15 Best Responses to “No Pain No Gain”

When someone tells you No pain go gain, the meaning could be that the person is trying to pass a message to you.

No pain no gain means you are being told how difficult it is to get a reasonable result without going through some pain or difficulty.

When someone tells you this, how do you reply? Especially when the statement has nothing to do with your current situation, you need to express yourself to the person in the right way.

That is why I wrote this article. Here, I will show you the best responses you can give to someone who tells you no pain no gain.

Take a Look At The 15 Best Responses to “No Pain No Gain”

  1. You are right
  2. One must sacrifice to get ahead
  3. Life is not the way you see it. Not easy at all
  4. I heard that today
  5. Thanks, this is one good thing I heard today
  6. Did you just hear it today?
  7. I hear that frequently
  8. What exactly do you mean?
  9. Are you referring to me?
  10. It depends solely on what you mean by ‘’pain’’.
  11. It does not apply in all cases
  12. Do I necessarily have to go through pain?
  13. Regardless, the pain does not have to hurt that much
  14. It is a cliche
  15. Is it similar to ‘’No Guts No Glory?

You are right

This is a simple reply you can give once you know that what the person is saying is true.

Especially if you are working out in the gym trying to build your body and keep fit, if the person tells you no pain no gain, you will understand better because it is related to your present situation.

You can simply let the person know that what he said is true. This reply is straightforward.

One must sacrifice to get ahead

Responses to "No Pain No Gain

This is another way of agreeing to what the person told you. If the person said no pain no gain, you can simply make your own addition by saying that one must sacrifice to get ahead.

You are indirectly translating what the person said to you even though you both are saying the same thing. This is still a good reply.

Life is not the way you see it. Not easy at all.

In this reply, you are also making your own contribution. No pain no gain is true, you make your contribution about life by saying people will not always get what they want if they do not strive for it.

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This is another meaning of no pain no gain.

I heard that today

Maybe you were scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and you watched a video where someone said no pain no gain. You can simply tell the person that you heard that today.

The good thing is that the person does not need to know where they heard it from. Just tell him you heard that today and he will understand that you have heard such before.

Thanks, this is one good thing I heard today

It could be that you have not heard that since today and you got to hear it from that person. Maybe that was the best thing you heard today because you needed to hear it.

If that is the case you can simply let the person know that it is one good thing you heard today.

Did you just hear it today?

Maybe the person said it to you just because he heard it today or just recently. There is nothing bad if you ask him if he just got to hear it today.

Ask him if he just heard it today, that way you will know if he is just telling it you because he only just heard it.

I hear that frequently

It could be that you hear it frequently and that is not the first time you have heard something like that. Let the person know that you hear it frequently too.

This is a good reply you can give, but make sure you only use it when you are sure that you hear it frequently.

What exactly do you mean?

This reply shows that you do not know exactly what the person is saying or you do not fully understand the person. The simple thing you can do is to ask, that is what this reply is all about.

Simply ask what exactly you mean, do not ask in a rude way. Just let the person know that you do not understand and he will be willing to explain it better to you.

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Next time someone tells you no pain no gain and you have no idea what the person is talking about, just ask him what exactly he means.

Are you referring to me?

It could be that he was referring to someone else and you did not know it. If you are not sure who he was referring to, the best thing you can do is to ask.

Simply ask ‘’are you referring to me’’. That way, you will have a better understanding of what the person is trying to say.

If the person is talking to you, he will let you know, if he is not talking to you, he will also let you know. That is one reason why the best thing you need to do is to ask first.

It depends solely on what you mean by ‘’pain’’

This is another good response that you can give. You may not fully understand what the person means by pain.

Just let him know that it depends on what he means by pain, that way he will explain it to you better.

Once the person explains what he means by pain then you will have a clearer picture of what he is saying. This reply will go a long way to help.

It does not apply in all cases

This is a way of telling the person that ‘’no pain no gain’’ does not work in all cases.

For example, when someone is going through emotional pain, telling the person no pain no gain only makes the situation worse, but when someone is trying to build muscles in the gym, if you tell the person no pain no gain, the person can relate.

This example is a way of telling the person that no pain no gain does not apply in all cases. That way, the person will be able to understand better.

Do I necessarily have to go through pain?

This is because the person told you no pain no gain, then you want to have a clear picture of what the person is saying, then you ask him if you necessarily need to go through pain to get what you want.

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Maybe the person did not explain it well to you when he said no pain no gain. Sometimes, the pain does not always mean suffering.

After asking, listen to what the person has to say. That way, you will have a clearer picture of what the person is saying.

Regardless, the pain does not have to hurt that much

In this reply, you agree that one may go through pain, but you are also asking that regardless of the pain that the person will go through, does the pain have to be that much?

This is another reply that you can give. Maybe you do not know the kind of pain it requires, but you will always go through some level of pain when you want to get something, sometimes the pain could be severe, and sometimes it will not.

Just like when you want to grow your muscles in the gym, you have to go to the gym consistently and that hurts. That is a perfect example of no pain no gain.

It is a cliche

Something that is cliche is something that is usually overused or mostly used outside its original context.

It could be that a lot of people have said it to you even when it does not fit into the conversation or the particular context.

If that is the case, simply let the person know that it is a cliche and you have heard it too often.

Is it similar to ‘’No Guts No Glory?

You have heard no guts no glory too, and you want to know if no pain no gain means the same thing as no guts no glory.

It is a friendly question that you can ask. That way, you will know exactly what the person is trying to say and if it is really similar to no guts no glory.

Summing Up

When someone tells you no pain no gain, it is up to you to decide what you want to reply to the person. I have written 15 different responses that you can use anytime.

But note that it is best you choose a response that fits in that particular situation or fits into the context.

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