20 Best Responses to “Let’s Touch Base”

Hello there! If you’re like most professionals, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘let’s touch base’ more times than you can count.

Whether it’s from a colleague, client, or boss, this phrase can feel overused and even a little cliché. But the truth is, it’s still an important part of communication in the workplace.

That’s why I’ve put together a comprehensive list of the 20 best responses to ‘Let’s touch base.’ Our list includes responses for a variety of situations, from casual catch-ups to more formal meetings.

I’ll help you navigate these conversations with ease, no matter who you’re talking to.

I understand that communication is key to building strong relationships, and that’s why I’ve taken the time to craft responses that are not only effective but also empathetic.

I know that sometimes, these conversations can feel daunting, especially if you’re not sure how to respond. But with my list of responses, you’ll have the confidence to communicate your ideas and opinions clearly and professionally.

So, whether you’re looking for a more casual response or a more formal one, my list of the 20 best responses to ‘Let’s touch base’ has got you covered.

Let’s Touch Base Meaning 

The phrase ‘let’s touch base’ has become quite prevalent in business and professional communications over the last decade. But what does it actually mean?

To touch base is an idiomatic expression that means to make contact or connect with someone, usually to share updates, discuss the status of something, or ensure everyone is on the same page.

When someone says ‘let’s touch base’, they are suggesting that it would be good for the relevant parties to connect, likely via a phone call or meeting, to make sure there are no miscommunications and that everyone understands the key issues, next steps, priorities, etc. It’s a way to keep the lines of communication open and ensure alignment.

Touching base is especially useful for projects or tasks that require collaboration across departments, teams, or even organizations.

It helps prevent things from falling through the cracks or becoming mismatched. Frequently touching base, even if just for a quick update, can help keep important work on track and resolve any emerging problems or blockers early on.

20 Best Responses To Let’s Touch Base 

Maintaining a close-knit, high-performing team requires continuous communication and coordination.

While weekly meetings, status updates, and project check-ins are certainly helpful, the most effective teams also make room for frequent informal touch bases.

Whether quick impromptu chats, short phone calls, or stopping by each other’s desks, regular ‘touching base’ helps ensure everyone is on the same page, aligned in their priorities and approaches, and able to support each other seamlessly.

I’ll be taking you through 20 of the best responses to use when you’re told ‘Let’s touch base’ which will help you connect with your colleagues and clients in the best possible way.

1. Absolutely, a quick catch-up sounds perfect. Let’s find some time to sync up

how to respond to lets touch base

When someone suggests touching base, responding with ‘Absolutely, a quick catch-up sounds perfect.

‘Let’s find some time to sync up’ is a friendly and professional way of showing interest in the conversation while suggesting the need to schedule a time for the conversation.


Person A: Hey, let’s touch base on the new project we’re working on.

Person B: Absolutely, a quick catch-up sounds perfect. Let’s find some time to sync up. What time this week works for you?

2. I’m all for touching base, it’s always helpful to stay in the loop. When works with your schedule?

If you want to emphasize the importance of staying informed and keeping in touch, you can respond with ‘I’m all for touching base, it’s always helpful to stay in the loop.

When works with your schedule?’ This phrase conveys a sense of eagerness to stay updated and implies that you’re looking forward to hearing what the other person has to say.


Person A: Let’s touch base on the new product launch.

Person B: I’m all for touching base, it’s always helpful to stay in the loop. I’m available on Tuesday afternoon, but I can be flexible.

3. No problem at all, touching base is a great idea. Let’s pick a time this week to connect.

If you’re looking for a friendly and positive response, you can say ‘No problem at all, touching base is a great idea.

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Let’s pick a time this week to connect.’ This phrase acknowledges the suggestion to touch base, while also suggesting a time and date to make it happen.


Person A: Let’s touch base on the budget for the upcoming quarter.

Person B: No problem at all, touching base is a great idea. Let’s pick a time this week to connect. How about Wednesday morning?

4. Sure, touching base regularly is important. How about we schedule a quick call or meeting for an update?

If you’re looking for a friendly and positive response, you can say ‘No problem at all, touching base is a great idea.

Let’s pick a time this week to connect.’ This phrase acknowledges the suggestion to touch base, while also suggesting a time and date to make it happen.


Person A: Let’s touch base on the budget for the upcoming quarter.

Person B: No problem at all, touching base is a great idea. Let’s pick a time this week to connect. How about Wednesday morning?

5. Totally, I’m here if you want to touch base on projects, next steps, or priorities. Just let me know what works with your calendar.

If you’re looking for a friendly and positive response, you can say ‘No problem at all, touching base is a great idea.

Let’s pick a time this week to connect.’ This phrase acknowledges the suggestion to touch base, while also suggesting a time and date to make it happen.


Person A: Let’s touch base on the budget for the upcoming quarter.

Person B: No problem at all, touching base is a great idea. Let’s pick a time this week to connect. How about Wednesday morning?

6. Certainly, I don’t mind an impromptu touch base at any time. My door is open, come on in!

Certainly, I don’t mind an impromptu touch base at any time. My door is open, come on in! is a great response because it not only shows that you’re open to communication but also encourages the person to come to you.

Here’s an example of how this response could be used:

Co-worker: ‘Hey, let’s touch base about the project we’re working on.’

You: ‘Certainly, I don’t mind an impromptu touch base at any time. My door is open, come on in!’

By saying this, you’re letting your co-worker know that you’re open to talking at any time and that they don’t need to schedule a formal meeting. This can help build a rapport between you and your colleague.

7. My schedule accommodates touch bases, big or small. Whenever you need me, I’m there.

You can reply with, My schedule accommodates touch bases, big or small. Whenever you need me, I’m there when you want to let the person know that you’re willing to work around their schedule, that you’re willing to work around their schedule.

Here’s an example of how this response could be used:

Manager: ‘I need to touch base with you about your performance review.’

You: ‘My schedule accommodates touch bases, big or small. Whenever you need, I’m there.’

8. Please feel free to touch base as often as needed. Communication is key! I’ll make myself available.

‘Please feel free to touch base as often as needed. Communication is key! I’ll make myself available’ is an encouraging response that emphasizes the importance of communication.

This response can be useful when dealing with clients or customers who may have questions or concerns about a project or service.

By reassuring them that you’re available and willing to answer any questions they may have, you can build a stronger relationship and improve their overall satisfaction with your business.

9. Don’t hesitate to come to me for an unscheduled touch base. I’m here to support you in any way I can

how to respond to lets touch base

‘Don’t hesitate to come to me for an unscheduled touch base. I’m here to support in any way I can’ is a reassuring response that shows you’re there to help.

This phrase can be particularly useful when responding to a colleague or team member who may be feeling overwhelmed or stressed about a project.

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By showing your willingness to support them and providing a safe space for discussion, you can build stronger relationships and improve team dynamics.

10. Brief or lengthy, all touch bases are welcome. I’m available anytime for an update or discussion.

‘Brief or lengthy, all touch bases are welcome. I’m available anytime for an update or discussion’ serves as an open way to respond to let’ touch base which shows you’re willing to take the time needed to communicate effectively.

This phrase can be used when dealing with supervisors or managers who may need to discuss a project in more detail.

By listening and providing updates, you can improve overall communication and facilitate better decision-making processes.

11. Never any such thing as too frequent touch bases between colleagues. I’m always here to connect.

‘Never any such thing as too frequent touch bases between colleagues. I’m always here to connect’ is a friendly response that showcases your willingness to communicate and collaborate with your colleagues.

Use it preferably when dealing with team members who require frequent updates or guidance on a project.

By highlighting the importance of regular communication, you can help build stronger relationships and facilitate better teamwork.

12. An informal catch-up is always beneficial. Touch base anytime, no notice is needed. I’m ready!

‘An informal catch-up is always beneficial. Touch base anytime, no notice is needed. I’m ready!’ is another great response that encourages open communication.

When dealing with colleagues who may be hesitant to approach you for a quick chat, employ this.

By having informal catch-ups, you can help build trust and encourage more open communication among team members.

13. Drop me a note, send a chat, or give me a call for a quick unplanned touch base. I’m available and here to help keep things on track.

‘Drop me a note, send a chat, or give me a call for a quick unplanned touch base. I’m available and here to help keep things on track’ is a flexible and accommodating response that shows your willingness to help and support your colleagues.

This phrase can be useful when dealing with team members who need quick updates or guidance on a project.

This is because, when you provide different communication options and emphasize your availability, you can build stronger relationships and improve overall teamwork.

14. There’s no touch base too small between collaborators. I’m here for quick check-ins, updates, or problem-solving.

When you’re responding to someone who suggests that you ‘touch base,’ it’s important to let them know that you’re open to different types of communication.

This is where this phrase comes in handy. By using this response, you’re telling your colleague that you’re available for quick check-ins, updates, and problem-solving sessions.

For instance, imagine a scenario where a coworker sends you an email asking to touch base. You could respond by saying, ‘Absolutely! I’m here for quick check-ins and updates whenever you need them. What’s on your mind?’

15. Feel free to touch base in person, over the phone or via email/chat. Whichever method works for an impromptu sync up.

You can use this phrase to let your colleague know that you’re open to communicating through different channels. Whether they prefer in-person meetings, phone calls, or virtual chat, you’re available for an impromptu sync-up.

For example, let’s say a colleague messages you on Slack, suggesting that you touch base. You could respond by saying, ‘Sure thing! Feel free to reach out via Slack, phone, or in person. Whatever works best for you.’

16. Staying in close contact through regular touch bases is key. Schedule them formally or hit me up spontaneously, I’m available and at the ready!

When it comes to collaborating with others, regular touch bases are important. By saying, Staying in close contact through regular touch bases is key.

Schedule them formally or hit me up spontaneously, I’m available and at the ready! You’re letting your colleague know that you’re available for both scheduled and unscheduled touch bases.

Imagine that a colleague messages you on Teams and says, ‘Hey, can we touch base later this week?’

You could respond by saying, ‘Absolutely! Staying in close contact is important, so let’s schedule a time that works for both of us. Or, if you prefer, feel free to hit me up spontaneously. I’m always ready!’

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17. My calendar has open availability for colleague touch bases, both scheduled and unscheduled. Ping me and I’ll make myself available.

If you’re someone who’s constantly on-the-go, it’s important to let your colleagues know when you’re available for touch bases.

This is where this response comes in handy. By letting your colleague know that your calendar has open availability, you’re telling them that you’re ready to connect whenever they need you.

For instance, let’s say a coworker sends you an email asking to touch base. You could respond by saying, ‘Sure thing! My calendar has open availability for touching bases, so feel free to ping me whenever you’re free. I’ll make sure to make myself available.’

18. No advance notice is required for a useful touch base. I’m here if there’s anything on your mind or if things have changed that I should be aware of.

Sometimes, things come up unexpectedly, and it’s important to be flexible when it comes to touching bases.

You can use No advance notice required for a useful touch base to let your colleague know that they don’t need to give you advance notice to connect.

If they have something on their mind or if things have changed, you’re here to listen.

For example, a colleague messages you on WhatsApp, asking to touch base. You could respond by saying, ‘Absolutely! No advance notice.

Sometimes, things come up unexpectedly, and it’s important to be flexible when it comes to touching bases.

19. Drop in for an unannounced touch base anytime. An extra set of ears or outside perspective I can provide. I’m here!

To let your colleague know that they can drop in for an unannounced touch base anytime, tell them Drop in for an unannounced touch base anytime.

This phrase can be helpful when they need an extra set of ears or an outside perspective.

For instance, a coworker pops by your desk and says, ‘Hey, can we touch base?’ You could respond by saying, ‘Absolutely! Drop in anytime for an unannounced touch base.

I’m here to listen and provide an outside perspective if you need it.’

20. This is your open invitation for an on-demand touch base. I’m available anytime for quick updates, questions, problem-solving or just to chat.

Finally, we have This is your open invitation for an on-demand touch base. I’m available anytime for quick updates, questions, problem-solving or just to chat, which is an open invitation for an on-demand touch base.

This lets your colleague know that you’re available anytime for quick updates, questions, problem-solving, or even just to chat.

For example, a colleague sends you a message on LinkedIn, asking to touch base. You could respond by saying, ‘Absolutely! This is your open invitation for an on-demand touch base.

I’m available anytime for quick updates, questions, problem-solving, or just to chat. Let me know how I can help!’

Wrapping Things Up

In conclusion, finding the right response to ‘Let’s touch base’ can be challenging, but with the 20 options we’ve discussed, you’re sure to find one that fits your style and situation.

Whether you’re looking to politely decline or enthusiastically accept, there’s a response on this list that will work for you.

And don’t forget the power of empathy. If someone is reaching out to touch base, it’s likely that they have something important on their mind. Take the time to listen and understand their perspective, and respond in a way that shows you care.

Finally, when it comes to communication, clarity is king. Be clear about your expectations and goals, and make sure you’re on the same page with the person you’re speaking with.

Whether you’re touching base with a colleague, friend, or loved one, clear communication is the key to building strong relationships and achieving success.

Remember, the key to a successful response is to be authentic and genuine. Don’t be afraid to express your true feelings, whether they’re positive or negative.

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