How To Respond To Being Left On Delivered (25 Perfect Replies)

How would you feel if you are left on delivered while you are texting someone you like or someone you hope to have a romantic friendship with?

It hurts, and in most cases, you would not know if you are to double-text the person or not. Is the person purposely leaving you on delivered or is the person doing it because he has a lot of messages to reply to? You never can tell.

What do you do if you find yourself in such a situation, most importantly, how do you respond when you are left on deliver?

In this article, I will explain to you the various ways you can reply to someone if the person happens to leave you on delivered.

25 Ways To Respond To Being Left On Delivered

  • Why did you leave me on delivered
  • I just checked my previous chats, did I wrong you in any way?
  • Hey! I thought I to check on you again
  • Are you so busy that you don’t reply or notice me?
  • I hope everything is good with you.
  • Are you intentionally ignoring my texts?
  • We seem to be slowly drifting apart in our conversations, are you still committed to this?
  • Seems you’re better off in real-time conversations, I think we should hangout
  • Oh my God! Slow down
  • I just hope you are writing me an essay
  • I’m here for you whenever you’re ready to talk
  • I’m sad that we are not talking right now
  • I hope I’m not disturbing.
  • Do you want us to talk about something different?
  • Let me know if you don’t want me anymore, instead of ignoring me
  • You barely do this, what happened?
  • Please come out plain and tell me what made you angry
  • Are you still upset about what happened?
  • Hello, please check your message, it is urgent 
  • Have you seen how nice the sunset is today?
  • We should see to talk about our differences
  • If you don’t want to talk to me again simply block me
  • Do you think you are the only busy one? I am also busy
  • It is quite easy, you can make out time for me if you are occupied with work
  • Stop listening to friends telling you to ignore me, they do not have your best interest at heart 

Why did you leave me on delivered?

How To Respond To Being Left On Delivered 

This is a reply you can give when you really want to know the reason you are being ignored. It is a question-like response and craves to know if there’s any issue.

I just checked my previous chats, did I wrong you in any way?

Give this reply when you think you’ve wronged him or her unknowingly. It shows you are really concerned and worried about being kept in the dark and it even made you have to go check your old chats to see if there was how you offended them in any way.This is a suitable reply for it shows your concern and care.

Hey! I thought I to check on you again

If you want to be calm with the whole situation and just put aside the fact you were left on delivery, then this is definitely a good reply to give. 

It is thoughtful and it shows you care and you are really interested in him or her, and you are not so bothered that you were left on delivery. 

It actually shows intent and the will desire to make things work for real, who knows, if you give this reply, it might do well to convince the other person and make him or her know that you are actually keen and intentional about them.

Are you so busy that you don’t reply or notice me?

This reply poses a big question to the person, and it actually stems from a frustrating heart.

You can use this if you’re tired and irritated by the fact that he or she keeps leaving your message delivered, without opening nor replying to them. It is ideal to use while you wait to see if you get a reply.

READ:  How To Respond When Someone Calls You Aggressive (21 Perfect Replies)

I hope everything is good with you.

This is a quite calm and polite response to give when your message is left on delivery.

For it asks a caring question, it shows you care to know what the problem is if any. 

And it shows you have not jumped to unnecessary conclusions.

Are you intentionally ignoring my texts?

This is a straightforward question that could be borne out of overthinking or the fact that you already concluded that he or she is actually ignoring you. But at the same time, you still put the question out there to hear from him or her first, or to demand an explanation.

We seem to be slowly drifting apart in our conversations, are you still committed?

This can be used when you’re slowly getting along with your partner or you are already in a relationship with a person.

This reply states an obvious fact that you both are slowly drifting apart and at the same time it poses an even bigger question as to know if the person is actually committed to the relationship.

This reply is really cool and it would help you to know if your partner is actually still interested in the relationship, or if he or she has long lost interest and probably doesn’t know how to tell to you.

Seems you’re better off in real-time conversations, I think we should hangout

You can use this reply after a critical examination and you come to the conclusion that the person actually sucks at chatting or texts. This response actually suggests to him or her that you both could go out on a date or have a hangout sometime.

This is a suitable reply, for it shows you’re actually interested in the relationship and you’re really ready to make it work despite the fact that the other partner always leaves you on delivery.

Oh my God! Slow down

This is a very sarcastic response you can give when you don’t intend to cause much harm directly or sound so rude.

It actually says the person responds so fast, when I’m in the real sense, you both know he or she doesn’t actually. 

This reply sounds funny and amusing and would definitely prompt the other person to start replying to you, so good luck while you try this.

I just hope you are writing me an essay

This reply is somewhat guilt-tripping, and somewhat sarcastic too. You can use this when you don’t want to get annoyed for being left on delivery.

You are kind of assuming and also telling the person that he or she is writing you a long message which is taking time to send.

I’m here for you whenever you’re ready to talk

This reply sounds more mature and respectful. For it shows you are not really a pest and you won’t pester the person to always reply to your texts.

It also shows you are considerate and you have in mind that the person might have other things to do that may be taking his or her time.

This is a very suitable reply to give for it shows your maturity level and how understanding you can be. It also says you’d be willing to hear from him or her when they’re ready.

I’m sad that we are not talking right now

Everyone would surely feel bad if their message is being left on delivered, so it is really not a bad thing to open up and tell him or her directly that you feel really sad and down that, they are not responding to your texts let alone opening them at all.

The saying goes that silence actually pays, but in some cases, it’s actually better to speak up than to die in silence. Opening up to your partner on how you feel in cases like this actually does more good than harm and might be key to resolving this or any other issue.

I hope I’m not disturbing you.

This is a cautious reply, you can use this when you’re not too sure of what the person thinks about you, be it your boyfriend or girlfriend, or just any person.

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When your message is left on delivery and you don’t know what else to say, you can simply ask this question, and if true the person sees you as a disturbance he or she would tell you. 

In the case it comes out on the negative that you’re not a disturbance, you can then go ahead and say something else and keep the chat going.

Do you want us to talk about something different?

You can use this reply especially when you’re just getting along with the person, and you really don’t know what he or she likes or dislikes. 

The reason why they might be snubbing your message or leaving it on delivery may be because they don’t like the subject matter of discussion.

So when you suspect that this might be the reason why your message is left unread, it’s good you take the initiative and ask them if they would want to talk about something different.

Let me know if you don’t want me anymore, instead of ignoring me

This is a blunt reply which means you actually desire to get a straightforward answer from him or her.

If you choose to use this reply, then it must be coming from a very emotional part of you. And you actually demand to know what your fate is, instead of your messages being left on delivered. 

This is a good reply, especially if you want to know where you stand and if it is time for you to move on.

You barely do this, what happened?

Use this reply when you know the person too well and you are quite sure he or she would never leave your message on delivered without even opening them, talk more of replying.

If you’re sure that the person never does such, it’s therefore pertinent you ask him this question to see what he or she replies. It could be they’ve been very busy or occupied with some things and that’s why they have been unable to open your message.

This reply is very satisfying as it doesn’t seem like you already jumped to conclusions, rather it shows the patience and trust you have in the person.

Please come out plain and tell me what made you angry

You can use this reply when you feel that something is actually wrong somewhere. When you suspect that there’s a reason behind the person’s choice to ignore or leave your message delivered.

This reply is suitable because it begs to know if there’s anything that made him or her (could be your lover) angry or upset. This shows you actually care and you do not wish to see your lover sad or angry.

Are you still upset about what happened?

Use this reply if there was an issue or misunderstanding between you two, and you feel that is the reason why he or she is ignoring your message and leaving it just delivered. 

I know most people won’t want to let their pride down and text their lover after a quarrel ensued, not to talk more of double texting. But in this case, one of you definitely has to take the bold step and double-text so you both can sort things out. 

Hello, please check your message, it is urgent

This is another reply you can give, this message is aimed to capture the attention of the person. With the word “urgent”, he or she would most likely want to open the message and check what the problem is.

People would tend to respond to things when they know it’s very urgent, it’s more like a general thing to humans. 

So if you’re looking for a way to double text and get the person’s attention, the “urgent” trick may just be the perfect tool for you.

Have you seen how nice the sunset is today?

This is another reply you can give if someone has been ignoring you or left your message on delivered it could be nice and refreshing to text the person something really abstract in order to get the person’s attention.

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You don’t need to pester the person with another message asking him or her why they aren’t replying to your texts, rather you could just spice things up by saying an abstract statement with the aim of getting their attention.

We should see to talk about our differences

This is a great choice of response to make when the matter is almost getting out of hand, especially if you both have been having issues in the past which then resulted in your texts being left delivered.

It is therefore pertinent that you text them to know if he or she is in for a meetup so you can both clear the air, make peace and settle your differences. 

If you don’t want to talk to me again simply block me

If you choose to use this reply, then you’ve seen it all and you’re obviously tired and upset at your texts being left delivered without a reply.

You simply want him or her to block you out of their life because you already concluded that they don’t need you anymore.

You need to be careful if you’re going to use this reply, the reason being that if truly they don’t want to talk to you anymore, you might risk getting blocked, and it might be regrettable if you actually still care about the person.

Do you think you are the only busy one? I am also busy

This reply brings to the consciousness of the person that he or she is not the only busy one, therefore, they shouldn’t even think of using that as an excuse for not replying to your texts or leaving them delivered.

You ought to let him or her know you are busy as well but you still take out time to send them a text, so what reason do they have not to reply to them, talk more about opening the texts. 

It is quite easy, you can make out time for me if you are occupied with work

And if you feel that they are very occupied with work and you’re sure that might be the reason why they leave your texts delivered, then this is a suitable reply to give. 

It is simple and straightforward and it tells him or her to try to make out time for you even at the very least. You acknowledge the fact they might be busy with work and other stuff but at the very least, you’re still obliging them to carve out some time for you.

Stop listening to friends telling you to ignore me, they do not have your best interest at heart

And then if you feel that the person is being swayed by friends or acquaintances, and you think they might just be the ones telling him or her not to reply to your message then this is the perfect text for you.

Come out plain and tell him or her not to listen to friends for they would do more harm than good and are not helping the current situation.


So you’ve seen the 25 ways in which you can respond to one who leaves your message delivered. It could be a boyfriend or girlfriend, or just a casual friend, or it could be someone you like and are interested in. 

There is a reply for anyone and any scenario, go through them and know which is perfect to use also depending on the situation that demands it.

So now you don’t have to be worried anymore when your messages are being left on delivery. You sure know what to say to him or her, with our variety of responses already listed above. 

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