15 Other Ways to Say “I Agree With This Statement”

There are several ways we express ourselves when we agree with something that someone else has said.

The English dictionary assists us with several words that refer to this meaning. Some of these words include; concur, affirm, confirm etc.

There are many more similar words in the dictionary at our disposal. This article has brought a list of statements you can introduce in your conversations and use in expressing your agreement with an idea. Help yourself.

15 Other Ways To Say “I Agree With This Statement”

 Other Ways To Say ‘I Agree With This Statement'

  1. I think so too.
  2. I support that 
  3. Absolutely.
  4. We should do it.
  5. You are totally right.
  6. Same here.
  7. That is true.
  8. Great minds think alike
  9. Yes. I am sure of it.
  10. I feel the same
  11. Affirmative
  12. Me too.
  13. Exactly what I thought.
  14. I couldn’t agree with you more
  15. You took that out of my mind 

Other Ways To Say ‘I Agree With This Statement'

I think so too.

 This is one way of agree with what a person has said to you. You may want to disagree because of the use of ‘think’. However, a person does not have to be sure about a particular idea before agreeing with it.

In a situation where a person is being judged for his or her intentions, others can only guess the reasons for his or her actions since they can’t know his true intentions.

They can only try to read the emotions, calculate the person’s actions, and think of a conclusion. You can agree with a person’s conclusion because you also think the same thing.

However, what a person thinks may not always be right and what you are agreeing with may be equally wrong.

  • “Shouldn’t we just go and come back later?”
  • “I think so too.”

I support that.

This is not simply what a person says. This is a statement that usually comes when an important decision is about to be made and the opinion of every party is required. A person can raise an idea on what the group can do or rules that can be made within the group.

Others can agree with what the person has said by supporting his idea. When you support an idea, you are agreeing to bear the consequences of the idea.

It is similar to you raising the same idea and the others supporting you too. That way, everyone bears the burden of the idea. It is different from having no opinions at all.

  • “We can hang out in the yard till he shows up.”
  • “I support that.”


This can be used as an interjection. It sounds even better as an interjection. It will show that you are truly in support of what a person has said. Assuming a person makes a statement and it’s what you were going to say or an idea that you have already thought of, you can say ‘absolutely’ even impulsively.

When you say this word, the person will know that you are in support of what he or she has said to you.

This does not usually focus on ideas. Rather, it focuses on facts that may not be clear to everyone. An example can be the implicit consequences of an action that is usually performed by everyone.

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Virtually everyone will have different opinions about it and some may not agree that there are negative consequences. However, there may be slight consequences when a person takes a closer look.

You may be having your ideas based on your analysis of something that most people seem blind to. You will feel surprised when a person comes up with the same idea.

  • “The calcium drug may be able to kill a drug.”
  • “Absolutely”

We should do it.

Clearly, this is about a group decision. In a group where people are raising their opinions on what they should do for whatever reasons there may be, you can raise an idea and get supported by another person. A person can also take his or her opinion which you will agree to.

You can tell the group to go with the idea that the person has raised. This will show that you are in support of what a person has said. Therefore, whatever the consequences of that action are, you and the owner of the idea will be bearing it together.

Also, this does not necessarily have to be about one person’s idea. It may be a group contemplation. The group may be at a point where a decision has to be made. Probably, they either have to do one thing or refuse to do it.

As a group, everyone will consider the consequences of both possible decisions. If you think it is a good idea to take the step, you can just tell the team what you think.

  • “We have the option of auctioning the items now.”
  • “We should do it.”

You are totally right.

 It should be much clear now that agreement can come in several ways and situations. You can agree with a person’s idea on what to do or what decision to make. You can agree with a person’s statement of fact. You can also agree with a person’s calculations and conclusion. 

400;”>This response will not work in agreeing to a decision. However, you can agree with a person’s statement with this. A person can state a possible reason for a decision.

The person can state the possible consequences of a decision. The person can simply just say what he or she has noticed in something else. You can agree with what the person has said.

The person may even just be guessing but you believe the person is right. You can simply mention that the person is right. You can also state your ideas to show that the person’s guesses are actually right and to show that you know what you are talking about.

  • “He may have left it here with the purpose of returning later.”
  • “You are totally right.”

Same here.

This statement is definitely cliché. It is used in different situations and may mean different things. In this case, you have to use it carefully.

The phrase is often used to mean that the same thing that applies to one person also applies to you. You may be thinking what a person is also considering.

You may be sharing a name or another special feature with a person. If you will use ‘Same here’ for agreement, it is more suitable if the person has expressed his or her thoughts.

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When a person says something like ‘I think there is always a smaller ball in the big balls we play’, you can say ‘Same here’ to imply that you think the same. You will be agreeing with what the person thinks.

  • “I think we should stay home.”
  • “Same here.”

That is true.

Saying something is true is directly implying that you agree with the statement. It may be a popular fact that certain people do not know about.

It may be some sort of knowledge that only a selected set of people can affirm. It may also be some sort of rumor that can only be confirmed by someone going through a particular situation.

For example, there can be a rumor that says COVID patients feel itchy in all parts of their bodies. It would only take a COVID patient to confirm. People who have never had the virus can only ask COVID patients and believe what they are told.

Saying that something is true does not necessarily mean it is true. However, it means that you are agreeing that the statement is true. If the statement turns out wrong, the person is wrong and you are too.

  • “I hear guys are not allowed in there.”
  • “That is true.”

Great minds think alike.

 Have you heard this saying before? ‘Great minds think alike’. Maybe great minds do think alike. You may have been in a situation where several people are in the same dilemma as you are and you are thinking of a way out of the situation.

You can find a solution from your deep thinking and while you are thinking of executing the plan, another person is also thinking the same. You may have believed yourself to be wise when you discovered that solution. Equally, the other person believed himself or herself to be wise to have thought of that idea.

When you say ‘Great minds think alike’, you are telling the person that you agree with the person’s idea. You are not only saying you agree but also saying that you were thinking the same thing.

  • “I think we should make a hole at the top.”
  • “Great minds think alike.”

Yes. I am sure of it.

 We all know what ‘Yes’ means. When you say ‘Yes’, you are affirming something. You are either confirming that you have heard a statement or that you agree with the statement that has been made.

‘Yes’ alone shows that you agree with something. However, saying that you are sure of it takes the situation to another level. A person may have brought a suggestion that the group is debating on.

If everyone had to vote, you would be raising your hand and that would mean you are part of those who brought the suggestion. However, in a situation where everyone is unsure, claiming that you are sure can convince the group to go with whatever decision you agree with.

If the decision fails to work as expected, you may be taking more blame than the person who initially made the suggestion. This is because you have played a bigger part in making the group take the step.

  • “The concert may not affect our online presence.”
  • “Yes. I am sure of it.”
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I feel the same.

This is what you should probably say if you are unsure with what you are agreeing with. Two or several people can be thinking of a particular thing in the same way.

While this usually convinces many that they may be thinking in the right way, it is not always so. In other words, everyone in the group can be wrong at the same time.

This statement suggests that you are having the same thoughts as someone else. Your thoughts may be influenced by something which is equally influencing the other person’s thoughts.

This may be because of an omitted detail or an extra part that should be ignored. You can simply say you feel the same or think the same thing without saying you are sure.

  • “I don’t think we are wanted in that gathering.”
  • “I feel the same.”


This is more like a simple ‘yes’ but it often comes when you are asked a question. It does not necessarily have to be a question however. It may be a statement that is being confirmed from you. Saying ‘Affirmative’ does not simply mean you agree. It means what has been said is a fact.

You should only say affirmative if what has been said is asking how you feel. In that case, you would be agreeing that you feel that way by saying ‘affirmative’. 

  • “He can be made our captain, right?”
  • “Affirmative.”

Me too.

This phrase is not usually for agreeing with ideas. It is mostly used to mean something that applies to a person equally applies to you. When a person makes a statement about himself or herself, saying ‘Me too’ means the statement also applies to you.

This will be used for agreeing when a person expresses his or her thoughts which you agree with. Saying ‘Me too’ will mean you think the same too.

  • “I think there should be someone waiting in the other side.”
  • “Me too.”

Exactly what I thought.

This also has to do with your thoughts. While you are agreeing with a person’s statement, you are doing so indirectly. If the decision backfires, you won’t be bearing much blame.

  • “We can have the band play at the event.”
  • “Exactly what I thought.”

I couldn’t agree with you more.

 This is a popular way of showing agreement to something someone has said. You are not suggesting that you are thinking so. You are fully agreeing with the statement. In other words, you could have brought the idea up yourself and you will be bearing the blame if it backfires.

  • “It will be better for us to stay behind.”
  • “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

You took that out of my mind.

This is another popular saying which means you were thinking of a statement that someone just made. You are indirectly agreeing with the statement too. It may be a suggestion or a mere thought.

  • “We can have two guys at the doorpost.”
  • “You took that out of my mind.”

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