15 Phrases Like “Happy Wife Happy Life”

According to a recent Rutgers University study from New Jersey, “the happier the wife is in a long-term marriage, the happier the husband.” This phrase tells a spouse that she is more significant than his feelings.

The saying “happy wife, happy life” is frequently used to imply that if a spouse puts their wife’s happiness first and foremost, their marriage would be properly maintained and joyful.

It suggests that when your partner is happy, you’ll have a happier life. It also means that if a wife is happy in her marriage, her husband will also be happy and this would lead to a delighted life.

No one knows the origin of this phrase as most of it comes from plays. This article will examine 15 phrases that look like “happy wife happy life.” An example of this is “Happy spouse, peaceful home.”

15 Phrases Similar to “Happy Wife Happy Life”

  1. A contented spouse, a quiet house
  2. Enjoy yourself, and be a happy husband.
  3. Shared happiness is twice happiness, while shared sadness is half pain.
  4. A deaf husband and a blind woman would make a happy couple.
  5. A man is content when he finds a true friend, and he is even happier when his wife turns out to be that close friend.
  6. The secret to a happy marriage will always be a mystery.
  7. Marriages last because partners want them to, not because the doors are locked.
  8. I would much rather be a fairly content mother and wife.
  9. A wealthy man earns more than his wife can afford to spend. Such a man can be located by a successful lady.
  10. A successful marriage is the result of two forgiving individuals coming together.
  11. Forgetting your wife’s birthday once is the best way to remember it later.
  12. I have wealth, a content wife, and our daughter.
  13. In order to keep one’s wife content, only two things are required. Allowing her to have it will give her the impression that she is getting her way.
  14. The key to a great marriage is not how compatible you are, but rather how you handle incompatibility.
  15. Getting together is the start, staying together is progress, and collaborating is a success.

A contented spouse, a quiet house

According to this saying, your house would be calm if your partner is content. Marriage is a union or a partnership and this phrase says a happy spouse, not a happy husband or a happy wife.

This means that both parties have to be committed for the other partner to be happy also. Both parties can create peace together by facing their conflicts, challenges, and issues as a team.

They are stronger together so facing things together will make a peaceful home.

Enjoy yourself, and be a happy husband

This is another expression that is similar to “happy wife happy life”. A happy husband is content and also satisfied in his marriage.

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This phrase means that if a husband is happy, he can spend a good time with his family. A happy husband tries to make his wife happy as well as it comes naturally to him.

When you have a happy husband, a good time and a happy home is guaranteed.

Shared happiness is twice happiness, while shared sadness is half pain

This is a Swedish proverb. Humans are wired to be deeply empathetic. Our experiences of delight, happiness, or accomplishments tend to double our joy when we share them with others.

Instead, when we relate our experiences with pain and grief, we receive sympathy, understanding, and pity, which lessens the pain and the anxiety, i.e “half a sorrow”.

In other words, sharing your joy increases it while sharing your sorrow reduces it or reduces the burden.

A deaf husband and a blind woman would make a happy couple

It emphasizes the fact that a husband and wife are there for one another’s support, comfort, and protection. They are to fit into each other’s garments.

This statement refers to a wife who should be blind or should ignore problems, such as her husband cheating, but it does not refer to real blindness or deafness.

The husband, on the other hand, should be deaf or should ignore things, for instance, nagging or complaints from the wife.

This is interpreted to mean that the wife would stay happy because she doesn’t see what her husband does wrong and the husband stays happy as he doesn’t hear his wife complain.

A man is content when he finds a true friend, and he is even happier when his wife turns out to be that close friend

Simply put, this saying means that a man who meets a wonderful buddy who is devoted to him is always pleased. It also went further to say that a man that finds a good and loyal friend in his wife is happier.

This simply means that the latter man is happier or finds more happiness than the former. So one man is happy while the other is happier.

The key to a successful marriage will always be a mystery

It means that every happy marriage has its secret. For every marriage that turns out to be a happy one, there’s always a secret.

Simply said, there is something the couples are doing to strengthen their marriage that the others with dysfunctional households are not doing.

So, if they want to have a happy marriage, they have to search for their secret of theirs.

Marriages last because partners want them to, not because the doors are locked

This expression simply means that one has chosen to look beyond the imperfection of the marriage.

It suggests that marriage comes with its challenges and you can only stay because you both are willing to face the challenges together.

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They don’t remain in the marriage because they’re being forced to stay but because they’re willing to make it work.

I would much rather be a fairly content mother and wife

It means you’ll want to be a wife and mother first before anything else. You want to be a mother and a wife before other things come in.

This implies that the first person you would like to be is a wife to your husband and a mother to your children. It shows that your priority is your home which is taking care of your husband and your children.

A wealthy man earns more than his wife can afford to spend. Such a man can be located by a successful lady

This phrase differentiates who a successful man is and who a successful woman is. It implies that a successful man is a man that makes more income than his wife needs.

A successful woman is a woman that can find that type of man. A successful woman is a woman that finds a man that makes more money than her.

A successful marriage is the result of two forgiving individuals coming together

The expression implies that marriage is full of challenges. The spouse will always offend each other. A marriage full of grudges cannot be a happy marriage.

This is because both parties are unhappy with their marriage and are both upset about one issue or another. But in a happy marriage, we see both parties forgiving each other again and again.

When they keep forgiving each other, they’ll always be happy because they have nothing in mind against one another.

To have a successful marriage, a wife must learn to forgive her husband and the husband must learn to forgive his wife. In a marriage like this, forgiveness tends to happen every day and at all times.

The forgiveness in a happy marriage cannot be measured.

Forgetting your wife’s birthday once is the best way to remember it later

It is not even advisable to forget your wife’s birthday. When a husband forgets his wife’s birthday, it shows that you don’t take her seriously. It also implies that you don’t care much about her birthday.

When you forget it once, there’s a high chance of you never forgetting again because you’ll give your wife the impression that her special day isn’t important to you.

Her birthday is her special day and the least way you can show your care and love to her is by wishing her a happy birthday and not forgetting to do so.

It doesn’t speak well of a husband that forgets his wife’s birthday.

I have wealth, a content wife, and our daughter

This phrase implies that the man has everything he could wish for. We can also see this in another way by saying that he is comparing his happy wife and his daughter to money and fame.

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He sees one to be money and the other to be fame. This also implies that it is a happy marriage as there is a happy wife and a daughter. A marriage such as this is a successful marriage.

In order to keep one’s wife content, only two things are required; Allowing her to have it will give her the impression that she is getting her way

By making this claim, you’re suggesting two strategies for making someone’s wife happy.

You’re simply telling someone that if they want to make their wife happy, they should first make her think she’s having her way with some things and secondly, allow her to have her way.

This person believes that by doing these two things, her wife would be happy. Women like to control things, concerning this phrase, you have to let her think that she’s having her way then you can let her have it.

The key to a great marriage is not how compatible you are, but rather how you handle incompatibility

This means that compatibility matters in marriage but it shouldn’t be what builds up the marriage. It means that the couple should make effort to work on areas in which they’re not compatible to make a happy home.

By doing this, they’ll build on their strength and weaknesses. This suggests that while compatibility is important in marriage, it shouldn’t be the foundation of the union.

To have a happy home means that the couple should endeavor to improve the areas where they are incompatible. They will strengthen both their areas of strength and weakness by doing this.

Getting together is the start, staying together is progress, and collaborating is a success

The phrase suggests that at the first stage of marriage which is the beginning, two individuals come together. The second stage is the individual staying together in the marriage, while the last part is putting heads together to ensure that the marriage works.

All these would make a marriage successful. A marriage is where both parties come together, stay together, and work together.

According to the expression, marriage has three stages to make sure their union lasts. A marriage would succeed if it had all of these. a union in which the two people meet, marry, and remain together.

“Happy wife happy life” is a situation whereby a wife is happy and it results in making the other partner happy as well.

This implies that if a wife isn’t happy the life of her partner may not be joyful. This article has provided 15 phrases that are similar to this and quote for a happy marriage.

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