How to Respond to “What’s Up?”

As simple as it is to answer a question about your welfare, some people still get nervous when they are asked questions like [What’s up?]. This is not because they do not have answers to the question or there is too much to talk about.

This happens when a person impulsively wants to impress the person asking the question.

There are several ways to give a simple response to [What’s up?]. However, it is normal to want to provide different responses to simple questions when you are trying to flirt or sound witty. If you are that person, this article is here for you.

Below is a list of responses you can give when you hear [What’s up?]

22 Flirty Responses To What’s Up

Below is a perfect list of responses to [What’s up?] if you are trying to flirt with him/her;

  1. My Blood pressure and it’s your fault.
  2. Looking at you, it’s something down there.
  3. I am so fixed on you. I can’t check.
  4. I’m lovesick.
  5. I was busy missing you.
  6. Counting how long it’ll take for you to fall in love with me.
  7. I’m still in bed. If you were here, you’d be up.
  8. It’s just you again.
  9. You tell me.
  10. I was just thinking about you.
  11. Busy waiting for your text so I can reply
  12. You when my punchlines pick you up.
  13. I’m having a shower alone.
  14. If I had a picture of you, I’d be staring at it.
  15. Nothing important except you
  16. It’s either you or nothing I care about
  17. Just having a nice time looking at you
  18. Your head and mine.
  19. What’s up? It’s down there if you want to check.
  20. If it’s not chest dots, I have no idea.
  21. Time to cuddle
  22. I would have to look up for your sake but I don’t mind

My Blood pressure and it’s your fault

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can give this funny and flirtatious response. You are implying that he/she is the reason your blood pressure is up even though it is untrue.

It won’t be believed but the person will be flattered. The reaction may be off and unexpected, however, if the person has a bland sense of humor or is uninterested in anything flirtatious with you.

Looking at you, it’s something down there

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can give this ambiguous response if you are a man. She will be confused a bit as her mind tries to think of what you mean. You don’t have to explain, however.

There is no better way to start a flirty chat than with a sensual innuendo. However, some ladies may get pissed off by the sensuality in your words so it’s better not to sound too serious.

You can even employ the method of taking a brief turn into a serious issue and slowly going back to your flirty jokes.

I am so fixed on you. I can’t check

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can give this cute and flattering response. This implies that you cannot check what is up because you are busy looking at him/her.

The person will be flattered to hear you say this. Even if the lady is uninterested in having a relationship with you or flirting, a good sense of humor will give a positive reaction to this.

I’m lovesick

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can give this flirty response and wear a sick look. The person will find it amusing at first. If he/she asks whom you are missing, just keep your sick look on and lean closer.

The person will be flattered. You should only use this for someone who already tolerates your flirtatious moves. If she is not interested in flirting with you, this may freak her out.

I was busy missing you

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can say this. This answers the question but not in an expected way. The person will be flattered to hear this.

This implies you are choosing him/her as the only important thing at the moment. The situation may get awkward if either of you says nothing more.

The cure to that is to try bringing up a more serious issue before going back to flirting. Find a topic she is interested in to keep her engaged in the conversation.

Counting how long it’ll take for you to fall in love with me.

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can respond with this and look like you are busy. The person will find it amusing and may ask [How much you have counted?]. You can respond by saying you lost count at zero days [That means it has begun].

The person will be flattered to hear you say this. This already sounds like a joke. You may want to keep it that way to avoid getting rejected. If you want a serious relationship, flirting may not be an option. Just go straight to the point.

I’m still in bed. If you were here, you’d be up

When a person asks you [What’s up?], this is another ambiguous and flirty response. You can say this over a text if you are a man.

This is a sensual innuendo and she may not get it immediately. Do not explain if you are asked. Just send a smiley emoji. This is quite flattering and funny but may be found creepy if the girl is not interested in having anything to do with you.

It’s just you again

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can start a flirty chat with this response. The person will ask what’s up with him/her. Then you can start flirting.

The reaction may be off and unexpected, however, if the person has a bland sense of humor or is uninterested in anything flirtatious with you. You can make your flirty chats appear like mere jokes by doing constant switches to serious issues.

You tell me

When a girl asks you [what’s up?], you can use this simple response to flirt with her. Wear a seductive smile and keep flirting.

Your seductive smile is enough to spring ideas in her head but she has to admire you if this will happen. If not, you may appear creepy to her.

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I was just thinking about you

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can respond with this flattering statement. The person may not believe you but he/she will be flattered to hear this.

This does not have to be true if you are just looking to flirt without expecting an actual relationship. You may also have to give a hint that you are joking so the girl does not react strangely.

Busy waiting for your text so I can reply

When a person asks you [what’s up?] over a text message, you can respond with this flirty statement. You won’t be believed but you can easily start flirting with this statement.

If the girl is not interested in chatting with you, you may get ignored.

You when my punchlines pick you up

When a person asks you [what’s up?], this response works perfectly to flatter her. You have to be a man to use this. You may get challenged after saying this so you have to prepare pick-up lines.

This already sounds like a nice pick-up line so you may put a smile on her face with this. Unfortunately, all the pickup lines in the world may be unable to get a girl who is not interested in you.

I’m having a shower alone

When a person asks you [what’s up?] in a text, this simple response can start a flirty chat. It is similar to a sensual innuendo but with simple words. He/she will wonder what you mean by it.

It will create a sensual image in his or her mind but you shouldn’t continue with sensual ideas. Some people may not be comfortable talking about the topic, especially with someone they are not romantically interested in.

If I had a picture of you, I’d be staring at it

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can use this response to flatter him or her. This implies that you would be busy staring at his/her picture if you had one with you.

The person will be flattered to get this unexpected response from you.

Nothing important except you

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can start a flirty chat with this. The person may not understand you immediately. It implies that the person is the only important thing that’s up.

The person may find this flattering but it may be the opposite if the person is strongly against the idea of having a relationship with you. In this case, all forms of flirting will be rejected.

It’s either you or nothing I care about

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can respond with this flirty statement. The person will find this amusing. It implies that the person is the only thing you are thinking about and nothing else is important to you at the moment.

It may not be believed but the person will be flattered to hear you say this.

Just having a nice time looking at you

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can respond with this silly statement. The person will be amused at the unexpected response. From the person’s, reaction you can tell if he or she is interested in your flirty chat.

This statement implies that you just enjoy staring at him or her and nothing else is worth talking about.

Your head and mine

When a person asks you [what’s up?], this is a funny statement to respond with. You won’t be answering the question as expected and the person will find it funny.

Wear a seductive smile and you can continue with pick-up lines and other flirty statements.

There is nothing more flirty than a funny statement when it’s least expected. It becomes much easier to get a lady flattered after making her laugh.

What’s up? It’s down there if you want to check

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can respond by saying this as silently as you can while looking down quickly like you are hiding something.

There is no better way to start a flirty chat than with a sensual innuendo. This is a perfect one. You should only use this if you are a guy. The girl may understand this immediately but you should not explain.

She may laugh at the joke if she understands and you can continue flirting. Your quick glance at your feet and your groin will make her understand.

If it’s a girl who does not admire you or does not tolerate flirting with you, you can expect an odd reaction.

If it’s not your chest dots, I have no idea.

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can respond with this flirty statement. You have to be a man to say this. There is a high chance the woman will understand you immediately.

She will find it amusing and her reaction will tell you if she can tolerate a flirty chat or not. She can even make it funnier by asking why you have to compare her chest bubbles with dots. If that happens, you can say you were referring to the dots on the bubbles.

Time to cuddle

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can say this. The person will find it funny. This implies that it is time to cuddle.

You can say this if you are with the person, rather than in a text message. You can even open your arms after this but don’t expect to get a hug.

The reaction may be absurd and unexpected if the person is uninterested in anything flirtatious with you. The moment you open your arms like you want a hug, you may be sending the idea that you are not just flirting.

I would have to look up for your sake but I don’t mind

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can give this silly response. You won’t be answering the question as expected. The person will find it silly and amusing but it will be equally flattering.

This implies that you have to look up to know what’s up but you don’t mind doing it for his/her sake. You can start a flirty chat with this.

14 Sarcastic Responses To “What’s Up?”

 Below is a list of perfect responses to [What’s up?] if you are hoping to sound witty and sarcastic;

  1. It could have been a roof
  2. If it’s not my feet, it’s my head.
  3. I pray it’s not my male instrument, right now.
  4. It could be the carpet, depending on where you slept.
  5. I am as happy as I look right now.
  6. Asides from my hat?
  7. It’s not worse than I expected.
  8. Your time
  9. I am as curious as you.
  10. Are you too hardworking to look up yourself?
  11. If I knew, I’d pull it down.
  12. It could be me if I weren’t in bed.
  13. I’ll tell you when next I look up.
  14. It’s a ceiling fan. That’s what ceiling fans look like.
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It could have been a roof

This is a sarcastic response. This implies that whatever is up is not a roof. The person will find this response unexpected and funny. You can use this when you are both outdoors.

If it’s not my feet, it’s my head

This is another sarcastic response you can give to [What’s up?]. Your feet are definitely not above your head. The person will get the joke and may play along with it by checking.

I pray it’s not my male instrument, right now

This is a funny, sarcastic, and flirty response to give to [What’s up?]. Using a sensual innuendo can be extremely funny and exciting if you are saying it to the right person.

However, if the person has a bland sense of humor or is unwilling to flirt with you, the reaction may be different and dismissive.

It could be the carpet, depending on where you slept

This is a funny and sarcastic response when you are asked [What’s up?]. This implies that the person could have slept under the carpet but not everyone will get the joke.

You may get the person to ask why he/she would ever sleep under the carpet. The reaction should be amusing and enjoyable but it may be quite different and boring if the person has no sense of humor or is looking for an answer to a subject matter you both know.

I am as happy as I look right now.

This is a sarcastic response if you are looking sad or angry at the moment. The person will fight the urge to laugh at your statement after comparing your statement with the look on your face.

Asides from my hat?

This is a sarcastic question to respond with when you are asked [What’s up?]. It is not the expected response so it will be found amusing.

If the person wishes, he/she may play along with your joke and answer your question.

It’s not worse than I expected

This is a sarcastic response. It is structured in a way that seems like you had a good day but it means otherwise. The person may chuckle about it before asking what happened during the day and why you expected it.

Your time

This is another sarcastic response to [What’s up?]. You may want to say you are joking before the person gets angry about your response.

I am as curious as you

This is another funny and sarcastic statement to respond with. This implies that you don’t know what’s up. The person will find it absurd and funny since it’s a regular question with a regular answer.

Are you too hardworking to look up yourself?

You can say this and seem like you are rebuking the person. Then you can look up and start describing the sky. The person will get the joke immediately and nudge you out of the silly act.

If I knew, I’d pull it down

This is another sarcastic response you can give. The person will find it slightly amusing due to the irregular answer you provided. Then you can ask about the person’s welfare too.

It could be me if I weren’t in bed

You can give this sarcastic response over a text. You can also say this while talking to the person physically. If he/she says you’re not in bed, you can act surprised and say [Wow. I’m actually up. God is great].

I’ll tell you when next I look up

You can say this and avoid looking up. If he/she appears pissed about your response, you can say [do you want me to check now? I’ll just do it]

It’s a ceiling fan. That’s what ceiling fans look like

You can say this if you are under a roof and there is a fan on the ceiling. The person will find it amusing and probably nudge you for teasing him/her.

10 Funny Responses to “What’s Up?”

Below is a list of perfect responses to [What’s up?] if you are trying to make the person laugh.

  1. I’m not sure but something down there might be coming up
  2. Not me. I’m in bed.
  3. It’s still the roof. Nothing has changed.
  4. If it isn’t the sky, I don’t know what it is.
  5. Unless it’s my dead grandma, I don’t care what’s up.
  6. I wish it weren’t my rent again but it is.
  7. I’d say the moon since you’re too lazy to confirm
  8. As long as it isn’t my rent, I don’t care.
  9. Something went up right now and, trust me, you don’t want to hear about it.
  10. I would have to look up for your sake but I don’t mind.

I’m not sure but something down there might be coming up

When a person asks you [what’s up?], this is a funny response to kick off a flirty chat. There is nothing more flirtatious and funny than a sensual innuendo in an unguarded moment unless you’re in an official environment.

The person may understand it immediately and she may not. Whoever is using this has to be a man. It will get her to laugh even if she’s uninterested.

Not me. I’m in bed

When a person asks you [what’s up?], you can start a flirty chat with this. This statement is not flirty but you can start flirting with this. This can only be used in a text message since you’ll be joking about being in bed.

The person will laugh at this because it is not the expected response. This should get anyone amused as long as an effective sense of humor is involved.

It’s still the roof. Nothing has changed

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can give this funny response. This response goes two ways. It does not answer the question but it answers the question in a way.

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The person will find it amusing to hear you say [the roof] but the second part of your response implies that nothing has changed.

The person won’t be amused for long if the second message is understood. While this should be funny and comprehensible to anyone, you may not be getting the expected reaction if the person has a bland sense of humor.

If it isn’t the sky, I don’t know what it is.

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can respond with this funny statement. This implies that you don’t know what’s up but it won’t be accepted to mean that. The person will laugh at this and probably give you a knock for the silly response.

Unless it’s my dead grandma, I don’t care what’s up.

When a person asks you [What’s up?], this is a dark joke you can respond with. If the person has a perfect sense of humor to match yours, he/she can ask what your dead grandma may be doing up.

Then, you can feign realization and thank him/her for showing you the truth.

At the end of the conversation, both of you will laugh at this response. Not everyone will like a dark joke, however. Some people believe that the dead have to be respected and should not be mentioned in silly talks.

I wish it weren’t my rent again but it is.

When a person asks you [What’s up?], this is a funny way to pass the message about your rent. It will sound like you are unserious but this response directly answers the question.

It can also be false and it will be funnier if you own the house and don’t have to pay rent.

This is quite sad if it’s true so you can see this as a means of laughing over the trouble instead of brooding over it.

I’d say the moon since you’re too lazy to confirm

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can say this. It is better if it is daytime. The person will get the joke immediately.

You will get him/her to laugh unless the person has a bland sense of humor or there is an expected response on a topic.

When a person expects a particular response on an important topic, joking about it may not be tolerated, no matter how funny your joke is.

As long as it isn’t my rent, I don’t care.

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can say this and mean it. It won’t be as funny as others but it is amusing. This directly answers the question so everyone should understand it, including someone with a bland sense of humor.

However, like every other joke on this list, you shouldn’t use this in an official setting. It may also not be tolerated if the person is referring to an important topic.

Something went up right now and, trust me, you don’t want to hear about it.

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can respond with this sensual innuendo. The person will laugh immediately after she gets the joke. You have to be a man to use this.

This is flirty so if the person does not want to have a sensual chat with you, you may not get an expected reaction.

I would have to look up for your sake but I don’t mind.

When a person asks you [What’s up?], you can give this silly response. You won’t be answering the question as expected. It is both funny and flirtatious. You can go ahead and flirt with the person after saying this.

12 Cute Responses To What’s Up

Below is a list of possible responses you can get when you ask [What’s up?] and what they mean.

  • I’m doing great.
  • What do you expect?
  • You won’t believe what happened.
  • Nothing’s up. I’m bored.
  • Guess what happened.
  • Everything’s sweet. How’s your day going?
  • Hello
  • Good day.
  • I’m having fun as much as I can.
  • Taking things easy
  • I should be asking you. You’re looking great.
  • I’m okay. You?

I’m doing great

You can simply say you are doing great when you are asked what’s up.

What do you expect?

This is another regular response you can give. It implies that nothing special is happening and the person already knows what happens every day.

You won’t believe what happened.

This is a usual way to pass a special message if you have one to tell. You can also use this sarcastically and, when the person asks about what happened, you can say [Nothing].

Nothing’s up. I’m bored.

This is a usual way to respond if nothing special happened during the day.

Guess what happened

This is a regular response you can employ if you have something to tell the person. You can also use this sarcastically and say [Nothing happened].

Everything’s sweet. How’s your day going?

This is one of the responses most people give without even thinking about it. This also throws the question back to the person asking.


When a person says [What’s up?] as a greeting, you can say [Hello] instead of answering.

Good day

When a person says [What’s up?] as a greeting, you can simply greet back instead of answering the question. [Good day] is good to go at any time of day so you don’t have to check the time before saying this.

I’m having fun as much as I can.

This is another way you can respond without talking about your life. This doesn’t say whether things are going great or not.

Taking things easy

This is another way to say you are advancing slowly. You can say this and ask about the person’s welfare too.

I should be asking you. You’re looking great

This is another way to turn the question into a compliment. You will get the person flattered by this response. 

I’m okay. You?

This is a regular response to this question. If you don’t want further questions about your welfare, you can say this.

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