invested in the group and are willing to put in the effort to make the group thrive.

This enthusiasm is contagious, and it can help to create a positive environment that encourages everyone to work together and achieve great things.

It’s a pleasure to be in your presence

When someone says ‘good to have you here’ it is a polite way of expressing their appreciation for someone’s presence.

In response, saying It’s a pleasure to be in your presence is a great way to express gratitude and respect for the person who welcomed you.

It is a phrase that conveys a sense of appreciation and admiration for the person’s presence, as well as for the hospitality and warmth that they have extended.

The phrase also conveys a sense of awe and admiration for the person’s presence, as well as an appreciation for the opportunity to be in their company.

By saying this phrase, the speaker is conveying their deep respect for the person and their hospitality, as well as expressing gratitude for being able to enjoy the company of such a person.

It’s a joy to be here

When someone says ‘good to have you here,’ it is an expression of joy to have someone join them.

Therefore, it is a great reply to say It’s a joy to be here in response. This phrase conveys a deeper level of gratitude and appreciation for being welcomed; it also shows that the person is just as eager to be there.

The phrase acknowledges that they are happy to be there, while also conveying that they recognize and appreciate the other person’s joy in having them there.

In addition, this response shows an understanding of the power of a simple gesture and an appreciation of the moment; it conveys that the person is consciously aware of the happiness that comes with being welcomed and accepted.

No matter what reply you choose, remember to always be courteous and polite. A warm and friendly greeting can go a long way in making a good first impression.


In conclusion, it is clear that there are many different ways to reply to ‘good to have you here’. From a simple ‘thank you’, to a more detailed expression of appreciation, the possibilities are endless.

Whether you’re looking for a light-hearted response or a more sincere one, there is something for everyone.

With this in mind, it’s important to remember that whatever reply you choose, it should be sincere and heartfelt.

After all, a simple ‘good to have you here’ can go a long way in making someone feel welcome and appreciated.

No matter the reply you choose, it’s sure to show your enthusiasm and appreciation for being welcomed into any new situation.

Whether it’s a new job, club, or event, a warm and friendly response to ‘good to have you here’ will make you feel right at home.

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