How to Respond to “Never Been Better” (12 Best Responses)

We all have days when it seems like nothing is going our way and we feel like everything is a little bit off balance.

But, sometimes, when a friend or family member says I’ve never been better, it can be hard to know how to respond.

It’s difficult to know if they’re being genuine or if they’re just trying to be polite, and it can be even harder to figure out how to respond in an appropriate and meaningful way.

This article will provide readers with a comprehensive guide to responding to I’ve never been better, including advice on how to read between the lines, how to respond in a way that is both genuine and appropriate, and how to make sure the conversation doesn’t come to an abrupt end.

By the end of this article, readers will have the skills and knowledge needed to respond to I’ve never been better in a way that is both meaningful and kind.

12 Best Responses to ‘Never Been Better’

Answering the question How are you? is often a tricky one. The default answer is usually I’m good, or I’m doing great, even if you’re not.

But what if someone responds to the question with Never been better? You may be caught off guard and not know how to respond.

Whether it’s being said by a close friend, a colleague, or a loved one, it can be hard to know how to react.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 12 unique statements you can use to respond to never been better.

1. That’s great to hear! What’s been improving? 

When someone tells you that things have never been better, a suitable response is That’s great to hear! What’s been improving?

This is a polite and encouraging way to show interest in the positive changes the person is experiencing.

It conveys that you are genuinely happy to hear the news and would like to know more about what has been improving in their life.

It is an appropriate response because it shows that you care and are interested in their current successes, and also gives them an opportunity to share more information about what has been going on.

This is a great response if you’re looking to start a conversation and get more details about the person’s current situation.

2. I’m so glad to hear that! You deserve it. 

I’m so glad to hear that! You deserve it is a wonderful response when someone tells you they have never been better. It shows that you genuinely care about their well-being and that you recognize their efforts.

This phrase is an affirmation of their hard work and dedication and conveys your happiness for them. It also shows that you are genuinely interested in their successes and that you have noticed their accomplishments.

It is a positive response that can make the person feel appreciated and supported, which can help them to continue to strive for greatness.

It shows that you are genuinely happy for them and that you appreciate the effort they have put in to reach this point in their journey.

It is a sign of the mutual respect and appreciation you have for each other, which is a beautiful way to celebrate a special moment.

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3. That’s awesome! What’s been helping you reach this point?

When someone tells you they have never been better, it is an appropriate response to reply with That’s awesome!

What’s been helping you reach this point? This response indicates that you are genuinely interested in the person’s well-being, and you are giving them the opportunity to share what has helped them reach this positive point in their life.

It shows that you are open to listening to their story and that you care about their success.

This response can also be used as a positive way to start a conversation, opening up the flow of communication and creating a more relaxed atmosphere.

By asking this question, you are not only showing your support and appreciation, but you are also potentially inspiring the other person to continue their journey of self-improvement.

4. I’m so proud of you! What have you accomplished recently? 

When someone tells you they have never been better, it is an exciting opportunity to recognize and celebrate their successes. A suitable response would be to say I’m so proud of you! What have you accomplished recently?

Asking this question gives the person an opportunity to share and reflect on their successes, as well as allow you to show your support and admiration.

It is a great way to not only acknowledge their successes but to also show your genuine appreciation for their hard work and perseverance.

It is a perfect response to show how much you care, and how proud you are of their accomplishments.

This is a great way to show your support and encourage the person to talk more about their success.

5. That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you. 

How to Respond to "Never Been Better"

When someone tells you they have never been better, it is a suitable response to say That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you. It is a heartfelt expression of joy and celebration for the individual.

It conveys that you are genuinely happy and excited for them and their success. The phrase also implies that you are supportive of their accomplishments, and wish them continued success.

It is a sentiment of appreciation and admiration for the individual and shows that you are truly invested in their well-being. It is a sincere expression of happiness for them and their progress.

By responding in this way, you are providing your friend or loved one with a sense of validation and appreciation that can make all the difference.

6. Good for you! What are you looking forward to next? 

When someone tells you they have never been better, the perfect response is Good for you! What are you looking forward to next?

This is a great way to show that you are genuinely pleased to hear that they are doing well and also to invite them to talk more about what they have planned or dreamed of doing in the near future.

It encourages the other person to open up and share their thoughts and ambitions, which can be incredibly rewarding for both people involved in the conversation.

It also shows that you are interested in their plans and ideas and that you are willing to listen and provide support.

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This is a great response if you’re trying to encourage the person to keep striving forward.

7. You should be proud of yourself! How did you make it happen? 

When someone tells you that things have never been better, it is an excellent opportunity to acknowledge their accomplishments and offer a genuine show of support.

A suitable response to this statement could be, You should be proud of yourself! How did you make it happen?

This response acknowledges the achievement and encourages the individual to reflect on their efforts and the strategies they used to reach their current success.

By asking how they made it happen, they may be able to recognize patterns or processes they can use in future endeavors.

This type of response shows that you are genuinely interested in the person’s journey and how they achieved their success, and it can provide them with the motivation and validation they need to continue striving for greatness.

8. That’s so great! What’s been the biggest change? 

When someone tells you that things have never been better, it’s natural to respond with That’s so great! What’s been the biggest change?

This is an excellent way to show genuine interest and curiosity in the person’s life and progress. It also allows you to learn more about the individual and what they have accomplished.

It’s likely that the person will be more than happy to share their story of growth and success, which can be an inspiring and uplifting experience for both of you.

It’s a great way to show support and admiration, while also opening up a dialogue that can lead to further discussion, connection, and growth.

9. You’re an inspiration! How did you stay motivated? 

How to Respond to "Never Been Better"

When someone tells you they have never been better, a suitable response is, You’re an inspiration! How did you stay motivated?

This is a great way to express admiration for someone and to show that you are interested in their success.

It also shows that you are willing to listen and learn from their experience, as motivation is a key factor in any successful endeavor.

The person who has achieved such a level of success and contentment in their life has likely gone through a lot of trials and tribulations to get to where they are today, and it is important to recognize their hard work and dedication.

Asking them how they stayed motivated will give you insight into their thought process and the strategies they used to keep going when things got tough.

It is also an opportunity to learn from their experience, as the methods they used to stay motivated may be applicable to your own life.

10. You’re killing it! What’s been the most rewarding part? 

When someone tells you that they have never been better, it is important to respond in a way that shows your enthusiasm and appreciation.

Saying You’re killing it! What’s been the most rewarding part? is a perfect way to express these sentiments.

This phrase acknowledges that the person is doing well and encourages them to reflect on the positive aspects of their success.

It is an encouraging and validating response that can help the person feel supported and motivated to keep striving for greatness.

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The response also allows the person to share what has brought them the most joy and pride in their accomplishments.

This way, they can focus on and celebrate the things that have contributed to their success.

11. That’s awesome! What have you been doing differently? 

When someone tells you they’ve never been better, a suitable response is That’s awesome! What have you been doing differently?

This shows that you are genuinely interested in what they have done to reach this point in their life, and it can be a great way to start a conversation.

It also conveys your appreciation for their accomplishment, and it lets them know that you are interested in learning more about the changes they have made in order to reach this point.

While it is important to recognize someone’s progress and accomplishments, it is also important to ask questions so that you can learn from their experiences.

Asking What have you been doing differently? is a great way to start this conversation.

12. You’re on fire! What have you been focusing on? 

When someone tells you they have never been better, a suitable response is, You’re on fire! What have you been focusing on?

This response acknowledges the person’s achievements, while at the same time encouraging them to reflect on what they have been doing to achieve these great results.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to learn from their successes, and potentially apply these techniques to achieve similar results in your own life.

By taking the time to ask what have you been focusing on. you can gain insight into their mindset and approach to goal setting and achievement, allowing you to reflect on your own life and make changes if necessary.

No matter how you choose to respond to never been better, the most important thing is that you show your support and enthusiasm for the person’s success.

With any of these responses, you’ll be sure to demonstrate your admiration and appreciation for the person’s hard work and accomplishments.

So, the next time someone responds to How are you? with Never been better, you have 12 statements to choose from.


In conclusion, responding to the phrase Never been better can be a difficult task, depending on the context in which it is used.

The most important thing to remember is that you should always take into consideration the other person’s feelings and respond in a way that is both honest and respectful.

If the phrase is being used in a positive way, it’s important to be supportive and encourage the person to keep doing whatever it is they’re doing.

If the phrase is being used in a sarcastic way, it’s important to acknowledge the person’s feelings and respond in a way that shows you’re listening and understanding.

No matter what, it’s important to remain positive and be mindful of the other person’s feelings. With a little bit of thought and consideration, you can respond to Never been better in a way that is both authentic and respectful.

We’ve also gone through some of the best ways to respond and I hope you gained value from this article.

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