15 Best Responses to ‘Kudos’ On Linkedin

‘Kudos’ is a great way to express appreciation for a job well done or to congratulate someone on a job promotion or victory.

It is an online version of giving someone a pat on the back, and it can be a great source of motivation and inspiration.

But how do you respond when someone sends you kudos? Do you say thank you? Do you return the gesture? The answer isn’t always so simple.

That’s why I’ve put together a list of the 15 best responses to ‘kudos’ on LinkedIn. From thoughtful replies to clever comebacks, these responses will help you show your appreciation and stand out from the crowd.

Whether you want to thank someone for their ‘kudos’ or simply show your appreciation, there’s something here for everyone.

So read on to discover the best ways to respond to ‘kudos’ on LinkedIn.

15 Best Ways To Respond To ‘Kudos’ On Linkedin 

‘Kudos’ are a great way to show your appreciation for someone’s hard work. Whether you’re celebrating a job promotion or thanking a colleague for a job well done, a kind ‘kudos’ is always appreciated.

But what should you say in return when someone offers ‘kudos’ on LinkedIn? Here are 15 of the best responses you can give to show your appreciation for the kind gesture.

  1. Thanks for the kudos, It’s always nice to be appreciated. 
  2. I appreciate the recognition, it’s great to know that my hard work is paying off. 
  3. I’m humbled by your kind words. 
  4. Thank you for the kudos, it means a lot to me. 
  5. I’m thrilled to have earned your respect. 
  6. Your words are encouraging and inspiring. 
  7. I’m so glad that you noticed my efforts. 
  8. It’s an honor to receive your praise. 
  9. I’m grateful for your support. 
  10. I’m glad that you’re proud of my work. 
  11. I’m thrilled by your recognition. 
  12. Your recognition means a lot to me. 
  13. I’m glad I could make you proud. 
  14. I’m honored to receive your kudos. 
  15. Thank you for taking the time to recognize my efforts. 

Thanks for the kudos, It’s always nice to be appreciated

This is a simple, yet effective way to show your appreciation while also indicating that you understand the importance of being acknowledged.

When someone gives you ‘kudos’ on LinkedIn, it is a way of showing appreciation for your work or contribution.

By replying with Thanks for the kudos! It’s always nice to be appreciated, you are expressing your gratitude and acknowledging the recognition.

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It’s a friendly way to show you appreciate the compliment and that you value the recognition. It also opens up the possibility for further conversation.

This response shows professionalism and good manners and is a great way to make positive connections with others.

I appreciate the recognition, it’s great to know that my hard work is paying off

This response communicates that you are aware of your accomplishments and are motivated to continue succeeding.

I’m humbled by your kind words

Responses to Kudos On Linkedin

Saying I’m humbled by your kind words is an excellent response to receiving ‘kudos’ on Linkedin.

This reply conveys your appreciation for the other person’s kind words and suggests that you are humbled and honored to receive the compliment.

It also displays your humility and shows that you are genuinely grateful for the other person’s recognition.

By responding in this way, you acknowledge the other person’s kind words, while also conveying a sense of humility and respect.

This can help to strengthen your relationships with the other person and your professional network. Additionally, it will also leave a lasting impression of your professionalism and character.

It conveys humility and gratitude, both of which are important qualities to display on LinkedIn.

Thank you for the kudos, it means a lot to me

This response lets the person know that you truly appreciate their recognition.

I’m thrilled to have earned your respect

This response communicates that you feel proud to be respected by the person giving you kudos.

Your words are encouraging and inspiring

This response shows that you understand the power of a compliment and are motivated to continue striving for success.

I’m so glad that you noticed my efforts

Responses to Kudos On Linkedin

When someone gives you a compliment such as ‘kudos’ on Linkedin, it is important to thank them for their recognition.

A great response to this is I’m so glad that you noticed my efforts. This conveys your appreciation for their acknowledgment of your hard work while also expressing your humility.

On Linkedin, compliments such as ‘kudos’ are often given in order to recognize and appreciate someone’s hard work.

By responding with I’m so glad that you noticed my efforts, you are conveying your gratitude for their recognition and appreciation of your efforts.

This response also allows you to express your modesty, as it implies that you are humbly accepting the compliment.

This response is a great way to show your appreciation for their acknowledgment while maintaining a humble attitude.

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It’s an honor to receive your praise

This response conveys humility and appreciation for the person’s recognition.

I’m grateful for your support

The phrase I’m grateful for your support is a great reply to ‘kudos’ on Linkedin. ‘Kudos’ is a form of recognition that can be used to thank someone for their efforts.

It is a powerful statement of appreciation, and so it is fitting that the response should express gratitude.

When someone reaches out with kudos, they are expressing their support and appreciation, and so a response such as I’m grateful for your support is a perfect way to show your own gratitude and appreciation for the recognition and encouragement you’ve received.

This response shows that you are thankful for the person’s encouragement and that you recognize the importance of having a support system.

I’m glad that you’re proud of my work

This response communicates that you understand the importance of having someone believe in you and that you appreciate the recognition.

I’m thrilled by your recognition

The phrase, I’m thrilled by your recognition. is a great reply to ‘kudos’ on LinkedIn because it conveys a positive and enthusiastic sentiment that is both professional and appreciative.

It expresses that you are honored to be acknowledged and that you find the recognition meaningful. Furthermore, it shows that you are grateful and humble in your response.

This response is an effective way to acknowledge appreciation on LinkedIn because it provides an opportunity for a more positive and engaged dialogue between two people.

It signifies that you are thankful for the recognition and that you are eager to continue the conversation and build a deeper connection.

This response allows you to express your gratitude for the recognition in a professional and courteous manner.

Additionally, it demonstrates that you are willing to accept compliments and recognize the appreciation of others.

Your recognition means a lot to me. 

This response communicates that you appreciate the person’s acknowledgment and that you feel proud of your accomplishments.

I’m glad I could make you proud

This phrase conveys a sense of appreciation for the recognition that was given, and it also shows humility.

It implies that the individual receiving the ‘kudos’ is thankful for the recognition and humbly acknowledges that they are proud to have made the sender proud.

It is a positive response that reflects the individual’s satisfaction in having achieved something worth being proud of.

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Furthermore, this phrase expresses gratitude for the sender’s recognition and expresses that the individual is happy to have been able to make the sender proud.

In this way, the phrase is a great way to acknowledge the sender’s appreciation and to show that the individual is proud of their accomplishment.

I’m honored to receive your kudos

This response conveys humility and gratitude, both of which are important qualities to display on LinkedIn.

Thank you for taking the time to recognize my efforts

When someone takes the time to recognize your efforts, it is always nice to show your appreciation. Saying thank you for taking the time to recognize my efforts is a great reply to ‘kudos’ on Linkedin.

This shows that you are grateful for the recognition and that you recognize the effort the other person put in to send you that message.

It also lets the sender know that you appreciate the acknowledgment of your hard work and that you value their opinion.

This can help to foster relationships and create a sense of mutual respect between you and your LinkedIn contacts.

Furthermore, it demonstrates that you are aware of the social norms and etiquette of using the platform, which can help to enhance your professional image.

No matter which response you choose, make sure to be genuine and sincere when expressing your appreciation.

Showing gratitude is a great way to stand out and make a connection on LinkedIn. Good luck!


‘Kudos’ is a fantastic way to recognize and reward your colleagues for their hard work, and the 15 best responses to ‘kudos’ on LinkedIn listed in this article can help you show your appreciation in a meaningful way.

From responding with a simple Thank you! to writing a thoughtful note of gratitude, each of these responses will let your colleagues know that their hard work and dedication are valued and appreciated.

No matter how you choose to respond, taking the time to recognize the hard work of your colleagues can go a long way toward creating a strong, supportive, and positive work environment.

So go ahead, take the time to show your colleagues that you appreciate them.

A simple ‘kudos’ response can go a long way to making them feel valued and showing them that their work and dedication is seen, appreciated, and rewarded.

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