How to Respond to ‘More Grease to Your Elbow’: 17 Best Responses!

We all know the phrase more grease to your elbow – it’s a phrase of encouragement that we often hear when someone is working hard on a project or task.

But what does it mean and how should you respond when someone gives you this phrase?

It can be a sign of congratulations, a way of applauding someone’s effort, or even a way of encouraging someone to work harder.

No matter what its intended meaning is, how you respond to the phrase is key. With the right response, you can show your appreciation for the sentiment and create an inviting atmosphere for further conversation.

In this article, we will discuss how to respond to More grease to your elbow and provide tips for making the most of the phrase.

With a little bit of creativity and an understanding of the phrase’s intent, you can make sure your response is always appropriate and meaningful.

Whether you’re looking to gain a better understanding of the phrase or just need some tips on how to respond to it, this article has you covered.

17 Best Responses to ‘More Grease To Your Elbow’

The phrase More grease to your elbow is a popular idiom in the English language, which is used to express encouragement and support for someone’s efforts.

It’s a way of saying Good luck or Keep up the good work and is often used as a response when someone says something positive about a person’s achievements.

But what do you say when someone says this to you? Here are 17 polite statements you can use to respond to More grease to your elbow.

1. Thank you for your kind words!

This is a simple but effective response that shows your appreciation for the sentiment behind the phrase.

2. I really appreciate your encouragement. 

This is a great way to express gratitude for the support and recognition of your efforts.

3. I’m so grateful for your support. 

This one conveys a deeper level of gratitude and acknowledges the importance of the other person’s encouragement.

4. I’m really excited to keep working towards my goals.

This response shows enthusiasm and determination, which is always a great way to respond to positive reinforcement.

5. I’ll do my best to make you proud.

This response is a way to express your appreciation for the sentiment and your dedication to achieving success.

6. I’m so happy that you believe in me.

How to Respond to 'More Grease to Your Elbow'

When someone tells you more grease to your elbow, they are essentially wishing you luck and expressing their faith in your ability to accomplish something

In response, saying I’m so happy that you believe in me is the perfect and most appropriate response.

It shows the other person that their words and encouragement have been heard and taken to heart, and that you appreciate their support.

Not only does this response show gratitude and appreciation, but it can also be a great source of motivation and self-confidence.

This response conveys a deeper level of appreciation and shows that you’re grateful for their trust in you

7. That means a lot to me.

This is a great response that expresses your appreciation of the sentiment without going into too much detail.

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By responding with That means a lot to me, it is showing the other person that their kind words and appreciation are acknowledged and appreciated.

It is a way of expressing gratitude and understanding that what they are saying is important and valued.

This response also conveys humility, which is an important part of any successful relationship.

By showing humility, it allows for open communication and understanding between two people, which can help build strong, lasting relationships.

8. That was really nice of you.

This response is a great way to show your appreciation in a more casual way.

By responding with That was really nice of you, the speaker is indicating that they appreciate the sentiment behind the phrase and that they appreciate the encouragement.

This response also serves to further encourage the recipient to keep going and to continue striving towards their goal.

It is a way of showing gratitude for the sentiment and expressing hope for the recipient’s success.

9. I’m going to keep trying my hardest. 

I’m going to keep trying my hardest is the perfect response to more grease to your elbow. This phrase is a phrase of encouragement and determination.

It is a statement of commitment and resilience. It conveys a sense of ambition and ambition to succeed despite any obstacles that may arise.

It is a reminder that no matter what, no matter the difficulty, one will not give up and will always keep pushing forward in pursuit of their goals.

By saying this phrase, not only are you sending a message to yourself but also to others, that you will not be discouraged and will keep going, no matter how difficult the journey may be.

It is a phrase that will help remind you of your strength and will keep you motivated to reach your desired outcome.

It also shows that you’re taking their words seriously and that you’re determined to keep working towards your goals.

10. I really appreciate the vote of confidence.

This response acknowledges the other person’s support and conveys your appreciation for it.

The phrase More grease to your elbow is a great way to show someone that you are rooting for them and believe in them and their abilities.

In response, I really appreciate the vote of confidence is an appropriate way to thank the person for the kind words and assurance.

It is a way to express your gratitude for the gesture and shows that you are grateful for the support. It also conveys your understanding of the situation and your appreciation for the encouraging words.

It is a polite way to thank the person and shows that you value the effort they have gone to in order to show their support for you.

11. Your words are inspiring.

This is a great way to show your appreciation for the sentiment and may even inspire the other person in return.

Thank you. Your words are inspiring is an excellent response to the phrase more grease to your elbow.

This phrase is a way of expressing encouragement, and it’s an old-fashioned way of wishing someone luck in their endeavors.

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By saying thank you and acknowledging that the other person’s words are inspiring, you’re showing them your appreciation for their support and kindness.

It’s a simple yet meaningful way of communicating your gratitude and letting them know how much you appreciate their encouragement.

12. I’m so thankful for your kind words.

How to Respond to 'More Grease to Your Elbow'

When someone generously offers encouragement, it is important to acknowledge their kindness.

In this instance, responding with I’m so thankful for your kind words is a suitable response to the encouraging phrase, more grease to your elbow.

The recipient is conveying their appreciation for the other person’s positive words of support while also offering a kind and polite response. This is a great way to show that their words have been appreciated and respected.

Additionally, it is a way to establish a positive connection between both parties. By expressing gratitude, people can create a strong bond that will help to foster a mutually beneficial relationship.

13. That means a lot. I’ll do my best. 

When someone offers more grease to your elbow, it is a way of wishing you luck in your endeavors. It is a way of expressing support and belief in your abilities.

When someone says this to you, a suitable response is That means a lot. I’ll do my best.

This response conveys your appreciation of the gesture, while also expressing your commitment to doing your best in whatever endeavor you’re undertaking.

It demonstrates respect for the person who offered the words of encouragement, as well as your own determination to succeed.

This response is a sincere way to express your appreciation for the sentiment and your commitment to trying your best.

14. I’ll keep working hard.

More grease to your elbow is a supportive phrase used to encourage a person who is working hard, and it is a great way to reiterate that hard work and dedication are essential values that should be practiced.

Responding with I’ll keep working hard is a way of showing appreciation for the encouragement and a way of saying that the person is committed to continuing to work hard.

It also shows that they are willing to keep striving towards their goals and that they will not give up despite any obstacles they may encounter.

This is a great response that shows your determination and dedication to your goals.

15. I’m so glad you believe in me. 

When someone wishes you well by saying More grease to your elbow, it can often feel heartwarming and uplifting. As a polite response, you could say I’m so glad you believe in me.

This not only acknowledges the kind sentiment of the person but also conveys your appreciation for their support and encouragement.

It’s a way of expressing gratitude for their belief in you, as well as your own belief that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

Furthermore, it can serve as a reminder to both of you that with a little extra hard work and dedication, you can achieve great things.

This response conveys a deeper level of appreciation and shows that you’re grateful for their trust in you.

16. I won’t let you down.

More grease to your elbow is a polite way of saying good luck or keep up the good work in many parts of the world.

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In response, I won’t let you down is a polite way of acknowledging the good wishes and expressing a commitment to do one’s best.

By saying this, the speaker is letting the person know that they understand the sentiment behind the phrase and that they will do their utmost to achieve the desired outcome.

It conveys a sense of respect and gratitude that is rarely found in other responses, making it a great way to show appreciation and demonstrate support.

This response is a meaningful way to express your appreciation for the sentiment and your commitment to achieving success.

17. I’ll take that encouragement to heart.  

I’ll take that encouragement to heart is a polite response to the phrase, More grease to your elbow, an expression used to wish someone good luck and hard work.

This phrase is a way to remind someone of the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving their goals. It is an expression of encouragement and support that can be used in many different contexts.

By responding in this way, the recipient is showing their appreciation for the encouraging words and is also demonstrating their commitment to putting in the effort required to achieve their goals.

The phrase is often used in situations where someone is facing a difficult challenge or has taken on a new endeavor and needs some extra encouragement.

It is a way to show that the recipient is taking the words of encouragement seriously and is ready to put in the necessary work to succeed.

No matter how you choose to respond to More grease to your elbow, it is important to remember that the phrase is a meaningful way to express support and encouragement.

Responding politely and with gratitude will show that you are grateful for the kind words and wishes.

Expressing your gratitude for their support and encouragement will show that you appreciate their sentiment and will make them feel good about themselves.


The saying more grease to your elbow may seem like a simple phrase, but it has a lot of meaning behind it. It’s a way of encouraging someone to keep working hard and staying focused.

It’s a way of saying that you admire their hard work and dedication. It’s also a way of saying that they’re doing a great job, and more work will help them reach their goals.

So, when someone says more grease to your elbow to you, it’s a great opportunity to thank them for their kind words, and to let them know that you appreciate their support and encouragement.

No matter what your current situation is, responding to more grease to your elbow with gratitude and a renewed commitment to your goals will help you stay motivated and on track.

Therefore, take the time to thank the person and let them know that you appreciate, their sentiment. And, of course, don’t forget to add a little bit more grease to your elbow!

We’ve talked about ways to respond to more grease to your elbow and I hope you gained value from this article.

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