15 Best Responses To “No One Was Talking To You”

Someone who tells you ‘’no one was talking to you’’ is in a way trying to ridicule you.

It could be that you both were in a conversation and he tried to shut you out by saying that no one was talking to you. A statement from that person could make you feel bad.

However, the best thing you can do in a situation like this is to give a really good comeback.

That is the reason I wrote this article, to show you the best responses when someone tells you ‘’No one was talking to you’’.

Take A Look At The 15 Correct Responses To “No One Was Talking To You”

  1. I am aware
  2. You do not need to sound rude
  3. And who said I was paying attention?
  4. I was not answering you either
  5. Life is too short to hang around people like you
  6. It is none of my business
  7. Can’t you be nice for once?
  8. If you do not have anything to say please do not talk to me
  9. I will give you the silence you need
  10. I did not ask for your permission to speak
  11. You will be better off if you try to be kind
  12. If you are rude to me again I will stop being friends with you
  13. Can you remind me of what you were saying that was making sense?
  14. Just a calm tone would have made more sense
  15. So what do you expect me to do?

I am aware

responses to no one was talking to you

If the person tries to ridicule you by telling you that no one was talking to you, you can respond by saying that you are aware. That way, he will not succeed in ridiculing you, you will even be the one winning.

When you say that you are aware, it shows that you already know and you do not need him to tell you at all.

That way, he will not tell you so much anymore because he already knows that you are aware. This is a good comeback that you can use.

You do not need to sound rude

Instead of saying ‘’No one was talking to you’’, there are other nicer ways to tell the person that you were not referring to him.

But saying it like that sounds rude. You need to let the person know that he does not need to sound rude.

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Explain to him in your reply that he can still pass the message he wants to without sounding rude. That way, he will understand that he sounded rude and it is not a nice way to talk to someone.

And who said I was paying attention?

This is another good comeback that you can use. Simply tell him that who said you were paying attention in the first place?

That way you show that you are not even interested in what the person was saying in the first place, why then would you like to pay attention to it?

This is another good reply that you can give. Once you reply this way, he will know that you have been paying less attention to him and what he was saying. Telling you that no one was talking to you is of no use.

I was not answering you either

Since the person was not talking to you, then you were not answering him either. That is a good reply that you can give.

That way, the person understands that you are not happy about how he responded to you.

Life is too short to hang around people like you

Someone who replies to you in that manner is trying to sound rude to you and he is not being nice in any way. You need to be wary of such people.

In your reply simply tell the person that you do not like to spend your time hanging around negative people.

This reply helps to expose how negative the person is. You would rather spend your time hanging around positive people.

It is none of my business

This is a straightforward reply that you can give the person. This reply is straight to the point.

You simply tell him that it is none of your business and you do not care if anyone was referring to you or not.

This reply will make the person not bother talking to you in situations like this. He already knows that you will give a clap back and I am Pretty sure he would not like that.

Can’t you be nice for once?

This type of reply is not a nice one at all. You can tell the person this if you notice that the person is fond of not being nice and always tries to be savage.

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Ask if he can’t be nice for once, that way he will get to know that telling you no one was talking to you is a rude reply and it is not nice at all.

If you do not have anything to say please do not talk to me

This is a reply telling the person that you prefer it if people say positive things to you and you do not like to talk to people who only have negative things to say to people.

It is a direct way of telling the person to not talk to you if he does not have anything positive to say to you.

I will give you the silence you need

This shows you love to remain silent when someone is saying something you do not like.

That way, you respond directly to the person by telling him that you are going to remain silent because that is exactly what he needs.

I did not ask for your permission to speak

Before you spoke to the person you never asked for his permission, if the person is telling you that no one was talking to you, then simply reply that you never asked for permission to speak.

This is a good reply that you can give and it works.

You will be better off if you try to be kind

Kind people tend to be liked by a lot of people. If someone tells you that no one was talking to you, it is not a kind thing to say.

However, in your reply, you can tell the person that he would be better off and liked by people if he tries to be kind.

This reply will go a long way to help.

If you are rude to me again I will stop being friends with you

This shows that you do not like to be friends with people who are rude. If the person is your friend, simply tell him that the next time he sounds rude, you will stop being friends with him.

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This will convince him to be more kind and reply to you in a kinder way. If the person is truly your friend, he will do what he can just to make sure that you do not stop being friends with him.

Can you remind me of what you were saying that was making sense?

This shows that nothing the person is saying is making any sense to you and what does it even mean when the person tells you that no one was talking to you?

He should not bother to tell you such because what he was saying did not make any sense either.

Just a calm tone would have made more sense

The tone you use in talking to people matters a whole lot, that is why you need to pay attention to the tone in which you use in talking to people.

In your reply, you can tell the person that a calm tone would have made more sense. You do not want to go about sounding rude to people, it does not sit well and it does not speak well of you either.

So what do you expect me to do?

This is a good comeback that you can use. If the person thinks that he can make you feel inferior by telling you that no one was talking to you, a good comeback that you can use is to ask the person what he expects you to do.

That way, it shows that you are paying less attention to him and you do not like that he is sounding rude to you. Next time he will filter his words carefully before he speaks.

In Summing Up

People try to ridicule you by saying harsh things to you. Some just want to make you feel bad, some may just be a bully.

However, the good thing is that whatever the person is trying to do, you can always give a good reply or come back.

If you are having a tough time thinking of a good reply you can give if you find yourself in such a situation, this article will go a long way to help.

You can simply use any of the replies that I have explained in this article.

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