Polite Ways To Say “Excuse Me” (16 Powerful Ways)

Though it is a short phrase, the two words excuse me can be used in a variety of contexts and can demonstrate a wide range of emotions.

From a simple request for someone to repeat themselves to an apology for interrupting a conversation, these two words can communicate an abundance of meanings.

But, depending on the situation, it can be difficult to know exactly how to phrase it in a polite and respectful manner.

Whether you need to get someone’s attention, ask for a small favor, or apologize for an offense, there are a variety of polite ways to say excuse me that can be used in any situation.

This article will provide practical examples of how to express yourself politely and respectfully when needing to get someone’s attention, ask for a favor, or apologize for an offense.

In doing so, you can ensure that the person on the receiving end will understand your request and be more likely to respond positively.

7 Polite Ways To Say “Excuse Me” to get someone’s attention

1. Pardon me

Pardon me is a polite and respectful way to get someone’s attention. It’s a phrase that can be used in any situation, such as when you want to ask a question, or make a request, from asking for help to interrupting a conversation. It conveys politeness and respect, while still getting your point across.

It is a polite way of saying Excuse me without being overly formal or intrusive. It is a polite way of saying that you need someone’s attention and that you are sorry for interrupting them.

Using the phrase Pardon me is a way to show you are aware of the other person’s time and space and that you are grateful for it.

2. I’m sorry to interrupt

I’m sorry to interrupt is a polite way of saying excuse me when you need to get someone’s attention. It shows that you respect the person you are addressing and that you don’t want to be a nuisance.

It’s a gentle way of saying excuse me and that you don’t want to disrupt the conversation or intrude upon someone’s time.

It’s also a great way to politely ask for someone’s attention. It’s important to be mindful that you are not being too intrusive when you say I’m sorry to interrupt.

Being polite and respectful is paramount in any situation and using this phrase is a great way to do that.

3. Do you have a moment? 

If you need someone’s help, Do you have a moment? is a polite way to say excuse me to get their attention.

It’s a phrase that conveys respect and consideration, as it acknowledges that the person may be busy or have something they are currently focusing on.

It also implies that the interaction won’t take up too much of their time, as the person asking is only requesting a moment of their time.

This is a great phrase to use when you don’t want to interrupt someone but still need to get their attention. It shows that you value their time and respect the task they are currently working on.

4. Hello

Sometimes the simplest words are the best. Hello is a polite and friendly way to say excuse me to get someone’s attention. It’s a great way to start a conversation, as it conveys respect and friendliness.

Moreover, it can be used in a variety of social settings and is appropriate for both formal and informal situations.

Furthermore, Hello has the power to convey warmth and respect, and it is considered a polite way to begin a conversation.

Additionally, because of its simplicity, it is often used to break the ice when meeting someone for the first time.

Finally, the fact that it is a universal greeting makes it an especially convenient way to get someone’s attention.

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5. Excuse me, may I have a word? 

Excuse me, may I have a word? is a polite way to say excuse me to get someone’s attention without being rude or disruptive.

This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, both in formal and informal settings. It serves as a way to politely and respectfully initiate a conversation without being too intrusive.

It also gives the other person a chance to decide whether they would like to engage in the conversation or not.

It is a phrase that conveys an element of politeness and respect and can help to build relationships and foster positive communication between two people.

Additionally, it is a good way to show courtesy and consideration for the other person’s time and space, as it does not require them to stop what they are doing or interrupt their conversations to acknowledge the speaker.

6. I’m sorry to bother you

I’m sorry to bother you is a polite and effective way to say excuse me to get someone’s attention.

It implies that you understand that the person may be busy and that you respect their time. It also shows that you are not trying to be intrusive and that you are aware of the fact that you are interrupting them.

Furthermore, it sets a tone of respect and politeness, making it easier for the person to answer your question or help you with whatever you need.

In addition, this phrase can be used in any situation, whether it be in a business setting or a personal situation, making it a great tool to use when you need to get someone’s attention.

7. Excuse me, do you have a minute? 

Excuse me, do you have a minute? is a polite way to say excuse me to get someone’s attention especially when you need to speak to them.

It is a respectful phrase that allows the listener to know that you are requesting their attention and respect their time.

This phrase is also often used when entering a conversation that is already in progress. It is a polite way of letting the other person know that you would like to join the conversation without coming across as rude or intrusive.

By using this phrase, you are showing that you are courteous and willing to wait for a response before proceeding.

It is also a great way to start a conversation that is more formal or professional, as it sets the tone for the conversation to be respectful and polite.

No matter what situation you’re in, there are several polite ways to say excuse me to get someone’s attention.

Whether you’re asking for help or interrupting a conversation, it’s important to show respect and be considerate.

By using one of these polite alternatives to excuse me, you can make sure you’re getting the attention you need without coming off as rude or intrusive.

4 Polite Ways To Say “Excuse Me” to ask for a favor

1. I apologize for the intrusion, but would you mind…

I apologize for the intrusion, but would you mind… is a polite way to excuse me to ask for a favor.

It conveys respect and appreciation for the person you are asking and acknowledges that you are aware that you are asking them for something and that it may not be convenient.

It is an especially effective phrase when asking for a favor from someone who you do not know very well or who you may not have interacted with before.

It shows that you understand the importance of politeness and that you are willing to put in the effort to make the request in a respectful way.

It is also a polite way to ask for a favor from someone who is in a position of authority.

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It shows that you understand the power dynamic between you and the other person and that you are willing to be humble when asking for something.

2. Do you think you could assist me… 

This phrase is a polite way to say excuse me to ask for a favor.

This phrasing acknowledges that the other person is under no obligation to help you, but it also indicates that you’d really appreciate it if they could.

Using this phrase shows that you are aware of how your request may be an imposition and you are willing to accept whatever the other person’s response may be.

It also implies that you have thought the request through and have a plan for how you would like the favor to be completed.

By using this phrase, you are showing respect for the other person’s time, energy, and resources, which can help make them more likely to agree to help you.

3. I hate to ask, but… 

I hate to ask, but… is a polite way to say excuse me to make a request for a favor. It is a subtle approach that conveys a sense of humility and respect as the speaker expresses the difficulty of the situation.

This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, such as when you need help with a task, or when you need to borrow something.

It implies that the favor being requested is a burden, and that the speaker wouldn’t make the request if it weren’t necessary.

This phrase also implies that the speaker has thought carefully about the request and respects the person’s time, energy, and resources.

By using this phrase, you can show that you understand the difficulty of the situation and that you value the person’s help.

4. Would you mind… 

Polite Ways To Say "Excuse Me"

Would you mind… is a polite way of saying excuse me to ask for a favor. It is often used to clarify an individual’s request and can be used in many different scenarios.

For example, when someone needs help to complete a task, they can say Would you mind helping me with this?

This phrase is considered polite because it allows the person to make their request without sounding pushy or demanding.

It also allows the person to politely decline the offer if they are unable to fulfill the favor. Additionally, it keeps the conversation friendly and shows respect to the person they are asking.

By using this phrase, people can make their request without feeling too uncomfortable or intrusive.

Asking someone for a favor can be an uncomfortable situation, but it doesn’t have to be.

By using one of these polite ways to say excuse me when asking for a favor, you can help ensure that the conversation will be as pleasant as possible.

5 Polite Ways To Say “Excuse Me” to apologize for an offense

1. I’m sorry

This is a polite and direct way to say excuse me to apologize. You can add more detail or explanation to your apology if you feel it’s necessary, but the important thing is that you show that you’re taking responsibility for your actions.

 2. Pardon me

Pardon me is an incredibly polite way of saying excuse me when apologizing for a mistake or inconvenience. It implies that the speaker is aware of the wrong that has been done and is seeking forgiveness for it.

It is a sign of respect and humility, and when used in a sincere manner, it can help to smooth over any hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

It is a way of showing respect for the person being apologized to and also for the situation, as it acknowledges how it could have been handled differently.

This phrase is a simple way to show courtesy and politeness when apologizing, and it can be used in many different situations.

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3. My apologies

My apologies. is a polite and respectful way of saying excuse me when offering an apology.

It is a phrase that conveys sincere regret for the mistake that was made and shows the other person the speaker is taking responsibility for their actions.

It is also a statement of respect and understanding that the person being apologized to deserves to be treated courteously.

This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, such as apologizing for an inconvenience, or a mistake, or saying sorry for something that was said or done.

It is a polite expression that helps keep relationships strong and shows that the speaker values the other person’s feelings.

By using this phrase, the speaker is showing that they are willing to take responsibility for their actions and make amends for their mistake.

4. I apologize

I apologize is a polite way to say excuse me and is an important phrase to use in order to show respect and remorse for an action or mistake.

It is a powerful act of kindness when someone is willing to take responsibility for wronging another person, and it can help to maintain a healthy and positive relationship between two parties.

It is a sign of humility and can help to create a constructive dialogue to resolve the issue. Furthermore, apologizing is a good example to set for those around us and can help to foster an environment of understanding and forgiveness.

It is a simple but meaningful way to display consideration and good manners and is a gesture that should not be taken lightly.

5. I’m sorry for my mistake

The phrase I’m sorry for my mistake is an effective way to express remorse and apologize for a wrong that was done.

It’s polite, and respectful, and conveys a genuine sense of regret. It shows that the speaker understands that they have done something wrong and is willing to take responsibility for it.

This phrase is also a great way to build bridges with those around us, as it conveys a message of humility and understanding.

It’s a simple yet powerful way of saying excuse me when an apology is due. It is a polite way to say that you are sorry for the mistake or wrong that was done and that you take ownership of it.

These are just a few of the many polite ways to say excuse me to apologize for an offense.

Everyone’s situation is different, so it’s important to consider the context and choose the words that best convey your meaning and feelings.

Whether you’re apologizing to a friend, family member, or stranger, it’s important to make sure that your apology is sincere and that you mean what you say.


Excuse me has become a common phrase in our daily lives, and there’s no better way to politely get someone’s attention and ask for what you need.

As you can see, there are many polite ways to say excuse me – some more formal than others.

From the classic excuse me to the more creative pardon my interruption, having a variety of polite phrases to choose from can help you ensure that you don’t offend anyone when you need to interrupt or draw attention to yourself.

Being mindful of the context and the people you are speaking to can also help you choose the most appropriate phrase.

Remember, politeness is always appreciated, so take care to choose your words wisely.

No matter which phrase you choose, the key is to make sure that you exude respect and politeness when using it. Remember, a little politeness goes a long way in any social situation.

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